The bad news

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Btw infected Cameraman#437 looks like he is in the drawing above (I spent so long on that drawing and tried to put in as much detail as I could I hope you love it).

TVwoman has been digitally crying on top of the now fully built base after hearing the news.

TVwoman was ecstatic when she found out Cameraman#437 was finally returning after so long. (Since she still kinda like a leader she got a piece of paper that had the name of every damaged Cameraman that was coming on the Camerachoppers so they could prepare for when they come). All she wanted to do was hug him until the end of time, but after she heard the news she was heartbroken.

There was an emergency meeting (I SWEAR TO GOD IF ANYONE-) down in the newly configured meeting room where most of the high officials were called because something bad had happened, TVwoman teleported down there to find almost everyone in the room. Everyone listened to a Cameraman in a white coat who was standing in the middle of the room. "Hello everyone! Nice of you to come...ummmm anyway I wanted to inform you of some tragic and good things that have happened, first well start with the good news", he cleared his throat. "The production of repairing the Caneraman code named plunger Cameraman and the production of the new Speakerwoman has been going smoothly and we are sure to see them alongside us soon", he then stopped and went silent for a bit. "And we've gotten news about the Camerachoppers carrying the damaged Cameramen and...", all TVwoman could think about was how she was gonna see the love of her life again until he said "...the.. Camerachoppers were attacked by an army of Skibidi toilets and the choppers were brought down and destroyed, we have yet to find any survivors". Everyone either gasped or just laid their heads down low, sure atleast hundreds of Cameramen are killed each day but it was still quite sad to hear. Although the most taken aback by this was TVwoman, a Ó Ò face appeared on her screen as she just stood there. As other people started walking out TVwoman just stayed glued on the floor, Cameraman#437, the most adorable Cameraman, the most kindest Cameraman, and the most bravest Cameraman she had ever known..was..gone?.

After a bit of standing in the same spot a bit longer she finally snapped out of her trance as a hand was waved in front of her screen, she looks over to see Speakerman#723 standing there with his head tilted to the side a bit, "are you ok?" He asks with pure confusion as she just stares at him, a fit of black fog appears behind him and out emerges TVman#658 who just waves at her but to no response. As he was about to also ask if she was ok she had vanished in a puff of black smoke.

She teleports to the only place that would help her in the least, the place they went on their first date. Once she emerged from the black smoke she formed up on the roof the walked up to the railing and hung her head in her arms. She didn't know that it was possible but digital tears started streaming down her screen as she started making sobbing noises and thinking about how the love of her life was gone, before she met him she was more tough and strict sure she could be pretty nice and practical at times but after she met Cameraman#437 she has become more soft and open, is this what love does to you?.

She must have been up there for at least an hour before finally going down the stairs to apologise to Speakerman#723 and TVman#658 for her sudden teleportation, she just needed some alone time. She walked around the base trying to find the two until she met them in a room, both were sitting down against a wall and chatting. TVwoman approaches the two which gets their attention, "oh hi" Speakerman#723 says waving at her as if nothing had happened. TVwoman waves back before clearing her throat, "I'm...sorry that I teleported away from you earlier, it's just that..something bad happened and I wasn't sure how to cope with it yet". TVwoman looks down before feeling a hand on her shoulder, she looks up to see TVman#658 with a smily face on his screen, "don't be sorry, we realised something was wrong after you left and thought it would have been better to give you some space...but next time when there is a problem try speaking to us". "Your really not mad?" She asks just to get responded with Speakerman#723, "of course not! But next time if your in trouble we are here to help", "thanks you guys" she responds pulling them both into a hug.

Once she let them out of the embrace Speakerman#723 asks "and if you don't mind me asking, what was the problem?", TVwoman stares at him for a bit before saying "are you sure you want to know?". Speakerman#723 just nods his head in response, TVwoman started thinking *well he is Cameraman#437's best friend so I guess I should*. "So has something to do with...Cameraman#437", Speakerman#723 immediently became more interested as he leaned in and started spouting "what's the matter!? Is he ok!? What happened!?". "Well umm you what happened was- before she could finish her sentence a wall was blown up leaving smoke and dust everywhere which made it difficult to see the cause of the explosion. Soon TVwoman started to see a figure form in all the dust and smoke in the shape of a Cameraman, "it's a..Cameraman?" She says as the others in the room also look to see that it indeed looked like a Cameraman.

Finally after most of the smoke and dust cleared the figure was finally un cloaked. It was a Cameraman, except the had dark red lenses instead along with brown pants and a grey jacket, along with what looked like blasters on each arm, his tie was also a darker red.

What shocked TVwoman the most was when she saw the code on his head, "437!?" She yells in shock along with Speakerman#723 yelling out "buddy!" And running over to him (y'know being a fucking idiot, did he not notice that Cameraman#437 looked different) with open arms ready to hug him but only to be met with a fist in the face knocking him back into TVman#658. "Look! There's a parasite on his neck!" A Cameraman points out which everyone then notices, "don't worry, I got this" a scientist Cameraman says walking in front of everyone with a parasite gun in hand. He aims it at Cameraman#437 before pulling the trigger sending a glowing blue beam at the infected Cameraman and hitting him, Cameraman#437 seems to be un phased by the beam as he just stands there unaffected, he then raises his left arm at the scientist Cameraman pointing the blaster at him before saying a distorted "Skibidi Skibidi" and firing a red glowing laser at the scientist Cameraman which hits him and makes the scientist Cameraman kneels to his knees with his hands around his stomach as blue sparks start to fire out of his head before say "Skibidi dop dop dop yes yes" and launching himself at another Cameraman ripping him apart. Everyone looks back at Cameraman#437 in shock and fear as he just shot a red laser at another Cameraman making him attack his own peers aswell. "It seems his guns do the opposite of ours" a Cameraman says before being blasted aswell making him infected too. "I got this" TVman#658 says walking up to Cameraman#437 before beaming him with his purple screen, Cameraman#437 seemed unaffected by the stun attack as he just walks up to the TVman and kicking him in the gut knocking him back and onto the ground.

Skibidi toilets then started flooding into the room singing their song while attacking anybody they could, "RETREAT!" A Cameraman yells before being devoured by a toilet. Everyone starts running while TVwoman starts walking up to him before being a few feet away from him. "437, please stop...don't you remember me?" She asks him only to be met with a blank stare. He then raises his right arm at her before firing a beam at her, just in time Speakerman#723 jumps in and knocked TVwoman out of the way and also managing to avoid the beam himself. "We gotta go! There's no use trying to reason with him!" He says to her while helping her up and keeping ahold of her while running dragging her with him, "but...what if he's still in there?" She asks trying to struggle before Speakerman#723 says "at the moment we can't do anything about that! Now all we can do is run!". TVwoman hesitantly nods before picking up Speakerman#723 and teleporting them both outside the base I meet up with TVman#658 and the rest of the survivors who were getting on Camerachoppers.

Everyone hops in some Camerachoppers and take off into the skies, TVwoman, Speakerman#723 and TVman#658 all look out the window to see toilets crawling all over the base along with it in flames. This, was their biggest loss.

Robot love (Cameraman x TV Woman)Where stories live. Discover now