2 battles, 1 ending

117 2 6

Cameraman#423 was strolling through the hallways of the complex looking for something to do, even in such a war people can still get bored.
Although he stopped once he heard a faint crashing noise coming from the walls, or at least somewhere else in the base.
He walks up to the wall the noise is coming from and leans his Camera head against it so he can hear whatever it is clearer, but it isn't his earring making the sounds more clear as the crashing kept getting closer and closer to him.
Just as it sounded like something was about to burst 423 took the first action that went to his microprocessor as he ducked to the floor with his hands on his head, just in time too as the wall burst open forming a giant hole.
423 lifted his head up a little bit and caught view of a female figure through all the dust from the explosion.
He tiled his head trying to get a better look of the character but was cut off by another figure in the dust tackling them to the ground. Cameraman#423 suddenly feels arms wrap around him and helps him to his feet as Speakerman#723 looks at him and says "it's probably best if we get out of here!".
Although 423 didn't exactly know what was happening he just nodded anyways and they both ran to a more shady area.

Out of the dust emerged Camerawoman who was pushed through the thick wall of smoke and onto the ground by TVwoman who emerged straight after.
Camerawoman stood up and got in fighting stance before sprinting at the TV female ending up with them slashing in the middle, 423 was about to jump up until he was stopped by 723 grabbing his coat and pulling him back down.
"What the hell are you doing!? We gotta help her!", 723 shakes his head, "no, this is her fight. Although if things get a bit too heated we may have to interfere".
423 just looks back at the battle hopeless of being able to do anything.

Good and evil both clashed against each other with immense power pulsating from the attack, Cameraman#437 and his evil twin stared each other dead in the screens as they were both continuing to try and over power the other ones defences.
Both of them then got pushed back a few feet from it being clear they had equal power, 437 aimed his blaster at his evil self but the blast from the weapon was quickly avoided by the infected Cameraman before using his jetpack to boost himself at the good Cameraman.
Evil 437 balled his hand tightly into a fist before landing a good blow to the blue Cameraman's stomach causing him to be winded.
Then the infected uppercutted the non-infected into the air before he fell to the ground with a thud.
"Yknow, I've never realised how actually weak I was up until now!" The evil Cameraman laughed as 437 staggered to his feet in pain, "but then that gets me thinking, what made us this weak? First I thought we were just a defect, but that wasn't possible as we are perfect in almost every way. Next I thought we were just holding back from what could be true power which is partially true...but then it hit me, the reason we are so weak is because of the people we socialise with. Speakerman#723 was finally our first friend and that's where this all started, not to mention the fact that we had developed that disgusting obsession with TVwoman which started to turn us into a bumbling idiot! Then our social circle started to expand as we had then befriended TVman#658 and had gotten our dream relationship! So if we want to be at our true power, I'm gonna have to kill all your friends".
If he had to be honest 437 had zoned out for most of that speech until he heard the last part. If he had teeth they would be grinding against each other as he stared down his double in anger, with fists clenched he launched himself at his evil twin tackling him to the ground.
Grabbing his by his collar he stares him with noticeable face shadow, "Lay a finger on them, I dare you" 437 said in the most darkest and threatening voice he could muster.
The infected Cameraman just let out a loud distorted laugh before saying "now we have more fight in us don't we?".

TVwoman uses the rockets she has on the back of her head to propel herself and Camerawoman upwards and through the roof, as TVwoman does a perfect superhero landing Camerawoman does a quick recovery and takes a dagger from her belt before dashing at her adversary.
TVwoman reveals her blade hands as she parry's her opponents blade with 2 of her own. As they continue in this clash of blades Cameraman#423 and Speakerman#723 are sprinting up the stairs trying hard not to trip on a step.
The door to the rooftop bursts open as the two run through to see the struggle resulting in the roof. Camerawoman brings herself closer to TVwoman as she asks with obvious struggle due to what was happening "so, you still love 437?".
"More than ever" TVwoman snarls back as she pushes Camerawoman away a couple feet, the two ferocious females begin to circle one another with their weapons still out in battle position. "I don't understand why he went for you, I don't understand what he sees in you. I've loved him for a lot longer, ever since I first met him near the start of the war, but for some reason the first time you show up he's gawking over you" Camerawoman snaps at TVwoman, "maybe I'm just better looking" she snaps back in an insulting way.
"You bitch! You've taken all I've ever cared about away from me just by existing", "L bozo".
That was the last straw as Camerawoman lunged with full rage at TVwoman pinning her to the floor while trying to stick her knife into her chest.
TVwoman changes her blades back to hands as she uses her strength to push away the blade that's just lingering atop her chest, without any other choice she flashes Camerawoman with her orange screen just remembering seconds later how that won't work anymore.
Camerawoman's strength weakens a bit as she giggles to herself since TVwoman forgot about her upgrades, this sudden lack in strength was all TVwoman needed as she pushed Camerawoman off of her and onto her back.
TVwoman flips herself onto her feet before getting back into fighting stance as Camerawoman stands up and throws her dagger to the ground.
Camerawoman first goes in for a drop kick but is blocked by TVwomans arms shielding her so she falls back onto her back, even on the ground Camerawoman uses her legs to twist around TVwomans causing her to fall to the ground aswell.
They are both quick to get to their feet but Camerawoman is knocked back from a powerful kick delivered by TVwoman, Camerawoman quickly gets back into fighting position as the two begin to trade blows.

Cameraman#437 repeatedly cracks his twin in the face with fists of pure anger causing him to keep stepping back, after a lot more pummelling soon the infected cameraman was on his knees with 437 towering above him holding his collar while having his fist raised to deliver the final blow.
The evil 437 readied himself as he saw the fist fly down towards his face but suddenly it stopped, 437 had called off his attack at the last second since a better idea had just popped into his head.
The evil 437 watches as the good 437 aims his parasite blaster at him instead, "if yours infects people, this should hopefully have the opposite effect".
The infected Cameraman starts feeling his whole body go numb while also screaming in pain at the same time like a person feels like when they are having a growth spurt, he begins twitching wildly as he feels the grip on his collar loosen causing him to fall to the floor.
After a lot more shaking and screaming the parasite latched onto the back of his head deceased from this plain of existence as it fell to the floor with a thud.
Slowly all the added gadgets from the Skibidi toilets began to slowly disappear into thin air on the now uninfected 437 who looked around confused, "what happened?".
He then looks up to see Cameraman that he must admit looked a lot like him but with a bunch of upgrades and pulsating with blue electricity.
"Who are you?" He asks with no memory of the battle that just took place, the good 437 just kneeled down to the Cameraman lying on the floor and said "that doesn't matter right now, all that matters is that you beleive in yourself, your friends love you and you didn't fail them at all, you are a strong Cameraman, you must see that in yourself".
The 437 on the floor nodded before hugging the blue 437 around the neck, 437 was a bit surprised by this but greatly accepted the hug.
All the darkness surrounding the two began to form in a bright light as they began to disappear.
Cameraman#437 jolted up and quickly darted his view around the room he was in to see that he was still in the dark closet all alone, he darted to the door and turned the handle opening the door.
He quickly dashed out of the closet and began to run through the halls looking for his friends, maybe even his girlfriend, just anybody at this point.
He then stops at a giant hole in the wall, he tilted his head in confusion before looking up to see a hole in the roof! He then dashed to the staircase where he began to run up the stairs not being careful at all and slipping on a step.

TVwoman jumped out of the way just in time as a bullet fired from Camerawoman turret shot at her and missed, TVwoman was vulnerably lying on the floor which Camerawoman took this as her chance and aimed the turret once more.
"Hasta lavista bitch".
Speakerman#723 realised this may be getting a bit too heated as he stood up ready to dash in until he hears some shout behind him "hey! That's my line!" Followed by a grey blur of someone running past him.
723 looked at the back of what appeared to be a Cameraman and recognised him immediently.
Camerawoman and TVwoman heard the shout and recognised the voice immediently, TVwoman got to see the brave Cameraman sprint towards them but Camerawoman didn't have enough time to turn around as she felt somebody tackle her.
The three others still on the roof watched in surprise and awe as they saw Cameraman#437 tackle Camerawoman through the hole in the roof causing them both to fall back through the base.
TVwoman got up from the ground and ran to the hole along with the Speakerman and cameraman who followed, they all peeked through the hole to see all the way at the bottom floor lay a Cameraman and Camerawoman, both motionless.

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