Mr Gavira

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I woke up to someone playing with my hair "Goodmorning princesa" gavi said whispering in my ear "Goodmorning Pablito " I said opening my eyes and smiling at him. I got up to put my clothes on but gavi pulled me back "don't ever do that again" he said "do what?" I said confused "don't ever leave me" he said "I will never do that" I said to him in a comforting way "let's go down so we can start making food" I said getting out of he's grip "okay finee" gavi said annoyed. I got into my own clothes and gavi got into his other clothes

 I got into my own clothes and gavi got into his other clothes

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This is Rosa's outfit and

This is Rosa's outfit and

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This is gavis outfit

I go down stairs to the kitchen and start making pancakes. Amelia and Pedri come down stairs and wondering why Gavi hasn't come down yet "Goodmorning you two" I said "Goodmorning Rosa" they said at the same time "hey have you guys seen gavi" I asked "he is on the phone with he's parents" Pedri said "oh okay" I said kind of relieved cause I thought that he was talking to a girl or something
"Goodmorning guys" gavi said witch took me out of my thoughts "Goodmorning bro" Pedri said giving gavi a bro hug "well who is ready to eat" I said finally done making food "uh this looks good" Amelia said "why thank you" and gave the boys there plates "this is really good" gavi said "thank you it is my own secret recipe" I said smiling knowing that I got the recipe from my grandma

"Hey do you guys want to go to the beach?" Amelia asked "sure but we need swimsuits" I said to Amelia "don't worry we will just drive by your house and then you can get them" gavi said trying to make sure that I won't get stressed because I get stressed by the smallest things "okay okay sure we can do that" I said almost getting stressed

We drew by my house and then by Amelia's house to get our swimsuits and drew of to the beach. We got to the beach "let's go" Amelia said running out of the car down to the beach and me,gavi and Pedri just started laughing and got our things out of the car and walked down to the beach where Amelia was. I started putting the blanket down and took my clothes of so I only had my swimsuit on

 I started putting the blanket down and took my clothes of so I only had my swimsuit on

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This is Rosa's swimsuit

This is Amelia's swimsuit

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This is Amelia's swimsuit

I looked at gavi and saw that he had taken his shirt of and god he looked handsome and I just couldn't stop staring "you okay?" Amelia whispered in ear and I jumped and got out of my thoughts "yeah I'm fine" I said looking at her and Amelia started to realise that I was staring at gavi "ohh you're staring at you're little hot boyfriend huh" Amelia said with a annoying smirk on her face "shut up it's not like you aren't staring at Pedri like I was looking at gavi" I said looking at but she wasn't looking at me she was looking behind me and started to turn around and I saw gavi and Pedri hearing our conversation and my eyes went wide. Amelia went over to Pedri and they started talking so it was only me and gavi "so you were staring at me huh" gavi said with grin on his face and he started to walk over to me and was standing really close to "uh I-I wasn't" I said stuttering "hm okay then but then why did I and Pedri here Amelia say that you were staring at me" he said still with he's fucking grin "what if I was what are then going to do?" I said trying to be cool but in side of I was dying "oh princess you would like know that wouldn't you" he said and I swear to god I was dying and I couldn't keep a confident face anymore and I started blushing "awh is my little princess blushing" he said with a smile mixed with a grin "shut up mr Gavira" I said smiling and blushing like crazy "nah I don't think I will mrs Gavira" he said "we're not even married or even bf and gf" I said looking at him confused "yet" he said and I was so confused did he just say that we aren't a couple yet!

The boys were now in the water looking like small kids I was just thinking about what gavi said "hey girls come down in water" Pedri yelled from the water and me and Amelia walked down to the ocean and swam over to the boys and Amelia and Pedri were together and me and gavi we're together "hey you okay princess?" He asked looking kind of worried "yeah I'm fine" I said giving him a smile and then he picked me up and held me by my butt "hey um I have question to ask you" gavi said kind of nervous "sure ask me anything" I said looking at him "um Rosa I really like you. I have never stopped loving you ever since I left and I would like to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He said nervous and I understand that "ofc I will be you're girlfriend" I said so happy and then we kissed again yes I said again gavi was my first kiss "I love you" he said smiling at me "I love you too" I said looking at him smiling

"Hey lovebirds come here" Amelia yelled from the beach and me and gavi started racing up to the beach "hey we have something to say" Pedri said "me and Pedri are together" Amelia said smiling and I was happy that she was happy and I was happy because we both got a boyfriend on the same day "congrats guys" gavi said to both of "thanks bro" Pedri said getting up from the blanket and they did there hand shake "congratulations bae" I said giving Amelia a hug "thank you love" Amelia said hugging me back "hey Amelia don't steal my girlfriend" gavi said and I started giggling "wait are you two dating?" Amelia asked looking shocked "yeah" I said "Omg congrats you two" Amelia said being really happy "yeah congrats you two" Pedri said "we should go home now it's getting late" I said kind of tired "sure let's change" gavi said and we all got dressed and drew Amelia back to her house and then the boys drew me back to my house and I ate dinner with my family and then went up to my room and took a shower and then went to bed happy

Hola my baby's I hope you enjoyed this part of the story and hope you will love the next part Adios my baby's <3

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