Jealousy is a strong feeling

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It had been 2 days since our beautiful couple got together and of course keeping it a secret cuz they didn't want anybody to know (except Speakerman#723 and TVman#658 of course). Speakerman#723 could not believe that he actually got his best friends such a devil while TVman#658 is still dealing with TVwoman talking about her new boyfriend, in fact now she's started talking about him even more.

Cameraman#437 and Speakerman#723 were chatting until Cameraman#437 suddenly felt hands wrap around his waist. He looks behind him to see Camerawoman behind him. He quickly gets out of her grip and goes beside Speakerman#723. "Aw come on! Why don't you just be with me? You know you want to" she says trying to walk closer to him but Speakerman#723 walks in between them. "How many time does he have to say it!? He doesn't like you!" He yells at her which gets some attention from surrounding people. "Oh he just doesn't know how much he actually loves me" she says trying to get close to him once again. As she was about to get closer to them she is suddenly thrown to the ground, she looks up to see who pushed her only to see TVwoman standing there with the Camera Speaker Duo behind her. "LEAVE" she says quite aggressively which kinda gets Camerawoman a bit spooked. She stands up and says "what are YOU doing here?" She says pointing at the TV female ignoring her question, BAD IDEA. TVwomans TV screen glows a bright orange with an angry face on it before saying with even more malice and intimidation "L E A V E!". This gets Camerawoman to back up a bit until just groaning and walking away, until she looks back and says "I WILL BE BACK!" And then finally leaves. "Yeah right" TVwoman quietly says to her self as she turns around to face her boyfriend to see if he was ok. Her screen changes from orange to purple as her angry face turns to that face she made when she saved Cameraman#437 (idk what it's called) before asking "are you ok? Did she touch you? If she did then I'll kill her!", Cameraman#437 quickly puts his hands up as if to tell her to stop before saying "it's ok, I'm fine, there's no need to worry". "Oh thank god" she replies before going silent and saying "I swear next time she goes near you I will kill her", Cameraman#437 felt pretty thankful to have such a great (and overprotective) girlfriend but he really hoped that it wouldn't come to that. "Thanks for the save!" Speakerman#723 butts in, "no problem. If she ever comes near you boys again please call me". Both boys just nodded before TVwoman gives Cameraman#437 a quick hug before teleporting away in a puff of black smoke. They try their best to keep the their relationship a secret but it's a tad bit difficult when there's so much you can do since the whole base is filled with people and there isn't much places they can go.

Little did they know was as TVwoman was teleporting away a certain jealous female was watching behind the corner of a wall. If she had teeth they would be grinding against each other in anger. Camerawoman has liked Cameraman#437 the moment she laid her non-existent eyes on him. (I know what you guys are thinking, "but didn't Camerawoman die when that flash copycat of a toilet showed up well no, she unfortunately survived only a little bit injured).

"That whore! Just who does she think she is!?" She thinks to herself . She then looks back just to see Cameraman#437 and Speakerman#723 walking away probably to dance or something. She starts to stalk them since TVwoman was gone and they were now easy pickings.

She had lost them through the hallways but after awhile she finally found them in a corner...dancing. She watched Cameraman#437 bust the orange justice paying no attention to his bestie. "Excuse me" comes a voice from behind her which makes her turn around instantly just to be faced with a TVman. "Oh! Heh, I'm sorry if I startled you. I'm TVman#658" before she could say hello back they hear Cameraman#437's voice yell "oh, TVman#658!" Which gets the TVmans attention as he turns to them and starts walking over to them, "oh hey guys". "What are you doin here buddy?" Cameraman#437 asks. "Oh nuthin. I'm just taking a stroll because I got nothing to do". Speakerman#723 suddenly gets an idea as he asks "can you dance?" Which just gets the TVman to shake his head.

While this conversation was going on Camerawoman got bored and walked away. She was thinking of how Cameraman#437 should be hers, but then she started to think about TVwoman and got a bit angry until she came up with an idea.

The next day we could see Cameraman#437 and Cameraman#845 having a chat and we could also see TVwoman on the other side of the room chatting with a few Cameraman scientists about a new gun they are developing that's ment to immobilise anyone it shoots. But both of them never noticed that a certain female Cameraman came strutting into the room. Well she was until a hand was put in front of her, "what are you doing here?" Speakerman#723 asks with a stern sort of voice.

"That would be none of your concern" she says trying to get past him, "unless it involves my best buddy then it isn't" he says standing his ground "why do you like Cameraman#437 so much? You do know there are plenty of other Cameramen out there that look just like him". " there are no other Cameramen out there like him, he's special" she says back in defence.

"If I see you go near him I will personally deal with you myself" Speakerman#723 says now getting his hand away from her. She nods her head and continues to walk around until she spotted HIM. She started to walk towards him not heeding the Speakermans warning. Speakerman#723 immediately sees this and although he said he would deal with her personally that was a lie, he's not a fan of hitting woman I suppose. He walks over to TVwoman who's still having a chat with the Cameraman scientists, well she was until she spotted Speakerman#723 and greeted him. "Hello! What brings you here?" She asks now flat out just ignoring the guys in white coats. "Well hello! I guess. Also I came here to tell you that the Camerawhore is about to try and make a move on your boyfriend". She quickly scans the room and of course just like he said Camerawoman was walking up to Cameraman#437. She just scowls as she starts walking up to the scene that's about to take place. But she was to late.

Just as she was about to yell at Camerawoman it happened, Camerawoman walked up to Cameraman#437 and tapped his shoulder. The moment he looked in the direction of Camerawoman she grabbed his tie and used it to pull him into a kiss.

~ooohhhhh cliffhanger, how exciting~

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