Chapter 4: The Grey Phoenix Emerges

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Months went by, and Y/n had grown tremendously in her magical abilities. She had mastered her fire elemental powers, becoming proficient in using her blue fire for various purposes. Fire shields, teleportation, and fireballs were now child's play for her. Y/n was eager to learn more, and Dora and Aunt Bella were more than willing to help her prepare for her future at Hogwarts.

In her free time, Y/n dedicated herself to studying and practicing magic. Dora and Aunt Bella taught her spells and techniques that would surely make her stand out at Hogwarts. As the heiress of Slytherin and Peverell, Y/n also learned etiquette and the art of conducting herself with grace and poise.

One day, Dora excitedly rushed into the room, a stack of dusty old books in her arms. "Y/n, I think I've found something about your blue fire!" she exclaimed.

Y/n's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Really? What does it say?"

Dora flipped through the pages until she found the information she was looking for. "It says here that your blue fire means you are a 'grey' phoenix. It's a rare and special phenomenon. Grey phoenixes are the balance between light and dark magic."

Y/n was fascinated. "So, I'm a balance between light and dark? What does that mean?"

Dora smiled, "It means you have the potential to wield both light and dark magic in harmony. You have a unique connection to both sides, which makes you a very powerful and extraordinary witch."

Y/n's mind raced with possibilities. She felt even more eager to learn and explore her magical abilities. But there was one aspect that caught her attention the most. "It says here that 'grey' phoenixes can transform into their phoenix form after the age of 10. I can't wait to experience that!"

Dora nodded. "Yes, it's an incredible transformation. You'll have to wait a little longer, but it will be worth it."

In the following days, Y/n practiced even harder, honing her skills and preparing for her 10th birthday. Dora and Aunt Bella continued to teach her magic, and she learned more advanced spells and techniques. Aunt Bella shared her knowledge of how to handle herself confidently and keep unwanted attention at bay, ensuring Y/n could navigate the magical world safely.

One afternoon, Aunt Bella visited them at their home. Over a cup of tea, Y/n and Dora decided it was time to tell her about Y/n being the heiress of Slytherin and Peverell.

"Aunt Bella, there's something we need to talk to you about," Dora began cautiously.

Aunt Bella looked at them curiously. "What is it, dear?"

Y/n took a deep breath and explained, "I'm the heiress of Slytherin and Peverell. But Dad took the Black heiress from me and gave it to Harry Potter for some reason."

Aunt Bella's expression turned serious. "He did what? That doesn't make any sense. You should have been the heiress."

"I know," Y/n said, her frustration evident. "We don't understand why he did it. It feels like he chose Harry over me."

Dora interjected, "We thought maybe you might know something about it, Aunt Bella."

Aunt Bella shook her head. "I'm just as puzzled as you are. Sirius loved you dearly, Y/n. There must have been a reason for his decision, but it's beyond my comprehension."

Y/n sighed, feeling a mix of emotions. "I guess we may never know the real reason. But I'm happy with my new family, and being the 'grey' phoenix means a lot to me."

Aunt Bella placed a reassuring hand on Y/n's shoulder. "You are special, Y/n. Embrace your uniqueness, and never doubt your worth."

Despite Aunt Bella's comforting words, a subtle change had taken place. Subconsciously, all of them felt a tinge of resentment towards Harry Potter for inheriting the Black heiress title. They couldn't help but feel that Sirius had made a grave mistake.

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