#29 - Truth Or Dare Gone Wrong

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About 2-3 weeks ago, Ben had just came back from the US from visiting his relatives. He was chilling at his home near the out skirts of his town, Calgary. One day in a hot day of August, his friends from gunge camp decided to meet up, and potentially have some time together. They decided to meet at a library near a skate park down town at noon the next day. Since it was a Tuesday, Ben's parents won't be home tomorrow, but they decided to let him go anyway.

The next morning, Ben quickly grabbed his backpack along with the skateboard after finishing his breakfast, and asked his parents to drop him off at a library near by. After that, they then went to work down town. The time was about half past 9, so he decided to read some random books. Ben found a book about craft and arts interesting, especially the model-making part since he was a miniature model enthusiast himself. He also found another book about space and galaxies which he also took that to read. At about 11:30, he went to a bubble tea shop near by, and ordered himself a glass of it. Soon enough, Jamie showed up, and saw Ben drinking his bubble tea while saying a simple 'Hello'. He wanted some, so he went to the same shop that Ben went in which left him waiting there by himself. As Jamie was walking out of the store the rest 3 showed up together, and greeted each other. As it was getting near noon, they decided to go to a near by fast food place to get their lunch. Ben got a pork burger along with Jamie, but the trio got themselves a chicken burger each instead. After they finished their lunch, they went back to the skate park which was attached to a bigger public park.

The time was roughly quarter to 1, and the sun was fully beaming its ray onto them. Although it was really hot, the friends decided it wasn't a big deal, so they grabbed out their skateboard, and started skateboarding. They started showing tricks, and doing some impressive stuff like every people do. About 1 and a half hour later, they were getting pretty bored, and was looking for something interesting to do.

Theo: I'm getting kinda bored. Can we do something else?

Liam: What about playing hide and seek here?

Brodie, Jamie, Ben: Really? In the skate park?

Theo: Yeah, they got the point. Where are we supposed to hide here?

Brodie: What about tag?

Jamie: I'm not too keen of the concept of continuous running right now. Why don't we go to the movies?

Ben: I don't think there're any interesting one right now.

Liam: Yeah, we almost watched it all.

Theo: I've got an idea!

Ben, Brodie, Jamie, Liam: What?

Theo: Why don't we play Truth or Dare?

Jamie: Sound interesting. Are you guys down?

Ben, Liam: Yeah.

Brodie: I guess we could do that.

Theo: Alright! Let's play truth or dare!

After settling with truth or dare, the friends sat on a bench and started the game.

Theo: Alright, I'll go first. Jamie, truth or dare?

Jamie: I'll go with truth.

Theo: What's the most embarrassing thing your brother did at home?

Jamie: The most embarrassing thing he did was getting a pizza delivery while still being naked. Oh my goodness, I'm really sorry, Jason.

Ben: When was it?

Jamie: I was in the 5th grade, so he was in 7th.

Jamie: Liam, truth or dare?

Liam: Probably truth?

Jamie: Okay, what's the most childish thing you're still doing?

Liam: Probably watching Peppa Pig as my favorite show?

Theo: Dude, you still watch that thing?

Jamie: Wow, you're really a child.

Liam: Hey!

Brodie: Let's stop, it's Liam's turn now.

Liam: Ben, truth or dare?

Ben: Okay, let's spice things up! I'll have a dare.

Liam: Okay, your dare is to go down that quater pipe half-naked.

Jamie, Theo, Brodie: Ooooooh!

Ben: Okay, I could do that.

After accepting the dare, Ben got up the quater pipe with his skateboard. He then took off his shirt and shorts, leaving his white briefs on. After gaining enough courage, he went down it. At first, things seemed to be going well, but suddenly, he got scared of a ditch coming up, and froze. Before he even knew it, he was diving down the ditch with his skateboard and underwear. He splashed into the nasty water before plunging into the nasty sludge below. After submerging in one of the dirtiest ditch in town, he quickly got up. His body was covered in black sludge, and started to stink. He was unrecognizable, and even his very unique details like his soft and rosy cheeks were completely covered in the sludge. He couldn't even open his eyes, nor gasp for air very consistently. The ditch was filled with sewage, trash, mud, you name it which made it one of the most disgusting ditches in town. Naturally, everybody in the area, including Ben got really disgusted, and Ben gagged from an obvious reason.

When Ben thought it was done, Liam decided to challenge him further by making him swim further down the nasty ditch. He didn't want to do it, but got pressured by the cheering from his friends. He threw his skateboard out of the ditch which almost hit his friends, and then decided to dive down again and went for a swim in it. As he kicked his legs and doing his strokes, the gunk floated up from the bottom, and covered him in more sludge. Along the way, he swam through dead fishes, leaves, algae, and even some frogs. After he finished swimming, he resurfaced with his body covered in the sludge, leaves, and algae, and even some frogs called his stinky briefs their new home. After Ben got out the ditch, the horrendous smell wafted around the area which made everybody gag. The only goal was to make Ben stop reeking of such a horrible smell, and the worse thing was Ben couldn't see and nobody wanted to get near him.

Firstly, Ben got himself together, and wiped the sludge off his eyes. He then grabbed the algae and leaves off his body before picking the frogs out of his briefs. Next up, he took his skateboard which was covered in sludge with him, and went to a near by pond in the park. He then dove in, and started washing the black stuff out. Ben started to get cleaner, and reeked of the smell less although his white briefs were still stained gray. Ben then decided to go clean himself more in the park's shower room with soap, so he could be even cleaner. After a while of cleaning later, Ben was clean enough to eliminate the nasty smell. Brodie then quickly hopped to the nearest convenient store to get Ben an emergency towel and pair of underwear. Ben then got dried up and changed into his new pair of underwear and got into his old clothes. It was a very embarrassing and disgusting stories for him, and hopefully it reminded him not to take a dare near ditches anymore. Anyway, the friends decided they weren't going to play truth or dare any more since it had had a very catastrophic outcome. The friends decided to go to the movies instead, especially Ben who really wanted to stay as far away as he can from ditches from now on...

End of Chapter 29 of 40

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