Getting out

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We ran upstairs to the bedroom according to Dustin's orders. We wait for a moment

"Com' on Dustin", I say standing by

The particles appear again

"...seeing this?", we hear Dustin's faint voice

Nancy tries it out and we hear echoey cheers

"Okay...stand by...plug it out", we hear Dustin's cut sentences

Nancy starts to right something


Dustin and the other see it on the other side and start cheering

"Yes!", we all say joyfully

"Hi", Eddie says excited

Nancy writes again

'STU' - 'CK'

"You can't get back to the Watergate?", Dustin asks

"What the hell's a Watergate?", Steve wonders

"Cause uh, the gate is in water. I suppose", I say

"That's cute", Eddie says tilting his head

"Um, no, it's uh", Nancy goes to right again

'GAUR' - 'DED'

" 'GUARDED', okay. Watergate's guarded", Dustin says "We think we have a theory that can help with that"

"Great kiddo", I say

"Genius child", Steve comments

"The Watergate isn't the only gate", we hear "There's a gate in every murder site"

"Murder site?", Nancy wonders "Does anyone understand what he's talking about?"

We all deny

'?' Nancy writes

"Okay. Seriously, how many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me", Dustin says sounding frustrated

"Jesus Christ, that kid's gotta get his ego checked", Steve comments

"And his tone. Right?" Eddie adds

"Tell me about it", I agree

"Okay far is your trailer?", Nancy asks Eddie

"Seven miles", he answers

"Nancy, I know that your house is like weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven't you always had bikes?", Robin suggests

She stops in thought

"Yeah that's right", she nods.

We all rush to the garage following Nancy

She takes out the bikes and Steve and her quickly grab one each. There are only four. Robin grabs one too.

"There are four", Nancy says

"Y/N, Eddie. You double ride", Steve instructs and, with no furthering do, he and Nancy get on the bikes and start off.

I shoot Robin a look

She shrugs and heads off too

I sigh deeply

"Com' on we gotta catch up", Eddie says getting on the bike and I roll my eyes

"Did you just roll your-"

"Shut up and go", I exclaim sitting on the back and grasping on his waist

"Hold tight, sweetheart", he says and my eyes flinch to that word. I feel a twist in my stomach again and I can't help but feel a small smile form on my lips. Shit.

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