Yanderes am i right?

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War has been going to the people with object heads now that the new and improved Titan Cameraman has been flying around. They are still not sure where Titan Speakerman is yet but they feel like he will pop up sooner or later. So for the war it seemed like the good side was winning, well not everyone on the good side.

Cameraman#437 was taking a walk through the hallways in hopes to find someone he knows because he was bored until he suddenly got pulled into a dark room. As the door shuts in the room the lights flicker on making it not so dark. But from what he saw he just wished the lights stayed off. He saw Camerawoman in all her nonexistent glory with oil splattered over her camera head, he then looks behind her to see the mutilated corpse of Cameraman#845 sitting not to far away. Camerawoman laughs hysterically before saying "I've got you, I've finally got you all to myself!" She then raises a knife just above Cameraman#437's torso, he was panicking really hard now because he knew if he yelled for help she would kill him. "Don't you get it!? I love you! Why don't you love me back!? She shouts at his face while putting the knife closer to his body. He knew this probably wasn't the best time to say this but he did anyway, "I don't like you because I like someone else!". She looks at him with obvious killer intent in her camera screen. "And who is this...OTHER person!" She almost screams. "I-I can't tell you" he says which gets her even more mad, "who is it!" She shouts cutting his arm a little bit with the knife. Cameraman#437 knew there was no use in hiding it anymore as he just admitted defeat. "It's....it's TVwoman" he quietly admits yet loud enough for her to hear. For Camerawoman on the other hand this was all making sense, she was putting all the pieces together from how their always so close to her defending him. Cameraman#437 noticed that she was deep in though and took this as a perfect time to escape. Unfortunately just as he was about to move Camerawoman stabs the wall behind him with the knife barely missing his head.

"And where do you think your going!?" She says looking like a deranged lunatic, "ummmm escaping?" He says with a shrug while she just looks at him. Then she grabs the knife from out of the wall and aims it at his torso once more, "is that really what you think your doing!?" She almost laughs. "Yeah" was all he said before quickly stabbing the knife into his chest which brought Camerawoman closer to him, he then grabs her by neck and smacks his head into her head making her fall backwards. He gets up and quickly pulls the knife out of his chest trying to avoid as much pain as possible...not that it worked since it still hurt like hell as he groaned in pain after pulling it out and putting his hand over the part where the knife stabbed him to stop oil leaking.

He quickly opens the door and exits not even shutting it behind him. He knew that Camerawoman was pretty crazy for him but not this crazy, he had no time to grieve for his friend since he was to focused on getting the heck outta there.

He finally came to a stop by a wall and sat down pretty exhausted from what happened. As if a miracle happened TVman#658 walked around the corner because he thought he had heard something. As soon as he noticed his comrade bleeding on the ground he immediately grabs him and they both disappear in a puff of black smoke. Once the smoke cleared Cameraman#437 looked at his surroundings only to see the love of his life looking at him with a shocked expression on her screen, then it all went black.

Robot love (Cameraman x TV Woman)Where stories live. Discover now