Biggest Lie

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Rosa's Pov:

I have done nothing, like literally nothing. I have been in my room the entire day. Gavi left in the morning after breakfast, because he had training.

I heard the doorbell go off, but I didn't think much of it since my parents are home, so they should probably answer it. It's been like what 20 minutes since the doorbell rang, but the only thing, I am hearing is people talking downstairs, but it's not just my parents voices. There are other voices.

I heard a knock on my door "come in" I said. My mom came in my room "can you come downstairs?" My mom asked me. She didn't look happy "yes ofc" I answered my mom. We went downstairs into our living room and I was shocked. Leo Messi and his wife are in my living room, Antonela smiled at me "sit down Rosa" Leo told me and I sat down in a chair, while my parents and Leo and Antonela are sitting on the couch in front of me.

"We have to tell you something, that we have been keeping from you for awhile..." my dad said "okay and that is?" I said with a questionable tone "uhm you aren't our daughter" my mom or should I say Núria said "what do you mean 'I'm not your daughter'?" I asked very confused "you are our daughter and your name isn't Rosa" Antonela said "wait are you two my parents?" I asked Leo and Antonela "yeah we are. We were only 18 when we had you so we decided to give you to Xavi and Núria because we were so young, but you are 17 now, so it's time that you know the truth and that your name isn't Rosa Bella Hernandez, your name is Evelyn Lopez Messi" Leo or should I say my dad told me and I am in shock "wait hold on does Gavi know?" I asked "he does know we just told him and he is happy that he got the truth and he thinks that you should ofc start playing football,but not just for Barca, but also for the Argentina women's team" Antonela said "so should I start packing my stuff or..?" I asked kind of exited "yes because we have a flight to Miami that we need to catch" Leo said and I nodded and walked upstairs and started packing, when I got a text from Gavi.

                                       Mi hijo💗

Hey mi amor I heard that you
are going to Miami to meet you brothers

                                              Hey love yeah I am packing
                                                              My stuff right now

I hope you have a safe flight
I will see you when you come back

                                                      I will miss you so much

I will miss you too, but don't worry
We are going to find out about the whole
Barca thing and then we will find out if you
have to live with me when you are going to
play for Barca

                                          I hope that I can live with you

You will
even when we have kids
and get married😉

                                                               Gosh I love you❤️

I love you too bonita😘

                                              I have to go back to packing
                           but I will call you when I get to Miami

Okay princesa have a safe flight
Love you💋

                                                                    Love you too🫶🏻

I got back to packing all my stuff "are you done sweetheart?" My mom asked me "yeah I'm done" I said and we took my stuff down stairs and placed my stuff in the car. I went up to Xavi and Núria and gave them a hug, but I didn't say anything and just looked at them and gave them a smile and then walked down the stairs into the car.

We have been driving 45 minutes and finally arrived at the airport. Luckily there weren't any fans or paparazzi, so we could easily get in the airport and into my dad's private jet. It takes along time to fly from Barcelona to Miami, so I can just sleep and relax and get myself ready to meet my new brothers. Gosh this has been an interesting day, but if I have to be honest I'm happy that I am with my real parents. I really love my real name I have always liked the name Evelyn more than Rosa. Rosa is so boring.

I made another plot twist. I don't know why but I just love making plot twist's. I decided to get Leo and Antonela into this story and I hope you guys like the plot twist's.
Adios amigos<3

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