Chapter 7: Aboard the Hogwarts Express

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The bustling Platform 9¾ was a flurry of excitement as families and students prepared to board the Hogwarts Express. Y/n stood with Dora, her heart racing with anticipation. The majestic train loomed before them, a symbol of the magical journey ahead.

"Wow," Y/n breathed, her eyes wide as she took in the sight.

Dora chuckled. "It's quite something, isn't it? Come on, Y/n, let's find you a compartment."

They walked along the platform, passing various families, including the Malfoys, Greengrass, Parkinson, Davis, Bones, and Weasleys. Y/n's gaze landed on Harry Potter, who exuded an air of arrogance. Dora noticed Y/n's reaction and nudged her. "Not a fan of Potter, huh?"

Y/n shook her head, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Definitely not."

Dora chuckled. "Best to keep your distance then. Don't want him rubbing the Black lordship in your face."

Y/n nodded in agreement, her dislike for Harry Potter deepening.

As the train departure neared, Dora and Y/n shared a heartfelt goodbye. "Write to me and Aunt Bella, alright?" Dora said, her eyes glistening.

Y/n nodded, her voice soft. "I will, I promise. Take care, Dora."

With a final hug, Y/n stepped onto the train. She found an empty compartment, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness. After settling in, she cast fire elemental runes and protective spells around the compartment, ensuring her privacy and security.

She waved to Dora as the train started moving, the window carrying her last glimpse of her family.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the compartment door. Y/n's gaze shifted, and she saw two girls she recognized from earlier: Daphne Greengrass with her blonde hair and Tracey Davis with brunette locks. Y/n flicked her hand, allowing the door to open.

"Can we sit with you?" Daphne asked, her tone polite.

Y/n smiled. "Of course, I don't mind at all."

The girls entered with their trunks and introductions followed. Y/n introduced herself as Y/n Tonks, adding "formerly Black" in a hushed tone.

Curious, Daphne asked, "Formerly Black? What does that mean?"

Y/n began to share her story, revealing that she was the child of Sirius Black, left in an orphanage until Dora Tonks, her cousin, adopted her. Daphne and Tracey nodded understandingly, assuring Y/n that her happiness was what mattered.

A memory sparked, and Y/n realized she had left the compartment door unlocked. She quickly set up the fire runes and spells, explaining her fire elemental abilities to her new friends. Daphne and Tracey were captivated, asking questions about Y/n's powers.

In the midst of their conversation, a knock sounded again. This time, it was Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Y/n's expression turned to disgust, and Daphne and Tracey shared her sentiment as they looked at the newcomers.

The two boys tried to barge in, but Y/n's protections blocked them, leaving them with burnt hands and a hasty retreat. The girls erupted in laughter.

As the laughter subsided, Y/n explained that Dora had warned her about Ron and Harry. She revealed that Dumbledore had placed numerous blocks on her magical abilities, and she divulged the curious fact that her father had transferred the Black lordship to Potter.

Daphne and Tracey's eyes widened as Y/n flashed her Lady Slytherin and Lady Peverell rings. Y/n's story left them in awe. Amidst their shared amazement.

Daphne leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "So, Y/n, being a metamorphmagus and having fire elemental abilities must make you pretty unique."

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