Through the devils eyes

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(That's it! No more filler chapters! Just the real deal now).
(This chapter is all gonna be from Cameraman#437's POV because of a deal I made with skullyboxbrain)

After what felt like decades my sensors finally glitched back on as I could finally see through my screen. Once my vision finally came back on I realised something wasn't right, my vision had a red hue to it and it wasn't blurry anymore, in fact my vision was completely fine. I looked around and put my hand to my camera head, the buzzing and stinging was gone like it was...fixed. In a state of confusion I start looking around again hoping to find any sort of answer.

I stumbled as I took my first step on solid ground but quickly recovered from it as it must have been awhile before I touched the ground.

I'm not sure why but I just realised my arms felt a bit heavier than normal, I look down to my arms to find what looked like laser cannons stuck on them. This is where I also noticed my vision wasn't the only thing that had changed, my coat was now a dark gray. I look down lower to see my pants had changed colours aswell, they were brown?.

Ignoring my different wear attire I look around to see if I can zoom into anything with my lenses, thankfully they catch a figure moving around in the darkness.

Suddenly everything goes bright, I look up to see the blinding beams of big headlights above me. I take a look around again to see Skibidi toilets, so much toilets all moving big heavy things around or welding things together. I look behind me to see something horrible, it was a giant old man lookin toilet, he seemed to be getting upgraded because he was be held by chains to keep him suspended above the ground while some smaller toilets were hooking things on him. Then out of the corner of my view I spot a toilet gcomung towards me with an all too familiar face. A more new and improved looking Camerawoman was talking to this toilet about war plans before she looks up at me, "well hello handsome" she says walking up to me slowly. Once she was in arms length I tried to push her or hit her or throw her or anything to keep her away from me, but my arms wouldn't move, it was like they were stuck frozen even.

She wraps her arms around me and embraces me in a hud before moving her screen up to mine and slowly moving in, I tried to twist my head, I tried to turn it away but to no response. As our screens touched a little blue spark spawned between us for as long as we kept touching. After a bit the toilet let out an impatient "excuse me" which got her to finally let go of me. I was shocked, did I understand what that beast from ohio just said?. Thinking the worst I reach my hands to my neck hoping I wouldn't feel what I think was there, unfortunately though I shuddered when I felt something attached to my neck. I started tugging on it to try and make it let go but instead my head started buzzing and stinging like crazy, I dropped to my knees with my hands on the floor as I felt like passing out even though that wasn't the outcome, instead I stood back up and stayed stile with no control over my body. "What a shame, I kinda enjoy kinda enjoyed you being yourself but this will do" Camerawoman says in a sassy tone while the Skibidi toilet just starts laughing.

"We may have lost our infected Titan but you will do nicely as a replacement" the toilet says with a big mischievous and cursed grin on his face while Camerawoman just looks at me, "well of course he'll do well he's even better than that stinky old Titan". I struggle to try and move my body but to no effect, this parasite has got full control of me now.


The Skibidi's marched through the forest with my husk of a body leading them directly to our base. I gave up on trying to get reactions from my body since it recently deemed useless. As soon as the base came into sight the parasite made my body put my right arm up as a sign to stop.
I left the army and walked up to one of the back walls of the base before signalling a toilet with a rocket launcher to come forth, once I gave the signal the rocket launcher Skibidi realeased a speeding rocket at the wall blowing it to bits. I start to slowly ascend forth towards the hole and through the smoke and dust, as my figure emerged through the hole in the wall I noticed this was a wall to a lounge area. I look around seeing Cameramen and minimal Speakermen before shuddering at what my screen picked up, I see Speakerman#723, TVman#658 and TVwoman all standing in a corner. Already realising the outcome of what was about to happen I desperately started trying to move my body, as I savagely tried ripping out of my body's trance I heard the voice of TVwoman say "437?", she...recognised me? this how it feels for every Cameraman and Speakerman who get controlled?.

Then like the loyal idiot he his Speakerman#723 starts running towards with outstretched arms while yelling "BUDDY!". "No, no, STOP!" I yell but he can't hear me since my infected body wouldn't compute. The parasite makes me pull back my right arm before swinging a fist full force into his speaker knocking my best friend away, "NO" I yell even though nobody could hear me.

"Don't worry, I got this" a scientist Cameraman says stepping forth with a parasite gun, I'm filled with hope knowing that I'm about to get cured. He fires a bright blue beam a me which hits me directly in the head, apparently my plan to get cured wouldn't work and I'm guessing the toilets had something to do with it. Then I lift my left arm showing one of my laser cannons before saying "nice try" and firing a bright red beam at the scientist, he drops to his knees with sparks coming out of his Camerahead before saying "Time to kill" and launching himself at a fellow Cameraman ripping him apart.

I then start going on a blasting spree shooting any Cameraman unlucky to get in the way, I then hear a familiar voice say "I got this" as I turn to see TVman#658 walking towards me before flashing me with his purple beam. Ofcourse that didn't work either as I just walked through the light and booted him in the gut knocking him into a wall. I felt so much guilt and sadness, is this what Titan Speakerman felt like when we freed him?.

I then call out to all the Skibidi's outside and wait a few seconds before toilets start to flood the room.

Just as I had expected a Cameraman yells retreat and everyone else starts sprinting out of the room and probably out of the base. Through all the mayhem I notice TVwoman slowly walking up to me without a hint of fear but more of concern. "437 please stop...don't you remember me?" She says in the nice and delicate voice a learned to love, except apparently my controller didn't think so as he lifts his right arm up at her revealing the anti parasite blaster to her face. As the blaster started glowing red I started screaming "STOP!" As high as I could even though it was useless, I kept trying my hardest to thrash around even though it wouldn't work but I didn't care.

TVwoman showed no fear as a red bolt got released from my blaster and heading towards her, thankfully just as it was about to hit her Speakerman#723 jumped in and shoved her out of the way saving himself in the process. He quickly pulls her up off the ground and starts pulling her along with him through the doors until they were out of view, after that a metal Skibidi came up to me and asked "what shall we do now?", my parasite thought for a bit before replying with "ransack the base, DESTROY EVERYTHING" I started strolling through the base as I watched the toilets go through everything or I see some dragging Cameramen away. I finally make it outside the base only to see that everyone had escaped on some camerachoppers because I could see them in the distance, I sighed in relief knowing that they all got away safely.

I turn back to see the base being absolutely overrun by Skibidi's, "this is gonna take awhile to fix" I say to myself looking at the destruction.


The toilet army along with my controlled body finally made it back to what I've found out is one of the toilets bases, as we walked in I was immediently bombarded by hugs from Camerawoman, "oh your back how was it, I bet you crushed them!" She said as she hugged me tight before kissing me, meanwhile all I could think is how TVwoman gives much better hugs and kisses.

I see one of the toilets head to one of our commander toilets probably to tell them the "good news". After Camerawoman stopped showing her love to me she started pulling me over somewhere by my arm and it seemed my parasite didn't resist.

She ended up taking me to what seemed like an upgrade station before letting me go and guiding me to where a group of toilets were, they all turned to me and one said "aahhh, your already back, well the. I guess it's time we give you those upgrades. I only thought "upgrades?" Before they guided me to an area before hooking me up to some chains and suspending up in the air again. The last thing I see before powering off is some Skibidi's coming towards me holding what looked like a jet pack and a laser cannon.

(Srry everybody that this took so long and it's alright to hate me, I don't have much of an excuse either, I'm so happy I got this much time to finish it tho so I could get it just right, hope you enjoyed 👍)

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