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Gavi's Pov:

I decided that I was going to quit being a mafia. I want to concentrate on football and not on putting a bullet in someone's head. I don't know how I am going to tell Rosa, but I hope that she won't be mad.

I just gave my mafia to one of my employees, so now I can concentrate on football and my beautiful girlfriend. I drove of to the Hernandez house, so I can talk to Rosa. I got out of my car and walked up to the door and knocked on the door "Ah there is my favourite midfielder" Xavi said when he saw me at the door "Hey Xavi is Rosa home?" I ask "Yes she is. Come on in kid" he said letting me in "She's upstairs in her room" Xavi said. I went up to her room and knocked on her door 'come in' she yelled "Hey beautiful" I said "Hey baby" Rosa said running up to me and jumping up into my hands giving me a kiss.

"What are you doing here?" She asked pulling me over to her bed and sat down on the edge of her bed "Well, I want to tell you something" I said getting a bit nervous of how she will react "I quit being a mafia" I said "What. Well who owns it now?" She asked "One of my employees have taken over, so I can now focus on football and you" I said. Happy that I can still play "Awh that's sweet of you" She said. She is such a cutie "So you don't hate me?" I asked "Baby if I would be mad at you. Then I would be mad at my self" She said

"What are your plans for tonight?" I asked her "Nothing why?" She asked "Can I take my pretty girl to dinner tonight?" I asked her. Since last time didn't end how it should "Ofc you can. When is it" she asked with the most cutest smile ever "It is at 5, so I will just come and pick you up" I said. I went back to my house to get ready for dinner. I got into my suit and drove over to pick up Rosa. There she was. I got out my car, so I could help her in the car "Why hello mi hermosa" I said winking at her "Hello mi guapo" She said, while I helped her into the passenger seat and closed the door and walked over to the driver seat and sat in the driver seat and turned the car on and drove of to the restaurant "So where are we going?" She asked "You'll see" I said with a grin on my face.

We got to the restaurant and walked in to the front desk. That stupid guy that flirted with my girl was at the front desk. How is he still alive, even though I only shot him in his arm "Mr Gavira right?" He asked "Yes" I said being cold "Um hey Paisley can you take mr Gavira to his table?" He asked a blonde girl "Yes ofc follow me" She said. We followed the blonde girl to our table "Here is your table and your menus. I will let you guys look at the menus" Paisley said and left. I pulled Rosa's chair out so she could sit "What a gentleman you are" Rosa said "What a beautiful girl you are" I said winking at Rosa and she started blushing while she giggled.

Paisley came back "Are you guys ready to order?" She asked with a smile "Yes I will have the burger and water" I said "And for the lady" "Can I have the chicken pasta and water please" "Ofc that will be about 5 minutes" Paisley said taking our menus and walking of with a smile "I hope this time you won't shot someone in the arm" Rosa said. I laughed "Oh mi amor I won't. I don't even any guns anymore. Now I am know for being a Barca player" I said while holding her hand "And my boyfriend?" She asked "Ofc baby" I said giving her peck on her hand "Baby have you ever thought about playing football?" I ask. Wanting to know if she is even interested in playing or if she only knows small little details about football "Yeah I have but I don't think that I am that good at it" Rosa said. That has to be a lie she is really good at it we played football all the time when we were younger and she was really good at it.

"That's has to be the biggest lie that has ever came out of your mouth. You are really good at football and I think that you could for the women's team" I said. Seeing her face light when she heard that I thought that she could play for the women's team "You really think that I can play for the women's team?" She asked "Yes. Ofc you can. Listen I will talk with Giráldez about it and I will tell you if you can sign or not. If you want to" I said, hoping that she will say yes, because have seen that girl she is amazing at football "Yes ofc I would love to play for the women's team" Rosa said with the biggest smile ever.

Our food came and we ate while we talked about football and how it would work out with us together. And what would happen if Rosa started playing football. We found out that it wouldn't be that hard since we ofc have to travel a lot, but we would still have time to be together and have some alone time.

Rosa's Pov:

Me and Gavi talked about football and how he decided that he didn't want to be a mafia anymore and I respect that he doesn't want to be a mafia anymore. I'm happy that I will maybe play for the FCbarcelona women's team.

Happy new year guys I hope that this year will be a better year for Barca since last year wasn't the best year
Adios Amigos<3

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