London vs toilets

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All the 3 Cameramen needed was a little bit of medical attention and then they were sent on their way into the battle field once more.

They were sent to the city of London in Camerachoppers where another one of their bases was because news came that there was an army of toilets marching into the city. Once the choppers landed the 3 Cameramen plus a few medic Cameramen stepped out of the vehicle and into the base.

The medics walked elsewhere while Cameraman#437 and his 2 new friends Cameraman#186 and Cameraman#472 headed to the meeting room where most of the other Cameramen that were heading out to war were.

Once they made it to the meeting room they saw a bunch of Cameramen all circled around something, our three Cameramen who were actually important to the story squeezed and shoved their way through to see what was going on. In the middle of all the Cameramen was a black headed Cameraman speaking to everyone about what was going down and next to him was a white table, the black headed Cameraman flicks a switch under the table and on top of it a holographic display appeared. The hologram showed a big army of big and small including upgraded Skibidi toilets making their way through the streets of London.

"We do not no how but the toilets have gotten the location of our base and are heading here destroying anything in their path" the black headed Cameraman says to everyone pointing to the hologram, "and they won't stop until this fortress is flattened".

TVwoman had no idea of the location of Cameraman#437 and all she could do was hope he was safe. Speaking of TVwoman right now she was helping everyone rebuild the base back in Kentucky forest where that whole Camerawoman vs TVwoman stuff happened, but enough about that.

After saying "good luck to you brave Cameramen" and a quick thumbs up the black headed Cameraman sent all the Cameramen out with plungers and freezing rifles along with a can die attitude. Cameraman#186 and Cameraman#472 went out to battle with freezing rifles (I gotta come up with a better name for them) while Cameraman#437 walked out dual wielding plungers. Since the Cameraman#124 was defeated Cameraman#437 wants to continue in his legacy until he gets back by trying to impersonate him.

Destruction, explosions and death, a lot of death. Like last time the Skibidi toilets brought their biggest and baddest toilets to destroy the base and the Cameramen were no match. All Cameraman#437 could remember was Cameramen being ripped to shreds by the toilets, sure a couple Cameramen got lucky but it was no use. Then a Camerachopper fell out of the sky and then it all went black.

Cameraman#437's head starts to whirr and click and stammer as he reactivated slowly. His view was a bit kabbuzled because his screen had a big crack in it, he tried to push himself up with his left arm but realised he couldn't feel his left arm. He turns his head to his left that thankfully his arm was still there...except it had a big chunk of metal sticking out of it. He attempted to pull it out with his right arm but it was really lodged in there and tugging in it only caused more pain for him. He decided screw it and with all his might ripped out the metal from his arm which also caused him to scream in pain very loudly. He finally looked up at his surroundings to see just what he saw last, DESTRUCTION. He looks over to a street pole to see Cameraman#472 and Cameraman#186 hanging onto the pole for dear life while trying to kick away a Skibidi toilet with a big cursed smile spread across his face. He looks to the left to see a Cameraman reaching out to him while being dragged away by one of the ohio toilets.

He then hears an explosion happen so he turns to the sound just to see a toilet hovering around with a rocket boosters attached to the bottom of his toilet, he had spikes on the back of the toilet with Cameramen bodies and speakers skewered on the end of them. Even with a strip of metal covering his eyes he seemed to have spotted the damaged Cameraman anyway because he started moving towards him with a demented smile on his face.

Cameraman#437 stuck his right arm out in front of him in hopes that it would do anything to stop the attack. The toilet suddenly stopped right in front of him and didn't have a smile on his face anymore. It wasn't Cameraman#437 that stopped him though, it was Titan Speakerman who just emerged from an explosion before literally wasting every toilet in his way without a second thought. Cameraman#437 was about to cheer before noticing something missing, then just as he figured it out the toilet that almost killed him earlier flys out from behind Titan Speakerman and rushes at him, not that it does much as Titan Speakerman just grabs him and shoots him in the face with his arm cannon.

Just as it had seemed like they won everyone starts looking around as they hear propeller sounds coming from all sides. Next thing you know they are completely surrounded by helicopter toilets with rocket launchers.

All Titan Speakerman does is just look at Cameraman#437 before being showered in explosions. Cameraman#437 tries to scream out NOOOOO but his voice box must have been damaged because all that came out were the sounds of a dieing goat. Although there was no need to scream because out of the smoke emerges an unscathed Titan Speakerman before spinning around like a helicopter and firing out balls of energy from his arm cannons, once he stopped spinning there wasn't a single toilet in the sky. He then flew away probably to go obliterate more toilets (that was the exact reason <_<).

Then out from behind Titan Cameraman lands on top of a building in preparation to flush some toilets but only to be met with a clean sector. He looks around a bit using his hands as an expression to say "is there any left for me?" Before flying off once more.

Cameraman#437 just looks up at the 3 Cameramen up on the pole who each just look at him and give him a thumbs up which he returns.

Some Camerachoppers land down on the ruined battlefield and some medic Cameramen start running out to look for injured survivors. Once again Cameraman#437 collapsed on the ground as he felt his whole body go numb before blacking out, the last thing he saw was a medic Cameraman.

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