Chapter 10

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Seeing Naruto watching them, Rinji went over to him and offered him the chance to train with them, but he refused, stating that he couldn't use his Chakra as it had been sealed off from him.

This did not surprise Rinji, as she and Rayleigh already knew this since it was standard practice for Shinobi villages who banished one of their Shinobi.

Rinji told Naruto that he could still train with them in Taijutsu, and if he were interested, they would teach him some Kenjutsu moves.

This excited Naruto, who eagerly joined Rinji and Rayleigh in their training of Anisu.

For the next few hours, Rayleigh and Rinji trained both Naruto and Anisu, where the two of them helped improve his Taijutsu skills, which were rough, to say the least, since Naruto had no real style and acted solely on instinct. They then taught Naruto some basic sword stances and had him practice them for the day.

After they finished their training and sat down for dinner, Rayleigh decided to suggest an idea he had come up with when he had been training Naruto and Anisu.

"Tell me, Naruto, other than the seal that prevents you from using your Chakra, are there any other seals placed on you?"

"Yeah, one other; it prevents me from talking about Konoha and anything involving it," Naruto answered as he ate the rice Rinji gave him.

At this, Rayleigh nodded, as he expected something like that, although normally, when a village banishes a Shinobi from their village. They would either place a powerful Genjutsu that would make them forget being a Shinobi or seal away his or her memories of being a Shinobi.

"Would you mind showing these seals?" asked the former Mist swordsman; where Naruto nodded and opened his mouth to show the seal that prevented him from talking about Konoha. After this, Naruto removed his jacket and shirt and revealed the seal on his chest that restricted his Charka.

When Naruto showed Rayleigh the seals, the missing-nin studied each of them closely to understand how they worked.

After studying them both for a few minutes, Rayleigh signaled to Naruto that he had seen enough, and he then let out a deep sigh.

"Why did you want to see my seal?" asked Naruto as he put his shirt and jacket back on.

"I was hoping that if I examined them for a few minutes, I could understand how your seals work."

"And?" asked Naruto as he dared to hope that Rayleigh could help him.

"Sadly, I do not believe I can break them, Naruto, as each Shinobi village uses their sealing techniques when sealing away a person's Chakra. Hence, I am unsure how to undo yours. As for the seal that prevents you from talking about Konoha, that is another matter in itself, as it is very advanced and unlike any I've seen before, and I fear if I tamper with it, I could do you harm", answered Rayleigh.

"So there's no way that they can be removed?" asked Naruto with disappointment as he began to lose hope.

"I did not say that," answered Rayleigh with a knowing look, and Naruto just became confused.

"But you said-" said Naruto but was stopped by Rayleigh as he held his hand up.

"I said that there was nothing "I" could do, but there is something that you can do," replied Rayleigh, and Naruto just became even more confused.

"What do you mean by that? How can I get these seals off me when I don't know anything about seals?"

"By using the Kyuubi's Chakra, as a Biju's Chakra is potent regardless of how strong those seals are. I'm certain that there is only a certain amount of the Kyuubi's Chakra they can withstand," explained Rayleigh.

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