Chapter 9: Secrets and New Ally

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The next day dawned bright and clear, and our trio - Y/n, Daphne, and Tracey - were on their way from breakfast to their first class. However, their morning tranquility was soon disrupted by the unwelcome appearance of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Potter, with his usual air of arrogance, confronted Y/n, questioning why she was associating with what he called "death eater snakes."

Y/n's eyes flashed with a hint of irritation as she replied firmly, "I'm in Slytherin, Potter. We're all snakes here."

However, that response did little to deter Potter and Weasley. They continued their verbal assault, hurling insults and accusations at Y/n and her friends, labeling them as "death eaters" solely based on their house.

But then, Potter went too far. He mentioned something that ignited a fierce anger within Y/n. He revealed that Dumbledore had promised him that Y/n would be in Gryffindor, serving as his loyal follower. The implication that she was supposed to be his pawn, blindly obedient, was a direct insult to her independence and character.

Y/n's rage reached its peak, and without hesitation, she conjured two fireballs and sent them hurtling toward Potter and Weasley. The flames caught them by surprise, causing them to cry out in pain as their hands and faces were singed.

Wincing from their burns, they hurriedly made their way to Madam Pomfrey for treatment, leaving behind a shocked and seething Y/n. Her determination to thwart Dumbledore's plans had never been stronger.

Daphne, her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, chimed in, "Honestly, those two are insufferable."

Tracey, with her brunette hair neatly pulled back, added, "Totally, but you handled it brilliantly Y/n. Those fireballs? Classic!"

Y/n grinned, her anger dissipating. "Thanks, guys. You know we can't let Dumbledore control my life, right?"

Daphne nodded firmly. "Absolutely. We're here for you, Y/n, and we're going to make sure he regrets ever messing with us."

Tracey chimed in with a sly smile, "And with you leading the way, we'll give him quite the headache, I'm sure."

In their first class of the day, Charms with Hufflepuffs, Daphne and Tracey offered Y/n their support. They hugged her and promised to help her dismantle Dumbledore's manipulative schemes.

However, their conversation did not go unnoticed. Heidi Macavoy, a Hufflepuff student, overheard them and couldn't contain her curiosity. She approached the trio, inquiring about their intentions to thwart Dumbledore.

Y/n, cautious but intrigued, asked for her name before considering her request. Once Heidi introduced herself, Y/n pondered the situation for a moment. 

Daphne broke the silence, her voice lowered conspiratorially, "Heidi, we're about to let you in on a secret that Dumbledore doesn't want anyone to know."

Tracey leaned in, her expression serious, "But we'll need you to take an Unbreakable Vow to keep this between us."

Heidi blinked, her intrigue growing, and nodded slowly. "Alright, I'm in. What's the secret?"

She was eager to learn more about Dumbledore's manipulations and saw this as an opportunity to join a group of like-minded students. 

Y/n's eyes glittered with determination as she began to reveal their hidden knowledge, her voice steady and filled with purpose. "First, you need to know about the blocks Dumbledore placed on my abilities..."

Heidi listened in astonishment, her worldview shifting as she processed the information. When the revelations finally sank in, she hugged Y/n tightly, expressing her commitment to help the trio and her gratitude for their trust.

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