Chapter 1: The Mysterious Growth & Adoption

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Little Y/n was sitting on the floor of her small room at the orphanage, surrounded by a few toys that were her only companions. Her once long, silky black hair had been cut short earlier that day by the people at the orphanage, leaving her feeling upset and angry. She couldn't understand why they would do such a thing, and she desperately wished for her hair to grow back to its former length.

Focusing intently on her desire, she absentmindedly played with her toys while muttering to herself, "I wish my hair was long again... I wish my hair was long again..."

As the minutes passed, Y/n felt a strange tingling sensation on her scalp. She reached up to touch her hair and was astonished to find that it had indeed grown back to its original length. Her eyes widened in amazement as she realized her wish had come true. Confused yet thrilled, she couldn't believe what she had just witnessed.

Time passed, and Y/n turned six years old. Despite the newfound happiness of her magically growing hair, she still felt lonely at the orphanage. One day, the caretaker informed her that someone had come to see her. Y/n was skeptical at first, as nobody had ever visited her before.

"Someone's here for me?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and doubt.

"Yes, dear," the caretaker reassured her. "A young girl with colorful hair is waiting in the parlor to meet you."

Curiosity piqued, Y/n hurriedly made her way to the parlor. And there, sitting on a plush couch, was a girl with vibrant purple and pink hair. She looked up with a warm smile as Y/n entered the room.

"Hi there," the girl said cheerfully. "I'm Nymphadora Tonks, but you can call me Dora or Tonks. Are you Y/n?"

Y/n nodded, shyly responding, "Yes, that's me."

Dora's smile widened, "Great! I've been looking for you, Y/n. You see, we're family. I recently found out that you're my cousin."

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. Family? She had never known any family before.

"Really?" Y/n asked, unsure if she should believe it.

Dora nodded, "Really. I've just finished all the paperwork, and I'd like to ask you something. Would you like to come live with me? I want to adopt you and be your new family."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat. The idea of having a family, of being loved and cared for, filled her with joy. She didn't need much time to think before she exclaimed, "Yes! I want to be with you, Dora!"

Dora's eyes shimmered with happiness as she said, "That's wonderful! I'm so glad you feel that way. Let's get everything sorted, and we can head home together."

Y/n quickly packed up her meager belongings, her heart pounding with excitement and hope. She couldn't believe that her life was about to change, that she would no longer be alone.

As they left the orphanage together, hand in hand, Y/n knew that a new chapter of her life was beginning. With Dora by her side, she felt like she could face anything that came her way. Little did she know that the magical world held even more surprises and adventures in store for her.

And so, the journey of Y/n Tons, formerly known as Y/n Black, began as she embraced her newfound family and stepped into a world of magic, love, and endless possibilities.

(Sooo, first chapter is out, its something kinda like prologue. Also, please I still need more people to let me know their opinion on which house Y/n should be in and if the love interest should be only Fleur or Fleur & Daphne, if not Daphne will only be best friend or something like that idk, still wanna include her.)

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