The city massacre

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Down in the crumbling state of Siffy city, Cameraman#437 and an army of other Cameramen were marching down the streets of the blown up city. Cameraman#437 looks to his left and gives a thumbs up to Cameraman#124 who was surrounded by empty toilet bowls on the ground. Cameraman#437 looks back to his original sight only to see one small difference, 2 Skibidi toilets with propellers attached to the top of their toilets were flying in the air in front of them and had their weapons up ready to fire. Cameraman#437 and all the other point the guns their holding at the toilets and the toilets are brought down by some blue beams. They crash into the ground with the impact making an explosion. Cameraman#437 quickly goes on high alert as he hears something bigger approaching and everyone else did as well. Then from out of the buildings what looks like a giant toaster with three heads in it hovers in front of the giant tank. It aims missiles at the tank in preparation to fire before being met with a blast to the face by Titan Cameraman, with the middle head gone to the flying toaster hovers backwards a bit but it doesn't do anything, Titan Cameraman pounces at them and grabs them with both hands before slamming them into a building making them explode in a ball of flames.

Everyone including Titan Cameraman turn around to look at the Camera choppers flying down towards them but then the choppers starts getting shot down by a UFO like Skibidi toilet who's flying around in the air. Titan Cameraman flies off into the sky to deal with the issue leaving a big dust cloud behind. A loud noise is heard behind the giant cloud as everyone including Cameraman#437 starts shooting their rifles at the noise which seemed to be a giant new variant of Skibidi toilet.

It's head was just a giant skull being covered by metal all over its head except it mouth. The blue beams showering all over its head seemed to be doing nothing but make it more mad. It starts shaking violently before spewing out a green liquid from its skeleton mouth. The green chunky substance melts the tank and everything in it and it disabled any Cameraman unlucky enough to be in it. As it was about to do it again a huge foot is slammed into the side of its head making its whole face visible. It turns it head to face it's new enemy but only to be met with the giant arm cannon of Titan Cameraman as it's head is blasted to smithereens. It takes off and throws his burning arm cannon on it for good measures also making the arm cannon explode.

Titan Cameraman turns around and gets in a fighting stance which makes everyone quickly dart around to see what was happening. A big Skibidi toilet with an unusually big jaw was coming their way at a fast pace until it stopped, it then lowers its head down and opens its giant mouth which results in a couple toilets jumping out of it. "So that's why he had such a big mouth" Cameraman#437 points out as everyone pulls their guns up in preparation for battle. But then 2 more of the same big mouthed toilet show up and release their little soldiers as well. "Oh geez" Cameraman#124 says as he gets out his plungers and nods for Cameraman#437 to starts marching forward. They start walking forward and the rest of their army follows while the toilet army starts slowly advancing forward as well. Both sides kept picking up the pace until they were basically sprinting. Some Cameramen stopped and shot off their guns hitting a few toilets while Cameraman#437 and Cameraman#124 kept running into the fray. Cameraman#437 kneels down to shoot his gun which hits a toilet while Cameraman#124 uses his back as a stand by getting on top of him and then flipping off his back and knocking into a few toilets. A toilet quickly charges at Cameraman#437 but he just stops the toilet with his foot and shoving the gun into his open mouth before saying "hasta lavista" and pulling the trigger making the Skibidi toilet glow blue before exploding, not harming Cameraman#437 at all. He looks over head to see Titan Cameraman fly above the battle and crashes into the three giant big mouthed toilets, smashing them with his hammer. Cameraman#437 is knocked in the back by a Skibidi toilet and was lying on the ground as the toilet was about to attack but was quickly saved by Cameraman#124. "Thanks" Cameraman#437 says as he takes Cameraman#124 hand and gets up, "don't mention it" he replies before getting out his plungers from the toilet and gives Cameraman#437 his rifle from the ground, "now let's flush!" He says which just gets Cameraman#437 more hyped up as he just yells "YEAH!". They both sprint out and start owning as much toilets as they can until they beat all of them. "Nice going" Cameraman#124 says offering his hand out for a high five to which Cameraman#437 gladly accepts. They both step down from the spire of toilets their standing on and go to check for any wounded.

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