The plan

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(If you can't tell, the front cover of this chapter is one of my old drawings that I've been saving for this exact chapter)

There was a deep and strong feeling of grave depression in each Camerachopper as they all flew to the nearest Alliance base from their previous one. Everyone had their heads hung low as all they could think about was how they were driven out so easily along with the people who were aware about Cameraman#437's turn, Speakerman#723 and TVman#658 were huddled close to one another holding each other closely while TVwoman was sitting in a corner with her head to her knees to her chest and her head in her knees. The only thing on her mind right now was that haunting blank, empty look 437 gave her as if they never met, it was scary just for her to think about it. As an hour past for everyone it felt like an eternity until they finally landed at the targeted base, as everyone exited the the choppers in silence some Cameramen would come up to them and try to comfort them and ask them if they are alright. As everyone entered there new home they were instructed where their rooms were and that's where they all headed. TVwoman and the gay couple all got a room together along with one other Cameraman, whenever TVwoman looks at this Cameraman all she gets is memories of 437 flooding to her head. She lay on her top bunk lost in her thoughts as 723 and 658 were out exploring the complex to get used to their new home, the Cameraman who shared a room with the three noticed TVwoman looking depressed in her bed and thought he should try to see if she was ok. TVwoman could hear and feel someone climbing up the ladder to her bunk as she looks to see her new roommate staring back at her, they both stare at each other in complete silence before he asks "are you alright up here?". She slowly nods in response without saying a word, "I'm Cameraman#423, I already know who you are". 423 offers a hand shake but TVwoman doesn't return it, he retracts his hand back as he says "I know what happened to your base, I-i guess it is quite a loss", she looks up at him and says "it isn't exactly the base that I'm...crying over". The Cameraman tilts his head, "then what is it exactly that you're so scuffed about?", she stays silent before uttering out "I-i lost someone v-very important to me", 423 looks at her surprised, "I-I'm so sorry to hear that".

TVwoman studies the Cameraman and notices he's just dressed up as any normal Cameraman, he just has a red tie. He notices her staring at his attire and asks "I'm guessing your friend was a Cameraman?", she nods, "yeah, except he wore different coloured clothing". He nods slowly before saying "well I don't think he would really like to see you in this state, so how about you try and cheer up a little bit, for them", TVwoman looks up at him stunned before displaying a :) face on her dim TV screen. 423 gives her a thumbs up before climbing down from her bunk and exiting the room to give her some space.

As TVwoman is left to think about what 423 said, the chaotic couple were in their own situation. TVman#658 watched in suspense along with a couple other people circling around to watch Soeakerman#723 and some other Speakerman have a dance off. The crowd began clapping and cheering for 723 as he seemed to be winning the battle, just like the war their dance battle was going to one of the Speakermen for a bit before the other Speakerman would start to catch up and get ahead, in the end both Speakermen lay on the ground exhausted with none of them being crowned the winner. TVman#658 just sighs as he walks through the crowd and over to the dead looking Speakerman#723 lying on the ground, he bends over so he's in view of his boyfriends line of sight and displays the words UR AN IDIOT on his screen, if 723 had eyes he would be rolling them right now. 658 offers 7323 a hand to help him up, mid way of helping him up the loudspeakers blare "ALL PERSONNEL PLEASE REPORT TO THE MEETING ROOM, I REPEAT, ALL PERSONNEL REPORT TO THE MEETING ROOM!". TVman#658 let's go of 723's hand midway causing him to fall back to the ground on his backside, "oops! My bad!" He laughs. TVwoman was just exiting her room before she hears the announcement from the loud speakers, she just sighs and starts heading a random direction before realising she doesn't know where the meeting room is. She spots Cameraman#423 walking off somewhere and decided to ask him.

A minute or two later everyone was gathered up in the meeting room along with our main trio as there was a big brown table in the middle of it all, once again a Cameraman with a black head walked out and rested himself by the table, "so I believe most of you know why we have some new members here today?" Some people nod while others don't, well we unfortunately have lost one of our bases of operation and a lot of troops. We are also running low on ideas of how to one up the Skibidi's, especially with their new weapon, although we aren't really sure if what it exactly is". "HE ISN'T A WEAPON!" TVwoman suddenly snaps from the crowd, everyone including the other two looked at her in shock, "then what is it then?" He asks. "He isn't an it either" she says pushing through the crowd until she was standing right in front of the Cameraman, "he's one of us! Just like all of you! He was...very dear to me", everyone stays in silence as she continues. "The Skibidi's have infected a fellow Cameraman and have upgraded him with some powerful equipment, he was sent with an army of toilets to our base and they destroyed it. He doesn't want to do this, they're controlling him...they're forcing him". "Then why not uninfect him?" A Cameraman asks from the crowd, "we tried" Speakerman#723 says pushing through the crowd aswell, "but parasite guns don't seem to have an effect on him", "and niether does our ability's" TVman#658 says tailing 723. "It seems the only way to uninfect him is to rip the parasite from his neck, but even that will be difficult as we have to do it when he isn't looking", "so are you suggesting a distraction?" A Cameraman asks from the crowd. "EXACTLY" Speakerman#723 responds, "I know it sounds plain simple but while somebody distracts him we could pull the parasite from his neck. And plus, if it works not only will we have him back but maybe he can keep his upgrades as well", everyone begins agreeing to the plan as it did sound like the best option...and the only  option.


At a specific Skibidi base an impatient Camerawoman had been  pacing back and forth for a sold 30 minutes so an anooyed Skibidi went up to her and asked "Skibidi dop dop?", "I'm just waiting for my darling Cameraman to be finished with being upgraded". The Skibidi rolled its eyes as it decided to leave and went away. Camerawoman continues to pace back and forth for a few more minutes until she heard the sound of a door opening, she jerks her head to the door to see a Skibidi toilet scientist as the doorway. "Skibidi Skibidi" it tells her before heading back in, she follows him into the room to see the infected Cameraman#437 standing there but now with even more improvements.

 "Skibidi Skibidi" it tells her before heading back in, she follows him into the room to see the infected Cameraman#437 standing there but now with even more improvements

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"Dammmmm, lookin hot" she comments, the lifeless looking husk of a body just stared at her emptily. "I'll take that as you returning the compliment!" She says before hugging him, "you got no idea how much I missed hugging you", the real Cameraman#437 was watching this all through his POV and he didn't like it at all. He wasn't the only one not enjoying this as the parasite controlling his body wasn't too swelled with her being all over him either, once she let go of the infected 437 they heard a Skibidi call for them from outside the room. They both walked out to see a Skibidi with a camo coloured toilet wearing a military commanders hat, he turns to them and begins speaking to them in their unidentifiable language. (Since I'm a tad bit lazy I don't wanna write what's he's saying so I'm just gonna say he's commending them to go test out 437's new upgrades.)

~hey everyone, I just wanna say it feels great doing this story again, and I'm sure I'm not the only one really happy as I bet a few people are pretty hyped for this too. So yeah, this story is back in business~

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