#13 - Farmstacle

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It was the start of a new day in gunge camp. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping. It seemed to be yet another perfect day. Ben was still in his bed, dreaming about him being on the game show named "Wipeout" that he watched when he was about 8. As he was dreaming, he started hearing footsteps coming towards him. He slowly opened his eyes to see what was going on. Suddenly, a boy about 15 years old plunged a huge pie onto his face. The pie covered his face, shirt, and hair with cream. The boys that were around started laughing at him. Ben then mumbled "What did I expect at the gunge camp?". He woke up, and got out of the bed. He made the bed then went to the bathroom. He washed the cream out of his hair, and face. He felt freshened up, so he proceeded to do his normal morning routine. He brushed his teeth, and had a shower. At about 9 a.m., he went to the cafeteria to have his breakfast. After breakfast was done, he chilled for the rest of the morning. He went for a walk, and looked around the farm a little. Since the farm was very big, he couldn't explore everything in a morning. Lunch time finally came, so Ben went to the cafeteria again to have his lunch. At about 1 p.m., Mark called everyone to meet him at the field near the farm. After Ben was full, he walked to where Mark said to meet him.

Ben walked beside the farm, and saw a trail through some woods. He followed the trail which lead to a field with a huge obstacles. He saw some boys gathered around it, and saw Mark on a little stage. A couple minutes later, all of the boys came to the field. Mark then said "Alright, Gungers. We have a giant obstacle here, and some of you guys are going to compete in it. Whoever finishes it with the fastest time, will get to gunge the person with the slowest time this evening.". After that was said, the crowd cheered very loudly. Mark then exclaimed "As you guys knew, we had a new boy here. Why not let him be the first, right?". The crowd cheered again, as 4 boys dragged Ben near the start of the obstacle. A boy told him to remove his shirt and shorts, and left his underwear, socks, and blue sneakers on. Ben did what they said, and he was left almost naked. He was told to wear a life vest, so he chose the blue one, then wore it. Then, he was given a pair of goggles which he wore them as well. After that, Ben was ready, and waited at the starting line while getting very nervous to what was coming next.

Moments later, an air horn was blew, and the time started. Ben quickly hopped on to the first obstacle which was just some poles sticking out of the water. He hopped around it very easily, and gain some confidence. As he was about to pass it, the pole shook which sent him tumbling head first into the blue water. Ben quickly emerged from the surface, and gasped for air. The water was cold, so he shivered while swimming his way to the edge. He got out of the pool, soaking wet, and quickly got up the next obstacle.

After he reached the next obstacle, he stood there, panting for a bit. This one looked like a farm with a lot of cows. Moments later, he was ready. He confidently hopped from platform to platform, and stopped on a platform near the end. As he was about to jump, a ton of liquid butter came crashing down on him from above. He waited there for a couple seconds while being soaked in butter. As he was about to jump again, he slipped from the oiliness of the butter, and plunged head first into the pool. However, this time a pool of heavy cream was below. He was plunged into 6 feet deep of cream, and slowly floated to the top. After emerging from the surface, he splashed the cream around a little while being very confused of what had just happened. He floated there for a little bit, then started to swim his way to the next obstacle. After Ben got out of the cream pool, he quickly climbed up the next obstacle. Right now, the liquid had dried off, leaving a thick layer of gunk on his skin, and made him smell like milk.

A moment later, Ben started to cross the third course. He leaped across the gap, and onto a platform. A wall with a small tunnel behind it was blocking the way. He saw that the the tunnel was too small to walk through, so he had to crawl through it. As he started to craw through it, a sticky liquid was dropped on his head. Some time later, more started pouring onto his back, and started coating him in it. After he was half way in, the floor under him opened, and sent him flopping into the clear liquid below. He then tried to scrambled his way up from the sticky liquid. After Ben emerged from the surface, he discovered it to be very sticky, and knew that it was syrup. Ben swam to the edge, and tasted some syrup that got into his mouth. After Ben got out of the pool, he got his sticky body up the ladder, and onto the forth obstacle.

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