What's wrong love

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Today was the day that my whole family is coming over and I am stressing because my cousin Jake is taking his new girlfriend and I am thinking about asking Gavi if he can come too "hey mom can Gavi please come too the family dinner?" I said asking my mom hopping that she says yes "sure sweetie why not" my mom said and then my brother walked in "Who is coming too the family dinner?" My little brother asked confused "Gavi is coming muffin" I said picking him up "Yay I love when he comes" my brother said really happy "Rosa be safe so you're brother doesn't steal your boyfriend" my mom said laughing "yeah that is true I better be safe" I said laughing and then my brother started laughing as well. I went up to my room and texted Gavi to see if he wanted to come over


                                           Hey love do you want to                      
                                come over to a family dinner?

Hey princess of course
what time can I come over?

                                        You can come over at five

Okay I will see you soon
I love you😘

                                                           I love you too❤️

I got done texting him and then I got ready and got into my outfit

I got done texting him and then I got ready and got into my outfit

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You can changed it if you want to<3

There was a knock on my door and then it opened to reveal my handsome boy "hey baby" I said getting up from my chair at my vanity "hey beautiful" he said and then gave me a kiss "you look stunning" he said "thank you. You look really handsome" I said giving him a smile and he just started grinning while he put he's hands on my waist, but then we heard someone clear there throat and then we turned around and saw my dad standing behind us "hey Gavi" my dad said giving him a hug like when boys hug each other I can't explain it you guys know what I mean "hey Xavi" he said kind of scared "what were you two doing?" My dad asked thinking that we made out or something "we were just talking" I said knowing why he asked "hm okay then we'll they are here now" he said and then we all walked down stairs

"There she is" my aunt said and then she hugged me "hey aunt Lisa" I said hugging her back "now who is this handsome boy behind you?" She asked "oh right Auntie this is my boyfriend Gavi and Gavi this is my aunt Lisa" I said introducing them to each other "nice to meet you" my aunt said shaking Gavis hand "nice to meet you too" he said while shaking her hand "he's cute" my aunt whispered in my ear "I know he is" I said but he heard us talking and then she walked of and winked at me "so you think I am cute huh princess?" He said putting he's hands around my waist "yeah I think you are" I said, but then my cousin Jake and his new girlfriend walked in "hey Rosa" Jake said giving me a hug "Hey Jake" I said "Rosa this is my girlfriend Olivia, Olivia this is my cousin Rosa" he said "hi nice to meet you" Olivia said shaking my hand "nice to meet you too" I said "wait Rosa you are dating Gavi as in Pablo gavi" Jake said "yeah I am " I said first looking at Jake and then at Gavi "Nice to meet you Jake" Gavi said shaking jakes hand "Nice to meet you too I am a big fan of you" Jake said. When me and Jake were younger then we would always be big fans of Fc Barcelona and when Gavi signed in with Barca then Jake would always talk about him "thank you"

We have just eaten dinner and now we were all in the living room and me and gavi were cuddled up together. I have seen Olivia look at gavi in a flirty way and I got really jealous "I will be back in a minute" I said and then I walked over to the toilet

Pablos pov:

Rosa just left to go and use the toilet and it was just me Jake and Olivia inside and the others went out side by the pool "I will go and check up on Rosa" Jake said and left. Jake just left and now it was just me and Olivia and then Olivia started moving towards me and tried to sit on my lap but I pushed her away "what the fuck Olivia!" I was really confused and mad "what is wrong Pablito you don't want me on your lap?" She said and then tried to kiss me, but I stood up and walked out side and sat down on the front step

Back to Rosa's pov:

"Rosa you okay" it was Jake but I was kinda hoping it was Gavi. I opened the door "yeah I am fine just needed to use the toilet" I said and then we walked over to the living room where I thought gavi and Olivia were but no it was only Olivia "where is gavi?" I asked Olivia still suspicious of her "I think he is out front" she said "why?" Jake asked and she just shrugged her shoulders. I went out front and saw gavi on the front step "gavi what's wrong my love?" I asked and then sat down next to him "it's nothing" he said "love I can see that there's something wrong" I said worried "when you went to the bathroom and Jake went to look if you were then.." he said "then what baby?" I asked wondering if Olivia did anything "Olivia then tried to get on my lap and then I pushed her away and then she tried to kiss me" he said and I was raging mad "she did what!" I said "yeah she did" he said sad "come with me baby" I said taking my hand out so he could take it. We walked into the living room and saw that the whole family was inside now "OLIVIA!!" I yelled not giving a shit that they were there "yes Rosa what's wrong?" She asked like nothing happened "your a fucking bitch" I said mad "Rosa don't call her that" Jake said trying to calm me down "no I will call her whatever the fuck I want" I said to Jake "what did she do?" He asked "she tried to sit on gavis lap and then tried to kiss him" I said and then jakes face turned mad "baby don't believe her" Olivia said trying to protect her self "why should I trust you over my own cousin" Jake said mad "get out Olivia and never ever come back again" I said mad and then she left. Me and gavi went to sleep and thankfully he fell asleep quick and I texted Pedri and Amelia what happened and then I went to sleep.

New part out and first part with drama and a girlfriend but who nows will Olivia come back or not you never know
Adios Amigos<3

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