(❤️?)The smell of smoke, the thing I find the most comforting ❤️‍🩹

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Demon Tsukasa, nene and Emu.

Tsukasa is his New Years dragon card but give him a darker colour scheme and bigger antlers and nene and Emu are the close game offline cards.

Rui is a human that is being haunted by them.

Emu fulfills Rui's fear of being stared or looked at.

Nene fulfills his fear of judgement.

Tsukasa is just there to taunt him.

Just notes:
-Tsukasa smokes so he constantly smells like smoke and cigarettes. That's how rui knows he's there

-Emu smells like candy. That's how rui knows she's close.

- nene's breathing is recognizable to rui so that's how he knows she's there.

-Nene always calls rui a disgusting trans person but does actually support his decision it's just her job to be rude


Rui POV:
It started when I was younger. My mother had told me that when I turn 10, a demon or angel gets assigned to me. I always thought I would get an angel, that I would be happy, but I was wrong.

My mother had also told me that I could have more than one demon or angel. When you wake up you will be in a dimension that they have created to talk to you. This is only for the day you get them, though. They will stay by your side in the human world for the rest of your life.

*Epic Flashback*
I didn't know where I was. I had woken up in a dark and dusty area. I had been woken up by a sneeze that was brewing inside my body.

I had looked around, 'nothing.. this is just empty space..' there was nothing. Just hues of red and grey. I looked around a bit more and noticed a bright pink pair of eyes starting at me. I took that chance of smelling the place and a Smokey like smell filled my senses.

'Why am I here?' I thought to myself.

"It's your birthday.." someone said behind me. It sounded demonic and scary.

"My.. birthday." I remembered. I turned 10 today. "... what are you?" I asked, not daring to turn around.

I was locked onto that pair of eyes that were staring at me.

"The demon you have been assigned."


"Yes, demons, and you shouldn't stutter, it makes you sound weak." A feminine voice said to me. A different voice to the one that had spoken to me before.

I felt a pair of strong and big arms wrap around my body as a tail wrapped itself around my ankle. I felt a hot breath against my ear as words were whispered to me,

"You don't deserve an angel, your just a weirdo that no one likes. You are meant to be alone." The male voice was back.

"N-no I'm not.. I have plenty of friends!" I tried to prove him wrong.

"Oh~, but not for long." The female voice was back again.

I covered my ears. "Stop.."

My hands got removed and something or someone licked the shell of my ear.

"Scared now huh?" The voices kept alternating. The male was back. I started to cry. It was too much. It was too overwhelming.


"Hmmm, why? What's the fun in that? Leaving you alone is boring, I want to see you break. To see you cry uncontrollably, to be the one that made you cry uncontrollably." Female.

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