Chapter 6: Diagon Alley Adventures

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The bustling streets of Diagon Alley were alive with the vibrant energy of wizards and witches preparing for the upcoming school year. Y/n walked alongside Dora, her heart fluttering with excitement. It was finally time to gather all her supplies for Hogwarts.

Their first stop was the robe shop, where Y/n would get her very first Hogwarts robes. As they entered, they spotted a man with long blond hair, a woman with blond and black hair, and a boy whose hair seemed to have too much hair gel.

Tonks leaned in and whispered to Y/n, "Those are the Malfoys."

Narcissa Malfoy's eyes fell on Y/n, her curiosity piqued. "Who's this little lady with you, Dora?"

Dora smiled. "This is Y/n Tonks, formerly Y/n Black. She's my cousin, and I adopted her after we found each other."

Meanwhile, Y/n and Draco Malfoy were being measured for their robes.

As the robes fitting concluded, Tonks filled Narcissa in on Y/n's story.

Narcissa's eyes widened, a mix of shock and sympathy in her gaze. "Sirius did what? He basically left his own daughter alone like that?"

Tonks nodded, her expression somber. "He even gave away the Black heirship to Harry Potter. But Y/n no longer cares about that since she is now Lady Slytherin-Peverell."

Draco returned, and Y/n followed him back to the main area of the shop. Their shopping continued, moving from potions and cauldrons to buying all the books Y/n needed for her first year at Hogwarts.

The journey led them to Olivander's wand shop, where they received the customary welcome. Y/n tried numerous wands, but none seemed to be the right fit. Finally, Olivander suggested they visit a custom wand shop in Knockturn Alley.

Arriving at the custom wand shop, the owner welcomed them warmly. Y/n was guided to search with her magic for the wood and cores that resonated with her. Yew, Ebony, and Blackthorn wood blocks floated toward her, while grey phoenix feather, Veela hair, and dragon heartstring cores followed suit.

The owner, a mysterious woman with an air of ancient magic, was amazed by the selection. "I've never seen such a unique combination in all my years."

Y/n smiled. "I guess I'm a bit unconventional."

As they waited, Y/n and Dora decided to explore more shops. They purchased books on Parseltongue and Parselmagic, because of Y/n's unique ability, that would many consider being dark.

Next, they set out to find a pet or familiar. In a shop filled with various magical creatures, Y/n was drawn to a serpent. As she approached, the snake began hissing, but to Y/n, it sounded like a conversation.

Curious, Dora watched as Y/n and the snake interacted, exchanging words that no one else could understand. The snake was a dark basilisk, a breed that could alter its size and weight as needed.

Y/n's face lit up. "You're a dark basilisk?"

The snake's hissing transformed into words only Y/n could comprehend. "Yes, a breed that can change its size. My name's Ariana."

As Y/n and Ariana conversed, Dora's confusion grew. Y/n eventually shared the conversation's content with Dora, explaining that Ariana would be an ideal familiar due to her protective capabilities.

Y/n turned to Dora. "Ariana is a dark basilisk, and I feel a connection to her. She can protect me at Hogwarts."

Dora's eyes widened. "A dark basilisk? That's a unique choice, Y/n."

Y/n questioned how Ariana  hadn't killed or petrified them, learning that Ariana had a secondary set of eyelids that allowed her to see without invoking her deadly gaze.

With Ariana chosen as her familiar, Y/n felt a deep connection forming between them. They also discovered that Ariana could sink into Y/n's skin, appearing as a tattoo and communicating through their shared mind.

Their shopping spree culminated as they returned to the custom wand shop. Y/n's new wand was ready, and as she held it, blue, red, and green sparks erupted from its tip.

The owner beamed. "It seems your wand is just as unique as you, Y/n."

With bags full of supplies and a heart full of excitement, smug smile because there was no tracker in her wand, Y/n returned home, eager to embark on her journey to Hogwarts armed with her new wand, her newfound familiar, and the support of her family.

And the next chapter we go on the train to Hogwards where we also meet our future 2 best friends :)

Also there are some imagies what our familiar can look like. Once again choose whichever you want, personally the first one looks pretty cool imo. + speaking in Parseltounge will from now on be like that: Parseltounge

 + speaking in Parseltounge will from now on be like that: Parseltounge

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