Chapter 11: Secrets Unveiled

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The night following their encounter with Dumbledore, Y/n was consumed by the need to spread her phoenix wings and soar freely through the night sky. Once Daphne, Tracey had succumbed to slumber, she silently slipped out of the Hogwarts dormitory, using her Phoenix Flash to transport herself near the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Transforming into her majestic phoenix form, Y/n took to the skies, gracefully circling above the dark expanse of the Forbidden Forest. Her mind raced with thoughts of how to deal with the persistent nuisances that were Potter, Weasley, and the ever-elusive Headmaster Dumbledore.

As Y/n glided through the inky abyss, she was interrupted by another flash of magical light, this one a brilliant shade of orange. When she turned her head, she found herself face to face with Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix.

A silent understanding passed between the two magnificent birds, and they greeted each other with a regal nod. Curious about Fawkes's unexpected presence, Y/n inquired, "Fawkes, what brings you here?"

With a hint of exasperation in his fiery eyes, Fawkes explained, "I just witnessed a meeting between Dumbledore, Potter, and Weasley. I could hardly bear it anymore, so I left. I sensed your presence when you transformed into a phoenix, and I decided to join you."

Y/n listened intently, her crimson eyes fixed on Fawkes. "What were they discussing? Do you have any insights into their plans, especially concerning me and my friends?"

Fawkes sighed, a fiery plume of feathers ruffling in frustration. "Dumbledore urged Potter and Weasley to befriend you and your two Slytherin companions. If that fails, they were instructed to attempt to separate you from Daphne and Tracey, believing that Heidi's presence is only temporary."

Y/n chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Heidi is here to stay. She's no mere phase, and she shares our disapproval of Dumbledore's actions."

Fawkes contemplated for a moment, his fiery gaze meeting Y/n's. "I'm considering breaking the familiar bond with Dumbledore entirely and becoming your familiar, but I'm also wary of abandoning my position entirely. Perhaps we could establish a partial bond now and strengthen it over time."

Y/n smiled at the wise phoenix before her. "That sounds like an excellent idea, Fawkes. Let's begin forging that connection."

As they shared their intentions and initiated the beginnings of a new, unique bond, Fawkes revealed another startling secret. "There's something you should know, Y/n. Dumbledore has concealed the Philosopher's Stone on the third-floor corridor. It's a lure for Voldemort, who currently shares the body of Professor Quirrell."

Y/n's heart skipped a beat at this revelation. "Voldemort is in the school? How reckless can Dumbledore be?"

Fawkes nodded solemnly. "Indeed, it's a grave risk, especially with Potter as Voldemort's target. You must be cautious."

After some time spent in conversation, Y/n decided to return to her dormitory, needing rest before the day's classes. With a farewell nod to Fawkes, she departed, her phoenix form disappearing into a burst of flames.

The following morning, Y/n gathered her three friends, Daphne, Tracey, and Heidi, and informed them of the recent developments. They made their way to the Room of Requirement after breakfast, settling into the secret chamber's cozy confines.

Y/n recounted her meeting with Fawkes, their plans for the partial familiar bond, and the shocking news about the Philosopher's Stone and Voldemort's presence in the school.

The trio's faces contorted with anger and disbelief as they absorbed the information. "Dumbledore is inviting disaster," Heidi muttered, her voice laced with frustration.

Daphne's expression hardened. "We need to take action. We can't let Voldemort get his hands on that stone, nor can we let Dumbledore's manipulation continue."

Tracey added, "And we must make sure that Heidi remains a permanent part of our alliance. Dumbledore underestimates us."

Heidi nodded firmly. "I'm here for the long haul. We can't let anyone break us apart."

They began forming plans to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone, intending to return it to Nicholas Flamel while ensuring to get some elixir for themselves for some use in the future. 

(Well guys, so this will be the phoenix language, I have no idea if it has actual name or no, but it will be like this: Hey Fawkes here.
Another  thing, do you want Susan & Hannah join the group or no? Since I don't really know who else could join them, since from slytherin, there is maybe like Pansy, which I don't really wanna do some redemption story for her being a bitch and being obsessed over Draco. Or Lily Moon, which I know nothing about. From Hufflepuff, tbh I know only Hannah and Susan. From Ravenclaw, I'm not really Luna fan so probably not her (sorry for those who wanted her or like her). If y'all have any ideas tell me, if nobody writes anything I guess I'll stay with Hannah & Susan joining the group.)

A/N Sorry for not posting for some time but I'm really not feeling like writing smthing rn and don't have much motivation for it, so sry. But I can promise you that I will come back to this tory. At latest by the end of the month, but I hope that I'll be back in few days.

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