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Ok so my friend asked me to make a one shot based on an au I made up and told her so here Cheda_cat .

Background info:
-Ruis mum milks guys for money and traps them with the idea of marriage and then calls off the wedding a few days before. Rui knows this and tries to spend as much time with the guys his mum brought over that he actually gets along with as he can.

-Saki, Nene and Emu are Tsukasa's kids therefore making them Rui's step siblings.

- Both Rui and nene have bad paranoia.

-Nene enjoys being around Emu as much as she can

-Nene, Emu and Saki go to miya girls and Rui goes to kamiyama.

- Rui is 14, Nene and Saki are 12 and Emu is 11.

-Tsukasa is 27.

- Toya is Tsukasa's brother.

-Rui refers to his family with Japanese terms like 'Otousan' and 'Okaasan'.

-Ruis parents are divorced

For anyone who is wondering, Kazoku (the title) is Japanese and it translates to family. I was too lazy to actually find a good title so I went with the Romaji.

Rui POV:
I knew my mothers game at this point, to me it was obvious. She would milk guys of their money and valuables and trap them with the idea of marriage. I hated her for that. That was the reason Mafuyu got taken away from me. My mother fought so hard for custody, yet she never once payed attention to me.

She had introduced me to the guy she was currently dating, his name was Tsukasa Tenma. He was really nice, but I didn't talk to him much. He didn't come over often.

I soon had to meet his kids, they were nice, but I didn't really know what to do around them, that made it awkward. Soon enough, my mother told me that Tenma-San and his kids were moving in. I wasn't a fan of the idea but knew I had to warm up to it otherwise I would most likely get kicked out.

I didn't like socialising. I also didn't know how to take care of myself properly. I was born female, but transitioned last year. My period hasn't come yet, but puberty has already started kicking me in the ass.

I didn't want to stink around Tenma-San and his kids so I decided to take a shower every three days. I washed my hair best I could and left it at that.


Tenma-San was nice enough, but I didn't want to get too attached to him or his kids because then it would hurt really badly when they had to leave.

Sometimes Tenma-San would knock on my door and talk to me for a bit. I didn't mind his company, I found it comforting. My mother never cared to be around so it was nice to have an adult I could consider a bit like a parent around.

Comforting . That's a word I don't use often... I find Tenma-san... comforting? Yea. That's the word. I find comfort being around him and his kids.

They're nicer than anyones ever been to me. Emu-san is always trying to include me in the games they play, Nene-san is shy but kind and Saki-san shared the same energy as Emu-san.

I have to admit, I'm not the best at socializing. If anything, I'm absolutely shit at it.

I like hanging out around Tenma-san and the others, but it's a bit awkward.

I was currently in my room, robot in hand and bleeding wrists.

I had just cut myself moments prior and didn't have any bandages to clean it up with. I was sobbing so loud god himself could probably hear me. I didn't know anyone else was in the house with me so when I heard a knock on my door I got scared and froze. I went quiet and the door opened. I didn't bother looking.

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