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A week later

It's been a week since I have 'moved' to Miami. And everything has been going well.
I have been hanging out Thiago, Mateo and Ciro.
But I miss Gavi.
I have talked with him over the phone but I just miss him.
Aurora has called me and told me that Gavi has been trying to keeping himself busy.
Since he misses me.

Someone knocked on my door.
"Come in" I say.
My mom walked into my bedroom.
"Hey sweetie" she said.
I closed my book and placed it down beside me.
My mom walked over to my bed and sat down beside me.
"Do you want to help me cook?" My mom asked.
"Yeah sure. Why not" I replied.
We walked downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Could you make the sushi?" She asked.
I nodded and got the stuff for the sushi.
"Have you talked to Gavi?" She asked.
Why did she say it so weird?
"Yeah I have. Why?" I asked.
"Just wondering" she replied.
She's acting so weird.
Is she hiding something from me?
I shook the thought out of my head and start making the sushi.
I put rice into the mole and vegetables and salmon.
I put seaweed on the bamboo thing and push the roll with the veggies and salmon on to the seaweed.
I roll the sushi and start cutting it, but then I heard Mateo yell.
"Gavi!" Mateo yelled.
I looked at my mom.
"Evelyn. Your boyfriend is here" the boys yell. Like the people said in Encanto.
I shook my head, while laughing.
I heard Gavi and his family laugh.
Gavi and his family walked into the kitchen and right behind them were my dad and brothers.
I ran up to Gavi and jumped up into his arms and hugged him.
"Hey hermosa" Gavi said
I kissed him.
"Ewww" my brothers said at the same time.
We all laughed.
I hugged Aurora and their parents.
We all sat down at the dinner table and talked about the next season and planned that I'll be living with Gavi and some of his friends.
We started eating dinner and kept talking.

After dinner everyone went into their bedrooms and got ready for bed.
Me and Gavi walked into my bedroom.
"Your room is very beautiful, princesa" He said as he looked around my room.
"Why thank you, Pablito" I replied.
I pecked his cheek and grabbed my pyjamas and got dressed into my pyjamas.
Gavi plopped down on my bed and admired me.
"What?" I asked him.
"Just admiring my future wife and the future mother of my children" Gavi replied.
My eyes widen.
He chuckled.
I walked over to my bed and laid down beside him.
He pulled me closer to him and laid my head on his chest.
Gavi has already changed into pyjamas.
Well he just has sweatpants on but he usually sleeps in sweatpants.
"Goodnight, esposa" he said and kissed the top of my head.
"Goodnight, esposo" I said.
He chuckled and started playing with my hair, which helped me fall asleep.

Sorry that this chapter is short and sorry that I don't post much, but I'll try to post more parts while I'm on summer break.
Adios Amigos<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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