Can't fool me

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I sit in the boat with my head resting on the edge and my gaze wandering up at the ceiling. By now, I've listened to my mixtape 'bout 10 times already. I'm just bored out of my mind. I never thought one of our little supernatural experiences would be so mind numbingly dull. At least from my perspective.

I haven't eaten much. Actually, only did after the guys left in the morning. But, honestly, I don't really have much of an appetite right now. Hunger is one of the last things going through my head. Aaaaand that's when boredom ends. When my mind circles back around to the things that might be happening right this's horrifying...

"Y/L/N", his voice rings in the background

I keep my eyes on the ceiling not bothering to answer. My mind is still too damn preoccupied. I just can't help but wonder what is we'll probably have to deal with this time.

"You okay there?"

Why is this happening? What the hell killed Chrissy, cause it doesn't sound like the things we've already seen.


I mean, it was no Demogorgon, no Mind Flayer, no whatever I'm supposed to call that thing that brought Starcourt down in flames. What the hell should we be looking out for?

"Y/N!!!", I snap my head up startled as I hear him yell

As I take a look at him his eyes are wide in somewhat fear.

"Jesus, what is it?", I ask annoyed

"Could you respond when I talk to you?", he hisses at me angrily. What's his problem?

"Could you relax?", I shoot back

"When you look like you could be possessed or shit, no. I can't relax", he blabs out in frustration getting to his feet and stretching his back

"I'm not cursed, Munson", I say, but honestly I don't believe my words "at least as far as I know", I say feeling my face fall

"Okay and you're not deaf either, so answer if you please", he says in a kinda mocking voice and a smug look on him

If he wanted me to cooperate that was really not the way to go.

"You really got some nerve", I say getting to my feet still in the boat

"Thanks", he says with a cocky smile on his face

"Not a compliment", I shoot back

"It's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, so I'll take it as a compliment", he says with the proudest grin on his face

I hate that grin. Maybe I can stop it.

I suddenly stop at my tracks and stay completely still looking blankly into space.

He looks at me confused as the smile fades and worry starts to build up on his face.

"Quit messing around, Y/L/N", he says nervously "Y/L/N?", he says quickly approaching me and stepping in front of me in the boat he tilts his head looking me up and down in worry.

He looks into my blank stare, trying to test me or break me, if, as far as he knows, I'm not 'possessed'. He slowly brings his hand up to my shoulder almost like he's scared to.

But suddenly he stops. He brings his hand back clasping his hands behind his back and an arrogant smile forms on his lips.


He looks at me with narrowed eyes and slowly leans down getting closer to me.

"You're not fooling anyone, Y/L/N", he smirks. I do not wanna back down and he doesn't seem like he's planning on it, either.

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