The mission

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I was in my office working. When all of the sudden my phone started vibrating "Hello?" I said to who ever was on the line "Hello is this Mr Gavira?" A voice on the other line said "Yes this is him" I said "Well, Mrs Gavira we have a mission for you in Brazil" The man said "Uh okay. Who am I speaking to?" I asked "You are speaking with Mr Torrance" He said "Okay, well when is the mission?" I asked "The mission is today. It starts at 6 PM sharp" He said "WHAT?! Today at 6 PM sharp" I said "Yes sir at 6 PM" He said "but I have something to do today at 6 PM" I said. I mean I have a football game at 6, so how am I supposed to go on the mission "Well I don't know how you are going to do both, but this a very important mission. Mr Gavira" He said "Ugh, okay fine I will do it" I said. And ended the call.

I decided that I would text Rosa that I had a mission today, but I don't know how I am supposed to do the mission and the match

                                     Mi amor🫶🏻

                                         Hey princess. What are doing?

Hey love. Nothing really. I am just
really bored. Why?

                                  Um well uh. You know how I have
                                                                       a match today

Yeah what about it?

                     Well I got a call today from a man and he
                said that there is a important mission that I
                                                                        have to go to

Okay. I know where this is going

                  Yeah. It doesn't surprise me that you know

So let me get this straight. You have a
mission that is today,but you also have
a football game today. That is also important


Oh my love. That's not easy

          I know I know, but I just don't know what to do

I can tell my dad that you aren't
feeling well and then I can ask if
Pedri could take over so you can go on the mission

                                            Thank you so much princess
                                              Gosh how did I deserve you

Because you are the best boyfriend
any one could ask for

                                              Even though I am a mafia?

Yes even though you are a mafia

                                         Thanks princess. I love you😘

I love you too🫶🏻
Be safe. I don't want to sit and cry
in front of my boyfriends grave

           You won't mi amor I promise that I will be safe

Okay that made me feel a bit better

That's good. See you mi amor❤️

See you handsome🤍

Rosa's Pov:

I just got done texting with Gavi. I went downstairs to the living room, where my parents and siblings were "Hey dad. Uh Gavi isn't feeling well so he can't play today" I said "Oh no that's not good, is he okay?" My dad asked concerned "Not really, but he said we shouldn't worry" I said. Knowing that he definitely didn't say that "Okay. Well can you then tell Pedri that he has to play" He said "Yes of course I can call him now" I said "Thank you so much sweetheart" He said with a smile and I smiled as well and went up stairs to my room and called Pedri.

"Hey Pedri" I said over the phone "Hey Rosa. What's up" He said "Well you kind of have to take over for Gavi today, because poor boy got sick" I said "Okay. I can do that is he okay though?" He asked "Yeah he's okay" I said "Okay that's good. Well I have to get going then. Talk to you later" He said and hung up after I said bye to him. I texted my dad that Pedri could take over, because I am too lazy to go and tell him.

I just ate dinner with my mom and sibling. While watching the game and we won. I am so freaking happy that we won, but kind of sad at the same time. Because who loves not seeing their own boyfriend not playing with his club. I really miss him and hope that he is okay and hasn't been shot or something like that. I decided to just go to bed and get over the thing that Gavi is gone for a bit, so I said goodnight to my mom and siblings and texted congratulations to my dad.

It was 2 AM in the freaking morning and I got a text from Gavi

Mi hijo💗

Hey my love. Sorry if I woke you up,
but I just wanted to see how
you were doing

Hey handsome. Yes I am awake
and I'm okay I just really miss you🥺

Awh princesa. I miss you too,
but I am actually coming home early

Wait you are?

Sì mi esposa

Oh baby. Since when were
we married?😂

Since we saw each other again😉

You wish love

Yeah I do wish that you
we're my wife

One day, love one day

No not one day

                               What do you mean 'Not no one day'

I mean. I will marry you soon
mi esposa😉

Okay mi esposo, see you soon

See you, mi esposa❤️

Hola guys. I hope you a great day and a great Christmas and December. I love guys so much and thank you for your support
Adios Amigos<3

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