Chapter 9

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"So, can you tell us why you were banished?" Rinji asked again.

Naruto, of course, did not answer at first but decided that since they already knew he was a jinchūriki, he might as well come clean.

"I was banished because some of the Konoha council could use a law to overrule the Hokage and have me banished. Most of the council hated me because of what I was, and they feared the Akatsuki would destroy the village to get me, as the village had been weakened from the recent invasion by Suna and Oto. So they decided to banish me in the hope that the Akatsuki would leave Konoha alone so it could rebuild and let the Akatsuki attack and weaken the other villages to get their jinchūriki", explained Naruto.

At this, Rayleigh and Rinji nodded since they had heard of Suna and Oto's recent attack on Konoha and how the village drove them back. But even after hearing this, both Shinobi were slightly baffled by the council's reason for banishing Naruto, even though they could understand their fear of being invaded by the Akatsuki. There would still be no guarantee that the other villages wouldn't attack Konoha before the Akatsuki go after the other jinchūriki. Plus, with the losses and damage they took during the recent invasion, added to the loss of their jinchūriki, Konoha's military strength would be severely weakened, making it more vulnerable. Hence, there had to be more to their plan than to avoid a conflict with the Akatsuki simply.

After a few minutes of silence, Naruto decided to ask some of his questions about Rayleigh and the others since they knew much about the workings of the Shinobi villages.

"So, where are you guys from?" Naruto asked.

"We're from Kirigakure no Sato (Village Hidden in the Mist); like you, we were forced to leave our village. Rayleigh-kun was also once the leader of members of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū (Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist), also known as Dark King. But we were forced to leave due to the people's hatred of my Bloodlines and because I was the last of our clan, just like Anisu," explained Rinji, who then indicated her student Anisu.

At hearing this, Naruto was surprised since he did not expect them to be members of the same village and group from which Haku and Zabuza were.

"So you guys are Missing Ninjas who fled the Bloodline purge in Kirigakure."

"Yes, you've heard of the bloodline purge?" asked Rayleigh, mildly surprised at Naruto knowing about it.

"Ehhhh, yeah, I heard it from a friend not too long ago," Naruto answered. "So, what kind of Bloodlines do you guys have?"

"My Bloodline is called the Mistweaver; this Kekkei Genkai allowed me to weave illusions into the mist, " Rinji explained.

"Cool," said Naruto with slight awe and excitement when he turned to Anisu, "And what about you."

"I possess the Hyoton Bloodline, which allows me to combine my Wind and Water affinities to create and use Ice Ninjutsu," answered Anisu, which caused the young blonde eyes to widen in shock.

"Just like Haku," muttered Naruto in shock, which Anisu and his two Sensei heard.

"Haku? Do you mean the same Haku who served Momochi Zabuza, the Kirigakure no Kijin (Demon of the Hidden Mist), a former member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū, just like Rayleigh-sensei and Rinji-sensei", asked Anisu with a frown as he stood up?

"Yes," replied Naruto, with uncertainty.

"How?" asked Anisu as he approached Naruto and looked directly at him.

"I met him at Nami no Kuni (Wave Country) on my first mission with my team outside our village," Naruto answered.

At hearing this, Anisu became increasingly angry, and he then grabbed hold of Naruto by the collar of his jacket and slammed him into the cave wall next to them, which alarmed both Rayleigh and Rinji.

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