Chapter 3: Unleashing the Power Within

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Another year had passed, and Y/n was now eight years old. She had grown more confident in her magical abilities, thanks to Dora's guidance and support. Today, they had an important trip planned—to Gringotts bank. Dora had a hunch that they might find more information about Y/n's fire powers and her family history.

As they made their way to Gringotts, Dora shared more details about the wizarding world and the significance of the bank. Y/n listened with rapt attention, eager to learn more about her magical heritage.

Once they arrived, they were met by a stern-looking goblin named Griphook, who demanded to know their purpose.

Dora stepped forward confidently, "We are here to access Y/n Black's vault and inquire about her magical abilities."

Griphook glanced at Y/n and then required 7 drops of blood from Y/n.

"Very well," Griphook said, looking intrigued. "Follow me. We shall begin with the inheritance test."

Y/n and Dora followed the goblin deep into the bank, to a private chamber where the inheritance tests were conducted. Griphook used the inheritige spells to gather information about Y/n.

Name: Y/n Black
Status: Half-blood
Age: 8
Species: Human       
                  Phoenix (blocked by 100% by Albus Dumbledore)
Parents: Sirius Orion Black, Mother unknown
Living Relatives: Nympadora Tonks, Bellatrix Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks, Ted Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy
Abilities:Parsletongue - 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore
Parslemagic - 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore
Healing Magic - 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore
Natural Legilimens - 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore
Natural Occulmens - 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore
Familiars: Currently none
Elemental - Fire (blocked by 90% by Albus Dumbledore)
Languages: Pyretongue (phoenix language), English, French, Parsletongue (snake language)
Vault 689 - trust vault set up by Andromeda Tonks(1,000,000 galleons, 50,000 sickles, seventy-five knuts)
Vault 1 - Salazar Slytherin's Vault (1,000,000,000,000,000 galleons & magic objects, weapons and books)
Vault 5 - Peverell family Vault (1,000,000,000,000 galleons & magic objects, weapons and books)
Heirness to:
Black - formerly (Sirious Orion Black transfered Black inheritence to Harry Potter, before Mr. Black was sent to Azkaban)
Slytherin (currently Heirness of Slytherin, will become Lady Slytherin at age 11)
Peverell (currently Heirness of Peverell, will become Lady Peverell at age 11)
Other information:
Loyalty Potions - to Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Weasleys, Hermione Granger
Hate Potions - to everything Slytherin
Magic Core: 20% active, 80% blocked by Albus Dumbledore 

After a thorough examination, the goblin handed the parchment back to Dora. "Y/n Black, you do have magical heritage, but it seems that the heirship to The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black has been transferred to Harry Potter, but you are Heirness of Slytherin and the The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell."

Y/n nodded, feeling a bit disappointed of her father, but also happy that she was still heirness of someone.(At that time she didn't know much about either Peverell nor Slytherin) She was happy with her new family, and the title didn't matter as much as the love she felt from Dora, but it still hurt that her father liked Harry Potter more than his own Daughter.

Dora smiled reassuringly at Y/n. "Don't worry, Y/n. You may not be the Black heir, but you are still special and loved and also Heirness to 2 very old and ancient houses."

Y/n smiled back, grateful for Dora's understanding. "I know, Dora. I'm happy with you."

With the inheritance test completed, Y/n received the 2 heirness rings, after that Dora turned their attention to Y/n's magical abilities. Griphook read through the information about the blocks and loyalty potions placed on her magic.

"These restrictions are unusual," Griphook commented with a frown. "We can remove them for you, but they have been performed by a highly skilled wizard."

Dora's face darkened with anger. "We know who did this," she said firmly. "Albus Dumbledore. He had no right to tamper with her magic in such a manner."

Griphook nodded, understanding her frustration. "Very well. We shall remove the blocks and potions."

Y/n followed Griphook to a separate chamber where he performed the necessary rituals to undo the magical restrictions. As the blocks and loyalty potions were lifted, Y/n could feel an overwhelming surge of power flowing through her. She felt like a bird freed from a cage, finally able to spread her wings and soar.

When she returned to Dora, her eyes were shining with excitement. "Dora, it worked! I feel so much more powerful now, and I can access all my abilities!"

Dora hugged her tightly. "I'm so glad, Y/n. You deserve to embrace your full potential without any hindrances."

Y/n looked up at Dora with determination in her eyes. "Dora, from now on, I want to be known as Y/n Tonks instead of Y/n Black. I want to embrace my new family fully."

Dora's eyes welled up with tears of joy. "Of course, Y/n. I'm so proud to have you as my daughter/little sister, my family. Y/n Tonks it is."

As they were returning home, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment regarding the Heirship to The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black being transferred to Harry Potter. "Why would Dad give it to Harry instead of me?" Y/n asked, her frustration evident.

Dora's expression mirrored Y/n's anger. "I don't know, Y/n. I can't understand why Sirius would do that either. It doesn't make sense."

Back home, Y/n wasted no time in practicing her newly acquired abilities. She marveled at her fire elemental powers, feeling the warmth and energy within her. She practiced teleporting like a phoenix, disappearing and reappearing at will.

Though the mystery of why Sirius chose Harry over his own daughter remained unsolved, Y/n knew one thing for sure—her true family was the one she had chosen, the one that had chosen her. And with the love and support of Dora, Aunt Bella and her newfound family, Y/n Tonks was ready to face any challenges that came her way, with her phoenix spirit burning brightly within her.

A/n - soooooo guys, I've decided that this story will be only Y/n Tonks x Fleur Delacour, since I have basically no idea how I would write relationship with 3 people in it. Also Y/n will be in Slytherin and instead will be best friends with Daphne & Tracy.

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