#31 - Cafeteria Mayhem

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It was an ordinary Wednesday in September in Calgary, and Ben was getting ready to go to school. He arrived there at about quarter to 8 like usual, and went talking to his friends before going to his first class. The morning at school involved a period of geography, literature, and art. After that, Ben headed to the cafeteria to eat his lunch which was where some mayhems were about to happen to him.

As Ben was minding his own business, carrying his lunch tray, Robin the bully and his minions showed up. At first, they seemed to be nice and compliment Ben's style of dressing which was just a basic hoodie and a pair of pants. The bullies advised Ben to put down his lunch tray on a table nearby, so he supposedly won't be tired of carrying them. As the bullies were admiring his clothing, they had a sudden urge to bully him by trying to take his clothes away from him. Suddenly, Robin took Ben's hoodie off while his minions tried to take his pants. Ben only had his shirts and underwear on while he was trying to defend himself from getting stripped down by the bullies. At last, Ben lost his balance while trying to defend himself, and slipped down while his shirts came off him. Ben was only in his white boxers while he was tumbling to the floor. As he was falling down, his right arm was pushing his lunch tray down onto him while his left arm swung over to another lunch tray which was holded by a teacher that was walking pass him which ultimately sent both lunch tray filled with food right onto him. Right after he fell down, the spaghetti fell right down on his face, followed with some mashed potatoes. His body was covered with bits of mashed potatoes and french onion soup along with some orange juice and chocolate milk covering his lower stomach down to his thighs. He was covered in bits of food while laying in a pool of lunch. As if that wasn't bad enough, the metal lunch trays also fell down on his crotch and stomach which really hurt him. When he looked right in front of him again, the bullies were no where to be seen.

While Ben was sitting in his misery, the entire cafeteria filled with laughter, and the teacher wasn't too happy since he had just spilled her food and caused a big mess. She told him to stay there with an angry voice, and went into the janitor's room. She then came out with a piece of cloth and a yellow bucket that people used to mop the floors with that was filled with soapy water for him to clean up his mess. A loud 'Oooohh!' came in unison as the teacher said that she was going to get the principal after she screamed a loud 'quiet' before leaving. Ben was left there to clean up the mess all by himself while covered in globs of food that started to feel sloppy and sticky. A few minutes later, the teacher came back to him and told him that the principal wasn't there, but he would have to take a visit to the principal's office later that afternoon. After all of that was said, she reminded him to clean it all up before leaving.

As he was still cleaning, the bullies came back with their stomach full of food, and was carrying their lunch trays. They then put their trays at a table beside Ben, and put their face right up to his. After a menacing stare, Robin grabbed his hair very tightly , and dunked his whole head down the bucket filled with disgusting bits from the floor. Ben panicked as his head was being pushed lower and lower down the bucket. Finally, Robin raised his head up which was very soapy. Before Ben could gasp any air, or open his eyes, some spaghetti was smushed into his face while some got into his mouth. One of Robin's minions started to pour his left over onion soup right on his head and back. After Ben could gasp some air, his head was dunked into bucket again, this time his butt cheeks were being slapped as well which made him panic even more. Moments later, his head was raised from the water, and the poor boy started whimpering and crying. As Ben was crying, Ben wasn't very aware of his surroundings, so he didn't noticed when some cups of orange juice and chocolate milk were being stick into the back of his underwear. Robin then tricked Ben to lean down by telling him to bow down in exchange of letting him go. That dork took the bait, and realized he was tricked as the liquid started to go down his back. The bullies were feeling generous as they removed the cups from his underwear. Although they were kind in that moment, they lifted him up, and put him into the bucket just moments later. Ben was sitting in the bucket with his crotch and stomach completely under the disgusting liquid while his face was being smeared with mashed potatoes and the disgusting gray water was being poured from a cup onto his hair. He was miserable, and cried out very hard. Lastly, the bullies poured a cup of chocolate milk onto his head, and left him crying in the bucket.

After a few minutes of crying, he got himself together and got out of the bucket. He was very wet and soapy after he was put in the buckets by the bullies. He managed to clean up the mess very quickly after he got himself back together. After that, he returned the equipment, and went showering. Luckily, the bullies left his clothes for him, but the bad news was he needed to get a new pair of underwear. Luckily, he packed one extra since he knew something like this was going to happen. After he got cleaned up, he went back to the cafeteria to get his lunch which he successfully did. After the afternoon class, he went to the principal office like he was told, and got nothing more than some simple words from the principal. Although Ben was worried before going into the office, he didn't get into much trouble after all..

End of Chapter 31 of 40

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