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I got up and decided to go over to Gavis house, so I could see him. I got into my car and drove over to Gavis house and got in with the spare key.

I was bored so I decided to just walk around his house until he got back home. I was walking around his house. When I came across his office, so I decided to go in and snoop around his office. I walked around in his office looking around. There was a picture on his desk and I noticed that it was a picture of me and him when we were kids. While I was holding the picture, I felt someone behind me "well, well, well look who is in my office without my permission" a voice said behind me. My eyes widened, I turned around and saw Gavi with absolutely no emotion on his face "h-h-hi love" I said my voice breaking a bit "Hey princess" he said as he walked closer to me and I backed until my back was pressed up against his desk and he was right in front of me, so he was towering over me "So, tell me mi amor what are you doing in my office without my permission. Snooping around, hm?" He asked, with his hands in his pockets

"I wanted to come over and see you, but you weren't home so I decided to walk around your house and then I saw your office door open, so I decided that I could snoop around in your office, because I thought that there still was some time before you came back" I said. To scared to make eye contact with him, so he placed his finger under my chin and lifted my chin up to look at him "So you thought that you could just go in my office and snoop?" He asked, but I couldn't answer "Can't answer. Now can you" he said. I just shaked my head "That's what I thought" he said walking around the desk and sitting down on sit chair, unbuttoning his suit jacket "come here" he said. I walked over to him and stood between his legs

"Listen mi amor. You are in my office and my house, and that means that you will listen to my rules rather you like it or not. Am I clear" he said. I gave him a nod, but he wasn't satisfied "Use your words" he said with such force "Yes sir" I said "Good girl. Now stand by my side" he demanded.

I stood by his side and he grabbed my arm pulling me over his knee "Now be my good girl and take your punishment" he said, slowly pulling my dress up revealing my butt "I'm going to spank you 10 times since it is your first time, but if you ever do this again, then it will be more" he said, spanking me the first time was stinging so bad, but at the same time it felt good. I got to the last one, but it didn't sting that much "good job princess" he said pulling my dress down. Pulling me up and sitting me down on his lap "does it hurt princesa?" He asked "No not really" I said laying my head on his chest

"Do you want to go and take a bath?" Gavi asked "Yes please, but I want you there with me" I said pouting "Mi amor you know that I can't say no to you" He said with a smile, picking me up by my butt and then walking up the stairs. Going into his bedroom and then into his bathroom. Placing me on the counter.

Gavi turned the bath on and poured a seant of lavender in the bath. Gavi took me down from the counter and helped me take my clothes off and he took his off as well. Gosh this boy is going to be the death of me. We got into the bath and Gavi sat behind me and I sat between his legs. Laying my head on his chest.

We got out of the bath and got into pjs and we went to bed.

I hope you guys have had a good Christmas and that you will have a good new year
Adios Amigos<3

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