The finale

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437 WAKE UP!
Cameraman#437's screen slowly started to display his surroundings again as all he could see was the hole in the ceiling above him, along with TVwoman, TVman#658 and Speakerman#723.
His body ached as he started to move his hand to his head to rub it and hopefully soothe the pain, "what happened?".
658 and 723 backed up a bit as they could sense the anger coming from TVwomans figure as her screen showed >:(, "the fuck you mean!? 'What just happened?'. You jumped through a 3 story Alliance base without any regard for your life or safety! You could've died!".
Her gaze softens a little as her screen changes to :(, "it's just...I could've lost you..again".
Despite his aching body 437 still sat up and hugged the TV female with great apology, he didn't regret what he did, infact he would gladly do it again if he had to, but he was still sorry for making her worry about him.
"I'm sorry for doing what I did ok? It's just if I didn't you probably wouldn't be here right now" 437 said to her while still hugging her, "and with you doing what you did I'm surprised your still here" she snapped back disappointed in his actions.
"Fair enough but hey! I'm still here" he says in a jolly voice trying to cheer her up, "and plus! I caught Camerawoman!".
Everybody just went dead silent as they each traded looks as if saying "who's gonna tell him?".
"What? What's the matter?" He asks in confusion as TVwoman breaks from the hug and puts her hand on his head making them see screen to screen. "About that....she got away".
"WHAT!?" 437 screamed as he looked to his side where Camerawoman also fell and as they said her figure was missing.
437 darted his head back to the three with his hands on his head, "so where is she!?".
They all just shrug and TVwoman answers "we have no clue, after you tackled her down here we ran down the stairs to get to you but when we got back here she was gone".
Despite the pain he was in he still used what strength he had left over to stand up which shocked the three around him, "we gotta go out looking for her, she's in the base somewhere and she couldn't have gotten far!".
The three agreed with a nod of their heads but before they went on search TVman#658 said "before we go out we might want some equipment".
He disappeared in a puff of black fog and after 20 seconds of waiting he reappeared with a bunch of weapons.
"We might wanna be prepared for a fight as she might not come quietly" he tells them as he passes 723 two daggers and a kiss on the...cheek? 723 stores the daggers in his belt as 658 passes 437 a stunning rifle which he drapes over his back.
658 then passes him two stunning batons which he attaches to his belt.
After they got all set they started heading down the hallways in search for their target.

Her static vision blinked to life as she quickly looked around the room she was in, but nothing else stood out more than the Cameraman kneeling down in front of her. "You got a lot of nerve to kidnap me" Camerawoman says as the Cameraman decides to ignore what she said, "listen, I'm Cameraman#423 and I need your help".
"Not interested, waste of time" she replies as she tries to stand up but he blocked her way, "I overheard that you kinda have a little thing for Cameraman#437?" She nods at his question now kinda getting interested in where this was going.
"Well, I have a little crush myself, it's on the legendary TVwoman. But there's one slight issue, she's already with a guy, the guy that you like, so I was thinking since I like TVwoman and you like 437..maybe we can come up with a plan where we both get what we want?".
Camerawoman had a long hard think about this, she kinda liked the idea and she would be getting her love away from that TV whore.
"Ok..I accept your proposition, I'll help you get TVwoman but only if you help me get 437" she says to him offering out a hand.
"Deal!" 423 says shaking her hand ecstatically.

Robot love (Cameraman x TV Woman)Where stories live. Discover now