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Talks of SH and Suicide. If you don't like it don't read it.

Tsukasa POV:
I've been a teacher at this school for a while now, but I had never met a student so kind until he was in my class. The sweetest boy I had met, but this cruel world couldn't let him be happy, let alone live.

He had a bright smile for everyone around him, yet no one wanted it. He had a kind aura around him at all times, yet no one interacted with him. Nothing he did was ever enough for these other kids.

He got bullied for being a 'freak', yet no one had proof to justify that. He had 'weird hobbies' and that was why no body liked him, but that wasn't true. He was the kindest boy someone could ever talk to, but no one ever did.

I still remember the day I met him, the day he came to my office asking for help on some work he didn't understand, the day he cried because he mother was in the hospital, the day we got close, the day we shared our dreams and what we wanted to be, the day he lost all personality . The day that smile was gone . The day he was gone .

The day I remember waking up to an email from him.

<Mr. Tenma,
Thank you for helping me when I was in my lowest point. You are the kindest someone's ever been to me, even if it was your job to do so. I really hope that you can get the job you've always dreamed and I'm sorry that I gave up. I'm sorry I did what you specifically told me not to. I left a small charm and a light up star I made myself on your desk after you left yesterday. I miss you and please don't dwell on my death too long, you have dreams to achieve and I don't want ruin that for you.
- Rui Kamishiro.>

I stared to cry. 'This isn't real. This Isn't Real! THIS ISN'T REAL!'  Played over and over in my mind. The boy that struggled so much.. he's gone, and I couldn't even help.

He's... really gone.. isn't he? I tried so hard to help him, to get him out of self harm, to get rid of the suicidal thoughts, and I failed. I failed to help him. To protect him from those kinds of thoughts. I failed my job. He's gone because of me... no not because of me, because of the students at this school. Because of everyone's lies about him. All the horrible rumours be spread about him. It's their fault not mine.

It's not mine it's theirs. It's not... my fault.. not my... actually.. maybe it is.

Rui POV:
*flashback bcz we love these*

It was normal. I walk down the halls and this was what was yelled at me or what I was told to do. Every single day. And it kind of started to get to me. Everyone would be better without me. I'm just a burden. No one actually needs me.

Nene just puts up with me because she's scared of hurting me.

Mizuki just puts up with me because they pity me.

Mr. Tenma just puts up with me because it's his job. He puts up with me because he has to, it's his job to do so.

I know they don't actually like me.. I don't know why I ever tried to convince myself they did, I know well that they only stayed my friends so that they could watch me suffer. So that they could use everything against me.

Or maybe they did care about me. Maybe they did want to help me... well it's too late now. I know what I'm doing and no one can stop me. I made small things for each of them. I made them all charms and one extra thing.

I made Mizuki a charm and a little mannequin so that they could test out small clothing designs on it.

I made Nene a charm and a big chibi robot version of herself. She struggled with anxiety so I hoped that would help her. I left instructions on how to work it on a piece of paper.

I made Mr. Tenma a charm and a small rotating start on a platform. Not to mention that star lights up.

I also made all of them suicide notes. I left Mizuki's and Nene's with their stuff, but I emailed Mr. Tenma's. His desk is on display for everyone so they would all be able to see it if I left it there.


This was my final goodbye to everyone. I put my head through the rope and kicked the stool.

"Goodbye.." was the last thing anyone would hear from me, but no one was even there to hear it. I died alone.

A/N: hehe angst. I love this. Also pls request I need more motivation to write.

Word count: 841

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