Death of me

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I woke up to my little sister jumping on my bed "Rosa Rosa wake up it's dad's birthday" she jumped happily on my bed "okay okay I'm up you little jumping monkey" I said smiling at because she was cute smiling and jumping on my bed

I got ready and walked downstairs "Goodmorning pumpkin" my dad said to me smiling "Goodmorning dad and happy birthday" I said giving him a hug even though I am 17 years old. That doesn't mean that I can't give my dad a hug "thank you sweetheart" my dad said smiling at me "Goodmorning you two" my mom said coming into the kitchen "Goodmorning honey" my dad said giving my mom a kiss "Goodmorning mom" I said to my mom "hey sweetie I have question?" My mom said "sure what's up" I said confused not knowing what she will ask me "are you and gavi dating" my mom said and my dad immediately looked at me "um yeah" I said kind of scared because my dad looked at me kind of mad or something like that "What?!" My dad said "Xavi relax there cute together" my mom said trying to calm him down "okay fine but if he breaks you're heart then I will either sell him or bench him for a month" my dad said trying to be calm "dad you don't need to sell him or bench him for a month" I said "I will do it if he breaks you're heart" he said witch kind of scared me "so you want Barca to lose every match?" I said trying to sound smart "ugh you're right" he said giving up

Me and my dad drove of to training with the boys. We got to the training ground and we both walked up to the field and greeted the boys but not all of the boys were there "well well well look who it is" my dad said looking behind me and I turned around and saw my handsome boyfriend and my best friends boyfriend "sorry Xavi Pedri took to long" gavi said to my dad and walked over to me and kissed me "hey princess" he said smiling at me "hey love" I said looking at him but then I heard someone clear there throat and it was my dad of course "gavi can I talk to you?" My dad asked "dad please don't kill him" I said kind of scared of what my dad was going to say to him "I won't I won't" my dad said and then they left

Gavi's Pov:

"Soo you and Rosa huh?" Xavi asked after we have walked away from Rosa "yeah did she tell you" I asked kind of scared for my life "yes she did. Now gavi you are a good boy and my girl has been through a lot as you may know so if you ever break her heart then I promise you that you will either be bench or sold and Rosa said that if I sell you then Barca will be done so I will most likely bench you" Xavi said and I was really happy that he said that Rosa said that Barca would be done if  Xavi would sell me "yes yes I know that she has been through a lot and don't worry Xavi I will never break her heart" I said knowing that I will definitely want a family with her and marry her "good now we better go back boy you have training" Xavi said and I nodded and then we both walked back over to the others so I could start my training.

"What did you and Xavi talk about?" Alejandro asked me "just about me and Rosa" I said looking at him and then he started smiling "huh so you two are dating" He asked me "yeah she is absolutely beautiful" I said and then he started grinning but he didn't look at me he looked behind me and then I turned around and I saw my beautiful girl "so you think I am beautiful?" Rosa said having a little smirk on her face "yeah of course I think you beautiful and you are mine" I said putting my hands on her waist "I don't think I am" she said. This girl is going to be the death of me

Sorry that this part isn't that long and I am also very busy with school and football so I will try to make more parts
Adios Amigos<3

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