Chapter 8

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Naruto was now in the middle of a forest somewhere in the middle of a heavy rainstorm, trying to find some shelter from the heavy rain. He was unsure of where he was exactly. He had run out of food several days ago and had tried hunting but had no luck with it. He had not tried to go to town to get some food, for fear of people spotting him or being recognized by any chance meetings of the Akatsuki members or even one of their agents that would be on the lookout for him, since he was sure that the Akatsuki were aware that he was no longer in Konoha and was thus vulnerable.

Soon enough, though, Naruto collapsed on the wet ground as he was walking. He was weak since he had not eaten in several days.

"So this is how it's all going to end. Not the way I had wanted, but it could be worse." Naruto thought sadly as he was about to drift into unconsciousness. But he has then forced himself to wake up. "No! I still have my goal to accomplish! I can't give up. I won't give up." Naruto thought as he tried to get up but fell back on the ground.

As he was drifting in and out of unconsciousness, he heard the chiming of tiny bells. As he looked up, he could see two figures walking in the rain and heading towards him. Even though it was dark, he could still make out two things about the two people as they got closer. The first thing was that both of them were wearing conical straw hats with small spike-like balls hanging down to cover their faces. The second thing was that both were wearing dark cloaks with chin-high collars that also covered their faces.

When he saw this, one word popped into Naruto's mind right before he drifted into unconsciousness.


They had found him.

Naruto's senses slowly returned to him as he regained consciousness. The soft murmur of voices echoed in his ears, their words indistinguishable but their presence undeniable. He could discern the distinct timbre of a female voice among them, suggesting the presence of at least two or more individuals nearby.

As he tentatively opened his eyes, the rough texture of a cave ceiling greeted him. The flickering shadows cast by the dancing flames of a nearby fire painted an ever-changing tableau on the rocky surface. The warmth radiating from the fire seeped into his bones, providing a comforting contrast to the cool hardness of the cave floor beneath him.

A blanket, coarse yet strangely comforting, was draped over him, shielding him from the chill of the cave. As he lay there, taking in his surroundings, he couldn't help but wonder about the identities of his rescuers and what their intentions might be.

"What's going on? The last thing I remember, I collapsed from hunger, and I then saw..." thought Naruto before he jumped up a start, as he remembered what he saw before he fell unconscious.

When he stood up, he saw three people sitting opposite him, who had now turned to look at him when he sat up.

The first person was a tall individual who appeared to be quite elderly. This person had a well-sculpted and attractive face adorned with round glasses and a unique arrangement of facial hair across the lower jaw, which no doubt commanded attention. The hair was neatly cut, and the strawberry blond was tied in a loose ponytail that fell to the middle of the back. The right eye bore a long-standing scar. He wore a plain t-shirt, shorts, and sandals, much like white Shinobi pants with silver kneepads and boots. A silver-colored coat, similar to a white cloak, was draped over the armor. Despite the simple attire, the body revealed a surprising level of fitness and tone, hinting at remarkable strength, and a long Katana was carried on the left hip side.

The first person is a striking figure, embodying a unique blend of elegance and strength. Standing at an average height for a kunoichi, the lean, muscular build speaks of years of rigorous training. The fair skin often contrasts beautifully with the dark shinobi attire. The hair is long, straight, and jet-black, often tied up in a high ponytail during missions for convenience. Strands of hair frame the face, softening the sharp features. The eyes are a deep blue, reminiscent of the misty mornings in the Hidden Mist Village, sparkling with determination and intelligence.

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