The secret

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                                   Rosa's Pov
We got to the restaurant and went over to the desk "I have a reservation under Pablo gavira" gavi said to the women who was at the desk "yes mister gavira, you have reserved a table for four?" She said with a smile "yes that's right" he said, and then she showed us to our table, and then a waiter came to take our orders, but when it was my turn, then the waiter started flirting with me. I could feel gavi's hand on my thigh grip harder and I knew that he was jealous "I will have the pasta" I said not giving him eye contact "alright I will be back in a minute with your food" the waiter said giving me a wink, but I just looked away "I have to use the bathroom" gavi said before getting up and going to the bathroom "hey Rosa is gavi okay?" Javi asked me "I don't think so. He got mad when the waiter started flirting with me" I said and looked at aurora and she looked kind of worried.

It's been a couple of minutes since gavi went to the bathroom and I am really worried. I saw the waiter coming to our table with our food, but when he placed my food I saw a piece of paper where he's number stood, but then all of the sudden there was a loud gun shot and the waitress was on the ground screaming in pain and I was in shock, but when I looked up and saw gavi with a gun in he's hand looking really mad.

Gavi came walking over to me and took my hand roughly and we walked out of the restaurant and into he's car "what about Javi and Aurora?" I asked "what about them?" He said starting the car "how are they going to get home?" I asked him "Javi just texted me and said that they are taking a Uber home" he said driving out of the parking lot "Gavi can I ask you a question?" I asked in a low voice "sure what do you want to ask me princess?" He said "why did you um you know shot him?" I asked him a little scared "oh princess, I will explain everything single thing when we get home okay?" He said in a comforting voice and he laid he's hand on my thigh rubbing it "okay" I said really scared of what he is going to say when we get back to he's house.

We got back to gavi's house and we went inside and got into some comfy clothes and sat down on he's bed "so, I know that you are confused about what happened and I completely understand, but I will tell you whole story. So I am a mafia and I had to hide it for a while because it will ruin my whole football career and I don't want it ruined and I completely understand if you don't want to be with me anymore" he said the last sentence really sad and I was in shock "why would I leave you just because you are a mafia?" I said "because it is very dangerous" he said "I would never ever leave you, I love you way to much to leave and I think that it is very attractive that you are a mafia" I said and when I said that he was attractive for being a mafia, then he had a smirk on he's face "oh yeah, so my princess is to bad boys" he said pulling me on to he's lap.

Gavi's Pov

I woke up the next morning happy that I have the most beautiful girl laying on me with her head on my chest "Goodmorning handsome" she said smiling ,but her eyes were still closed "Goodmorning my beautiful girl. Did you sleep well" I asked her "yeah I definitely did knowing that my boyfriend is a mafia" she said with a cute giggle "okay well that is good to know" I said with a chuckle "well we need to get up because I have training today" I said kissing her forehead "ugh why I want to stay in bed and cuddle" she said giving me a kiss and then laying her head in the crook of my neck and started kissing my neck "oh princess I wish that could, but you leaving hickeys on my neck is not really helping" I said knowing that she is marking me with hickeys to show that I am taken "fineee you win, but when you get back then I will get whatever I want" she said with a annoyed face "of course, when I get back then I will give you all of my attention" I said sitting up with her in my lap "do you want to go with me to training?" I asked her "yeah I want to go with you" she said stil sitting on my lap and then we went to training.

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in almost two months, but it is because I have been busy with a book I am making in real life and not on a app so yeah I hope you guys like the plot twist.
Adios Amigos<3

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