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Her vision was black for a few hours until she finally came to along with her vision, Camerawoman's hazy vision looked around her surroundings but to see long blackness, she also notices her arms were trapped in something as she could not move them. She continued to struggle in her invisible prison in she hears a voice in the darkness say "there's no use trying to get out, it won't work". She looks around frantically trying to spot who spoke until she spots an outline of someone in the shadows, "I can see you, might aswell show yourself". Suddenly light floods the room in a blinding flash revealing a scientist Cameraman standing in front of her, she looks around and spots multiple other Cameramen around the room doing other tasks. She then looks down and notices that she was chained to a metal chair by her feet and wrists. "Let me out!" She demands staring straight into the scientists soul, "can't do that yet, we still need some info first".


Speakerman#723 walks into a large white room with a scientist Cameraman in it and looks at the table in the middle of the room which carried the unconscious body of Cameraman#437, TVwoman was recovering in another room while TVman#658 was called by the TV faction from somewhere so he was gone right now. 723 looked on as the scientist Cameraman had a bunch of machines hooked to 437 while he seemed to be inspecting his body. "Will he be alright doc?" 723 asks sadly, the scientist turns to him and says "first of all, never call me that again, second of all yes, he should be waking up soon". As if right on cue the body of Cameraman#437 rose up from the table quickly and fell off his bed causing some of the wires attached to him to snap off. Speakerman#723 and the scientist ran to his barely conscious body lying on the cold floor twitching like crazy. 723 grabbed onto his shoulder, "are you ok buddy?", meanwhile 437's mind was racing as all of the previous memories he made from watching through his controlled husk came flooding to him. An almost too recognisable voice made him stop twitching, in fact stop altogether, he payed his attention back to his vision which showed his hands on a tile floor. His vision was perfect, not red nor cracked, he was paying attention to so many other details he didn't even notice the hand on his shoulder. He finally realised there was people around him as he heard more voices and felt more hands attach themselves to him trying to help him up, he suddenly jolted up onto his two feet causing the other two to jump back in surprise. The distressed 437 looked at the two in front of him and recognised one of them, "437...is it you?" The Speakerman said as he took slow cautious steps towards him. 437 didn't move an inch which gave 723 the idea that he was able to get closer, but once he got too close the Cameraman acted quickly and slapped the Speakermans hand away with a lot of force. Speakerman#723 winced in pain as he rubbed his hand in shock, Cameraman#437 looked down at his own hands in disgust. "S-stay away" he said unsteadily as he slowly backed away, "I-i don't want you to get h-hurt again". He then suddenly dashed out of the room and ran away to anywhere in the complex that would serve him as a safe haven. "Wait!" 723 says as he made a move for the exit but was quickly stopped by and arm shooting out in front of him, he looked over to the scientist in confusion. "Don't worry,he is definetely uninflected and indeed himself, but at the same time he isn't. I think right now he's dealing with all his memories of battling against the alliance". 723 couldn't believe it as he soaked in the words the scientist just said, did that poor Cameraman think it was his fault? And what he said to him earlier about not wanting to hurt him...was 437 scared of himself?

Cameraman#437 sat in the corner of a shady room looking at his hands with fear while he kept repeating all of the memories in his head. He remembered everything, hurting his two closest friends almost killing the love of his life, along with being the cause of a lot of alliance deaths. He started hyperventilating until he saw something in the shadows, 437 stayed where he was but tried to zoom in on the mystery in the shadows. Suddenly from out the darkness a Skibidi toilet parasite leaped at him with a demonic smile, the Cameraman shielded himself with his arms as he looked away in fear. Confusion filled him as he lowered his arms and looked back to see the parasite had disappeared, "it's all in my head" he thought as he rubbed his head and tried to stand up so he could leave this area. As he reached for the door it quickly slammed shut! Panicked by this he grabbed the door handle and began to turn it furiously, but to no avail as it seemed to do nothing. He then hears a noise behind him as he flips around as fast as he can and that's when he realised what room he had hid in and was now locked in, it was the same room that Camerawoman threw him in and held a knife at him while trying to force him to love her. More and more memories started to flush back into his head as he turned back around and started banging on the door, "OPEN THE DOOR! PLEASE SOMEONE!". He turned his head back to see only darkness the room had been eaten by darkness as it was now pitch black, he then turned back to the door just to realise that there was no door anymore, like the room it had disappeared. With nothing else to do he began to walk out into the darkness to see if he could feel anything, after a bit of walking into nothing he realised there was nothing here anymore...it was just him. Cameraman#437 jumped at the sound of a loud click as a giant spotlight appeared down on another Cameraman tied up in chains. Without thought he ran over to the trapped Cameraman to help him but then stopped once he got close enough, the Cameraman...it was him! He suddenly got a flashback of the time the toilets kidnapped him and held him with chains. Then there was the sound of chains rattling as the tied up 437 started moving, "we failed them.." he said as he looked up at himself who was standing before him. "We failed them all..our friends...our family...TVwoman..", 437 shook his head at his double and said "no...that's not true". "We betrayed them all, we weren't strong enough!" The double goes in with his voice becoming more hostile, "no, it's not our fault!" 437 snapped back but still feeling a little hurt from his words. We weren't strong enough...but now we can be" his voice says becoming a little bit distorted as our hero steps back cautiously. Then he spots a toilet parasite emerge from the darkness and starts to crawl up the chains to the helpless Cameraman, "now we can be.." he says again even more distorted and demonic before he started twitching violently as the parasite attaches itself to its prey. His head dips down a bit so he's back to looking at the floor while his chains suddenly disconnect from his body. Cameraman#437 slowly walks over to the twin on his knees and kneels down to him, "are you okay?" He asks worrying even though it was himself. Suddenly the twins head snaps back up to 437 to now reveal a dark red screen filled with pure rage, 437 jumps back in shock as he watches the infected Cameraman#437 stand up now revealing his upgrades which had appeared on his body. "N-no...this can't be real" he says scared and shaking while crawling away backwards while the infected one begins walking towards him, "oh but it is!" He replying in a cackling manner before launching himself at his double. With pure reaction 437 flips along the ground out of the way of the attack causing the infected to crash into the floor, 437 then stands up with fists raised even though they were shaking like crazy, the infected stands back up and slowly creaks his head to his non infected self before launching himself once more.

Robot love (Cameraman x TV Woman)Where stories live. Discover now