Best team in Europe

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We were done eating our food and then we went in the living room and talked until Pablo and his family had to go home "bye Pablito" I said to him while I was hugging him "bye princesa" Pablo said to me as we broke the hug "hey Rosa do you want to come to my game tomorrow" Pablo said to me as I hugged the others "ofc I will" I said smiling to him "good we'll see you tomorrow" he said and I could see his sister smiling because I was coming to the game

"Adios amigos" me and my family says to them while they went to there car. As they drew away I thought that my life couldn't get any better but it will.

Next Day:
*vibrates* my alarm wakes me up. I turn it off and get up and go downstairs "morning honey" that was my mom "morning mom where's dad" I said trying to look for him "he's at training" my mom said "already,so who's going to take me?" I said kind of scared that I wouldn't make it "don't worry Oliver will drive you" my mom said btw Oliver is you're driver "okay" I said relived "come eat now" my mom said and I sit down and eat my food and then my younger sister and brother come down to start eating "Goodmorning you two" my mom said smiling to them both "Goodmorning mama and sissy" they said it at the same time to me and my mom "Goodmorning nugget and muffin" I said to them both while I was finishing my food btw nugget is Asia and muffin is Dan. I then put my dish in the sink and then I go and get ready for the game

 I then put my dish in the sink and then I go and get ready for the game

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This is the outfit<3

"Bye guys I'm going now so I can meet up with Amelia" I said to my mom and siblings "okay have fun honey" my mom said to me with a little grin witch I didn't understand why

"Hello miss Rosa" Oliver said while opening the door for me "Hello Oliver" I said while getting in the car with a smile. He got in the car and started the car "hey Oliver can we go and pick up Amelia" I said to him while putting my seatbelt on "yeah sure" he said giving me a smile "thank you" I said to him. "Hey girl" Amelia said while getting in the car "hey bae" I said and gave her a hug "Omg I have something big to tell you" she said excited "omg what is it" I said "I met my childhood best friend again and god he's so hot" she said almost blushing "omg I met my childhood best friend to and he is sooo handsome and he plays for Barca" I said talking about Pablo "my childhood best friend also plays for Barca" she said "omg what is his name" I said "his name is Pedri " she said and I could see that she was madly in love "his name is Pablo but he's know as gavi" I said smiling "alright girls we are here" Oliver said and we were surprised that we already we're here "thank you Oliver" I said getting out of the car while Oliver held the door for us "of course bye girls" Oliver said to us

"Hey girls" someone said behind us. It was Pablo "hey Pablito" I said giving him a hug "oh right Pablo I want you to meet my best friend Amelia" I said introducing them to each other "nice to meet you I'm Amelia" "nice to meet you to I'm pablo" pablo said smiling at her "soo she is the one who took my place" pablo said like he was offended "no nobody can ever take you're plays she is my girl best friend" I said so he wasn't offended "okay good but let's go now so I can get ready" pablo said while taking my hand

"Why hello Bonita" someone said behind us again "hello pepi" Amelia said and the hugging this mysterious boy "oh pepi meet Rosa and Rosa meet Pedri" she said "nice to meet you I'm Rosa" "nice to meet you I'm Pedri Amelia's childhood best friend" he said smiling "I know she won't stop talking about you" I said giving Amelia a small grin "shh okay let's go" Amelia said trying to hide her blushing

We all go and me and Amelia go and get popcorn and then the boys go and get ready. The boys then run out on the field for warm up and Pablo gives me a smile and I smile back at him and then he starts warming up for the match against Real Madrid

The teams came out of the tunnel and lined up to start singing and then they went to go stand on there positions for the game and then the whistle got blown and then just in the first 6min Pedri scored and he made a heart with his fingers and pointed at Amelia and she smiled so hard that she started giggling.

It was now half time and Madrid and Barca hasn't made any other goals but that's fine because barca was winning 1-0. Me and Amelia decided to take pictures for insta

RosaHernandezSupporting the best team in Europe💙❤️Comments:Aurorapaezg: you are so right they are thebest team in Europe hope to see you soon<3RosaHernandez: replyedHope to see you soon<3

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Supporting the best team in Europe💙❤️
Aurorapaezg: you are so right they are the
best team in Europe hope to see you soon<3
RosaHernandez: replyed
Hope to see you soon<3

Pablogavi: why aren't you pretty and right to my princess;)
RosaHernandez: replyed
Why thank you handsome and I am always right🤍

User267: OMG I definitely ship Gavi and Rosa

Gaviswifey: why did my husband comment
Rosafan: replyed
Umm he is not you're husband. Him and Rosa are childhood best friends.

I smiled when I saw what Pablo commented and I swear to god that I have a crush on this boy again. Yes I said again me and Pablo we dated when we were younger and when he was younger he asked me a big question...

I don't know why I keep making you guys wait but I just want to keep doing it so sorry guys
Adios amigos<3

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