I remember

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The guy from training "hello, earth to Rosa tulip Hernandez" my mother says to me "huh sorry I zoned out" I said looking down at my feet "it's fine Núria" a elderly lady says to my mom "Rosa I want you to meet Pablo,aurora,aurora and Pablo" my father said and I was very confused "what I don't understand why do all have the name?" I said and tried to figure it out "oh sorry sweetie I'm Aurora the mother" the elderly lady said to me "and I'm Pablo the father" the elderly man says who is standing beside he's wife "I'm aurora the oldest and daughter" a very pretty girl said "and I'm Pablo who is the guy you saw at training" the handsome boy said to me "oh okay I can definitely remember that" I say smiling

Flash back:
"Rosa come down" my dad yelled from downstairs. I start running down the stairs "yes papa" I said happy but then I saw that Pablo and his family also were there "um sweetheart I'm sorry but Pablo and his family are moving to Barcelona" my mom said sad. When my mom said that my smile dropped and I almost cried "w-what why?" I said almost in tears "we have to move because Pablo is going to be on the B team" pablos mom said and I didn't want them to go, but I knew that this would possibly happen one day but I didn't think I would happen this quick. I looked at Pablo and saw him crying and I ran over to him and hugged him tight while I cried into his shoulder and he cried into mine "it will be okay" Pablo said trying to calm me down "promise me that you will not forget me and that we will meet again" I said looking into his teary eyes "I promise" he said looking into my eyes "I have a gift for you to keep" he said breaking the eye contact. He pulled a box out of his pocket and it was a bracelet with our names on it

This is the bracelet "Omg Pablito it's beautiful" I said and putted it on my wrist

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This is the bracelet
"Omg Pablito it's beautiful" I said and putted it on my wrist. And then I hugged Pablo "I love you Pablito" "I love you to princesa"

End of flash back

"I remember you guys now.." I said "really how?" Pablos sister said "I remember when you guys were at my house back at Los palacios and you guys were telling us that you needed to leave because Pablo was going to play for the B team and then he gave the bracelet and promised that he would never forget me and that we would meet again.." I said the last part looking at Pablo and smiled now knowing that he had found me again "I'm so happy you remember princesa" he said coming over to and hugged me tight "I'm happy I remember you to Pablito" I said and we stopped hugging and I hugged the others

"Okay happy that we all remember each other" my father said and then we all started laughing "I'm happy to" Pablos dad said laughing and put his arm over my father and they went into the living room and then me,aurora and pablo went into the living room as well and our mothers went into the kitchen to finish dinner

We all were in the living room beside our mothers were in the kitchen. Right now my dad and pablo were playing fifa and it was intense, just imagine seeing your childhood crush but also your crush now playing against you're own father. "VAMOS" came from pablos mouth and me and aurora started laughing because my father just lost to a 18 year old "ughh Pablo paez gavira you are benched for the next game" my father said "dad you can't bench him for the next game unless you want Barca to lose" I said to my father who looked kind of mad "you're right I don't want the team to lose to Madrid" my dad said to Pablo and shaked hands with Pablo

"Guys dinner is ready" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen "Coming" we all yelled back and walked over to the table. I sat myself down and on my right was pablo and on my left was aurora "why did you yell?" Pablos mom asked pablo because she heard his voice yell "because I beat Xavi" pablo said it very proudly "yeah yeah whatever" my dad said annoyed "he wanted to bench pablo because he lost" aurora said "Xavi Hernandez did you bench him?!" My mom said kind of mad because when Barca loses to Madrid then she gets mad "I didn't I promise" my dad said because he knows when my mom says our last name then it means we're in trouble. My mom looks at me seriously "mom he didn't bench him don't worry" I said to my mom who was really relieved and we all started laughing because of how she reacted

That was it for part 2 of this story and I hope that you like this story so far and I hope that you will like the next part where there will be more gavi and Rosa content
Adios amigos<3

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