Clash of the titans

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All Cameraman#437 is thinking right now is how the hell did he get in this situation.

Right now Cameraman#437 was on top of a building watching an earth shaking battle between Titan Cameraman and the newly upgraded and still infected Titan Speakerman who decided to make a colossal return in the exact city Cameraman#437 was at. Cameraman#437 and a few other Cameramen were used as bait to get Titan Speakerman at the exact place they needed him at. There was a few losses on the way there and by the time they got there it was just Cameraman#437 and 2 other Cameramen...and they started with 10. Also the three Cameramen that made it (including Cameraman#437) were visibly damaged from head to toe. When the 3 Cameramen got in the strike zone they immediently fled to a building to hide and wait for the action to unfold.

After Titan Speakerman got in position Titan Cameraman flew down from the sky out of nowhere and the battle begun. Titan Cameraman wagged his index finger at the infected Titan while covering up his weak spots with thick sheets of metal before being showered by blasts from Titan Speakermans laser cannons, not that it did anything since Titan Cameraman countered it with a (surprisingly small) riot shield he pulled from his back. He slowly advanced towards his enemy still blocking all the blasts until he got close enough for a physical assault. He pulls the riot shield back and uses his other arm to take a swing causing his fist to hit Titan Speakerman in the face and then uses his other arm to take a second swing which results in Titan Speakerman stumbling backwards into a building. Titan Speakerman does a quick recovery and flies into the air using his gigantic jet pack, he then aims his laser cannons at Titan Cameraman once more and starts showering him with blasts. Titan Cameraman seems unaffected by the blasts as he turns his hand into some form of magnet which draws Titan Speakerman closer to him before turning the magnet back into a hand and using it to grab his enemy by the foot and bring him out of the sky and into another building. He stumbles to his feet while Titan Cameraman slowly walks towards him ready to pounce but is met with a super sonic blast from Titan Speakermans giant speakers which forces him back. Although it was no use as Titan Speakerman is sent back on his butt from a heavy kick from Titan Cameraman.

Cameraman#437 and the 2 other Cameramen watched in suspense and worry wondering how this fight was gonna go until their feelings were interrupted by an explosion that happened to their right at the big city buildings. All three Cameramen watch in shock as the even more upgraded G-man emerges from the smoke and dust. His signature demonic smile from ohio spreads across his face as he fires lasers at Titan Cameraman in an attempt to hurt him. Although the presence of G-man only seemed to make Titan Cameraman more pissed as he quickly dashes through the air at G-man with his jet pack and into the flying ohio toilet causing the both of them to get lost in an explosion.

Cameraman#437 looks back over to the Titan Speakerman who has now fully stood up was ready for action, Cameraman#437 then zooms in to the background to see Cameraman#124 with a jet pack equiped to his back. Using the jet pack Cameraman#124 flys into the neck of the infected Titan to try and remove the parasite from his systems, it didn't really go according to plan though as Titan Speakerman could feel someone try to get inside him so he stuck his hand into his neck with determination to find this second parasite and so he did. He pulls his hand out of his neck to see Cameraman#124 struggling in his hand, Cameraman#124 acts fast and throws a plunger at the already angry Titan in hopes it would do anything...all it did was make him more angry. With little to no effort Titan Cameraman crushed the bottom half of Cameraman#124's body before tossing his body down onto the ground which also made it light on fire.

"NOOOOO!!!" Cameraman#437 yelled while the other Cameramen held him back.

Meanwhile back with the other 2, Titan Cameraman and G-man flew out of the smoke still fighting. G-man kept firing his lasers but they were easily overpowered by Titan Cameraman's blue fire. SinceG-man was now immobilised Titan Cameraman took his chance and slammed his giant hammer into the boss toilet with tremendous force, now that G-man was dealt with Titan Cameraman turns around to face Titan Speakerman once more before launching himself into the other Titan with more force than last time and causing a shockwave that blasted the three Cameramen back a bit.

The next thing they see is Titan Cameraman throw Titan Speakerman over his head onto the ground, Titan Cameraman turns around from hearing a horribly familiar noise only to get stabbed in the chest by four blades that belong to a big flying Skibidi toilet. Titan Cameraman seems unfazed as he casually just rips off the metal mask from the toilets face and thunder claps his head killing him, he then brings his arm down hard disconnecting the blades from the toilet.

Cameraman#437 and the other Cameramen scream "LOOK OUT!" As they see a big parasite toilet fly into the Titans neck with only one goal, take control. Titan Cameraman feels the toilet try to enter his systems and pulls out the parasite form his neck before crushing its head. Titan Cameraman turns around only to be met with Titan Speakermans laser cannons, the blast send Titan Cameraman stumbling back since he was unprepared for the attack.

Cameraman#437 sees a tiny black speck on one of the giant speakers on Titan Speakerman so he zooms in to see TVwoman with little rockets attached to the sides of her head. She then flys down into the neck of Titan Speakerman and must of messed with his systems a little bit because he started to stagger around like a drunk person while twitching violently. He reached his hands back to grab what ever was interfering but before he could his arms are grabbed by Titan Cameraman who starts holding him at bay still twitching violently.

Out of nowhere G-man burst through an explosion on the left, his slick yellow shades were gone and he had a few big scars on his face along with glowing eyes. He had a big frown plastered on his face and he looked mad. Without thinking Cameraman#437 quickly grabs his stun rifle and starts firing at the G-man which seems to get his attention, and I guess the other Cameramen didn't want to die doing nothing so they grabbed their rifles as well and started showering their beams on the monster from ohio. Just as the enraged G-man was about to open fire on the peasants that dared to try and hurt him, his frown turned into a scared look as he side eyed the battle next to him before retreating.

The Cameramen looked back to the other battle to see what happened only to see Titan Speakerman on his knees with no ounce of fight left in him, the parasite toilet was now visible and so was TVwoman who was unharmed which got a sigh of relief from Cameraman#437.

She flys down from the fallen Titan and over to what was left of Cameraman#124 who was now not on fire. Completely unaware that her boyfriend was up there nor the other Cameramen she just puts a hand on Cameraman#124's body and vanishes in a fit of black smoke taking the body with her.

Cameraman#437 then looks over to see the top half of Cameraman#756 trapped under some metal, as TVwoman disappeared he reached his hand out in hopes she would take him too but was just left to die. All three Cameramen look over to the 2 titans, Titan Cameraman reached his hand out to the toilet parasite and rips him out of Titan Speakerman before throwing it on the ground and crushing it with his foot.

Titan Speakermans core starts to glow red again as he reactivates as the one we used to know and love. He stands up before looking around still regaining all his memories until he had finally pieced everything together, filled with sadness and guilt Titan Speakerman takes off into the skies and flies away to who knows where.

Even though this didn't really feel like such a victory the three Cameramen gave their Titan counterpart a thumbs up which he returned. They then see Camerachoppers fly down and medic Cameramen run out to help anyone in need. Titan Cameraman helps the medics pull the giant piece of metal off of Cameraman#756 so they could help him. Cameraman#437 and the other 2 Cameramen just lye down on the ground exhausted from what just happened before shutting down.

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