Chapter 12: Triumph

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The atmosphere in the Slytherin common room was charged with excitement as Y/n returned from her covert mission to secure the Philosopher's Stone. Daphne, Tracey, and Heidi eagerly gathered around her as she revealed the precious magical artifact.

Y/n: "Guess what, ladies? Mission successful!" She grinned, holding the shimmering Philosopher's Stone in her palm.

Daphne: "Brilliant! How did you manage it?"

Y/n recounted her venture into the room with the Mirror of Erised, describing the surreal scene of the mirror showing her extracting the stone, almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Tracey: "So, Dumbledore had no idea?"

Y/n: "Not a clue. It's all in the subtleties, my friends."

Heidi, new to the intrigue but just as excited, joined the conversation.

Heidi: "This is incredible! What's next?"

Y/n explained the encounter with Fawkes and how Potter and his friends planned to go after the stone the following week.

Y/n: "We're not going to sit idly. We'll be right there with them, under Disillusionment Charms."

Heidi: "Sounds like a plan. Let's show them we're not to be trifled with."

As the week unfolded, the four Slytherins discreetly made their preparations. The day of Potter's planned venture arrived, and they, under Disillusionment Charms, followed the trio through the challenges set by Dumbledore.

In the Room of Requirement, where they debriefed, the atmosphere was light yet charged with anticipation.

Y/n: "That chess game—did they really think they had to play it out?"

Daphne: "Honestly, they could've just walked around the pieces."

Tracey: "The troll was the highlight. Dead before they even got there."

Laughter echoed in the magically concealed space as they relived the events of the evening.

The triumphant moment came as they watched Dumbledore's dismay at finding a fake stone.

Y/n: "Priceless. He really thought he had it all figured out."

Daphne: "Imagine being outsmarted by a group of students."

Heidi: "This is just the beginning. They won't take us lightly again."

As the year concluded, Slytherin won the House Cup, and Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. However, the challenges they faced were far from over. The echoes of their laughter in the Room of Requirement resonated with determination—a collective vow to face whatever came next.

For now thats the end of the book, I know that few of you wanted me to continue it but I really just don't have the feel for it currently. If anyone is interested in being really like a co-writing this with me, mostly giving me ideas and anything else for the chapters then I'd consider continuing with their second year, but otherwise I'll leave it like that for now. 
But I'll most likely try to write one Star Wars now, going from Rebels to Ahsoka show, could be interesting I guess, anyways cya and sorry for the quick ending but yeah. 

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