Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Profile!

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Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze


Human, Jinchuriki, Sage.


Naruto-kun, Naru, Naru-kun, Naruto-nii-san, Naruto-sama, Lord Naruto, Sensei, Number One Unpredictable Ninja, Boy of Miracles, Child of Prophecy, Saviour of the World, Hero of Wave, Second Yellow Flash, Gojo, The Strongest Human, Nine Tails Jinchuriki, Maelstrom of destruction, God of Shinobi, Naruto Boy, Son of Fourth Hokage, Son of Yellow Flash, Son of the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero, Shinobi No Kami, Sage, Senjustu Master, The Chosen One, Honoured One, Hi no Kami, God of Shinobi, God of Lighting, Kaminari no kami, Raikage, Strongest Kage, Strongest Raikage, Strongest Shinobi.


5-A [Large Planet Level ]

Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze is the only child of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. He is the Jinchuriki with nine tails. He possesses two bloodlines: Limitless and Six Eyes. Additionally, he possesses the Ryjin Jakka and Ryjin Inazuma. Additionally, he had mastery of the Nine-Tails Charka. He is in perfect Sage mode. Further, he could mix Sage Mode with Nine Tails Chakra Mode.





Personal Information:-

Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze is a former Konohagakure shinobi. He is the only child of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. On the day of his birth, he became Jinchuriki of Nine Tails. This fate caused him to be rejected by most of Konoha throughout his childhood after being expelled from Konoha for endangering the village's safety.

He has a unique bloodline known as Sixeyes and Limitless. He is the former student of Kakashi, the Copy Ninja; Jiraiya, the Toad Sage; Rayleigh, the Dark King; Rinji Kaguya, the Illusionist; and Zhuge Liang, the Sleeping Dragon. As the ruler of Kumogakure no Sato (Cloud Village) and the Heavenly Alliance, he also has Ryjin Jakka and Ryjin Inazuma, two of the world's most potent swords.

Naruto has previously met his new sensei, Rayleigh of Kirigakure no Sato, and Rinji Kaguya, formerly Kirigakure no Sato, after being banished from Konohagakure no Sato. Sewia Ainsu, his soon-to-be closest buddy and friendly rival, was also introduced to him. Several years later, he was brought to Zhuge Liang and Yue Ying, where he was taught alongside Anisu and then sent to explore more of the Elemental Continent. Afterwards, he came to Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning Country), where he helped the Rebel Factions win the Civil War. He became the Rokudaime Raikage of Kumogakure no Sato and founded the Heavenly Alliance.

He is also known as the strongest kage ever to live, and after defeating all four Hokages of Konohagakure no Sato, he earned the title Shinobi no Kami.


Naruto is noted as boisterous, exuberant, and unorthodox, quite similar to Hashirama Senju. He inherited his mother's verbal tic, as he ends his sentences with "Dattebayo" (だってばよ!) when emotional.

Another of Naruto's prominent traits is his desire for acknowledgment; his pranks around the village were for people to notice him, even if it meant scolding him. Therefore, he dreamed of becoming Konoha's Hokage, the epitome of acknowledgment and respect from everyone in the village. Knowing his dream is a long, arduous, and seemingly impossible path, Naruto developed his mind of never returning to his word. This life-long philosophy serves as the cornerstone of Naruto's great self-confidence; he believes he can accomplish any goal with enough hard work and perseverance, no matter what. This trait guides him in many aspects of life. After being banished from the village, Naruto honored his parent's wishes to become the strongest Shinobi ever to live on the planet.

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