Chapter 1

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In the aftermath of a previous mission, the retrieval team dispatched to return the renegade Uchiha Sasuke returned to their village, battered but victorious. The team, originally composed of six members, had faced severe trials during their mission. Four of them had sustained critical injuries, while another was severely hurt but out of immediate danger. The last member of the team had escaped with only a broken finger.

Despite the severity of their injuries, all members were on a steady path to recovery, showing no signs of lasting damage. This remarkable healing was attributed to the exceptional medical skills of the Godaime Hokage, Tsunade, also known as The Slug Queen. Her expertise in medical ninjutsu was renowned throughout the ninja world, and her skills ensured the team's survival and swift recovery.



Several days had passed since Team Shikamaru, named after their leader, had returned from their successful S Class retrieval mission. The object of their mission, Uchiha Sasuke, was now confined to a bed in Konoha Hospital. He was restrained, his chakra temporarily sealed off along with his Sharingan, a unique ocular jutsu possessed by members of his clan. His curse seal, a dangerous power bestowed upon him by the rogue ninja Orochimaru, had been personally sealed by Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin, making it nearly impossible for Sasuke to use it.

Security measures were stringent. ANBU guards, elite ninjas who served directly under the Hokage, were stationed outside the door and the window of Sasuke's room, following Tsunade's orders. Sasuke was a prisoner in his village, unable to do anything but stare at the hospital room's ceiling.

One day, a member of his retrieval team entered Sasuke's hospital room with a giant grin on his face. This was none other than Uzumaki Naruto, the person who had thwarted Sasuke's attempt to gain the power he believed he needed to avenge his clan and kill his brother, Itachi. In response to Naruto's grin, Sasuke could only turn and glare, his frustration and resentment clear in his eyes. The tension between the two former teammates was palpable, a testament to the complex friendship, rivalry, and enmity that bound them together.

Naruto sighed, his gaze softening as he watched Sasuke struggle against his bonds. He had hoped that Sasuke would see the truth about Orochimaru's intentions, but the thirst for revenge had blinded his former teammate.

"Are you all right, Sasuke? How are you feeling?" Naruto asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Sasuke's response was a growl, his eyes flashing with anger and frustration. "What do you think?" he spat out, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Naruto chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. "Well, I did say that I was going to break your arms and legs and drag you back to the village if I had to," he joked, recalling his words from their previous encounter.

But Sasuke was not in the mood for jokes. He thrashed on the bed, his body jerking forward as he tried to free himself from the restraints. His actions were futile but spoke volumes about his determination and stubbornness. Despite everything, he was still the same Sasuke that Naruto knew - stubborn, determined, and unwilling to give up. Naruto could only hope that Sasuke would see the error of his ways and choose a different path. But for now, he could only stand by his side, offering his support and friendship, even if it was not welcomed.

Sasuke's anger was palpable, his words echoing in the sterile hospital room. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY DOBE? DO YOU? LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME! MY CHAKRA, THE CURSE SEAL, AND MY SHARINGAN ARE ALL SEALED OFF, AND I'M STRAPPED TO THIS FUCKING BED!" he roared, his voice filled with rage and frustration.

Naruto, however, remained calm. "I told you that I wasn't gonna let you go to Orochimaru," he answered, his voice steady. "I'm trying to protect you from him, and I was trying to save you from yourself. Do you think that he would've given you the power to kill your brother without a price? Think about it, teme."

Sasuke sneered at Naruto's words, his eyes flashing with defiance. "If I weren't strapped to this fucking bed, I'd kill you right now," he threatened.

Naruto looked at Sasuke, surprised by his words. "What?" he asked, taken aback by Sasuke's hostility. Despite everything, Naruto still hoped for a reconciliation with his former teammate. But Sasuke's words made it clear that the road to reconciliation would be long and challenging. Naruto knew he had to stay vital for both himself and Sasuke.

The tension in the room was palpable as Sasuke's words echoed in the silence. "I'll kill you. If I ever see you again, Dope, I'll kill you," he snarled, his voice filled with venom. Naruto could only respond with a plea, "Damn it, Sasuke, I'm trying to help you!" But his words fell on deaf ears.

Sasuke was resolute. "I don't need your help. I don't need Konoha. I don't need anything except the power to kill my brother. That's all I care about," he declared, his voice filled with determination and anger. He spat out the following words, "You dare to lecture me! I'm an avenger, and you will always be a DOBE!"

His anger didn't stop there. "You'll never understand how I feel; you were born with nothing! No parents, no family, no Clan... I had all that, and then it was taken away from me by the person I admired most in the world, the person I wanted to be like and surpass more than anything, my fucking brother!" His words were a raw display of his pain and resentment. "So don't you dare think you can understand me or how I feel because you'll never be able even to comprehend what it's like to have everything you cherish ripped away from you? Because you dope, never had anything to begin with, I don't want you or anyone else's help. Now get out of my sight!" Sasuke roared his words echoing in the room.

Naruto could only sigh in response. He had tried his best to reach out to Sasuke to help him see reason. But Sasuke seemed too consumed by his quest for revenge to see anything else. Naruto left the room with a heavy heart, leaving Sasuke alone with his thoughts. The journey to bring Sasuke back had been successful, but the journey to get him back to his old self was far from over.

Next Day

Naruto stood at the familiar meeting spot of Team Seven, anticipation bubbling within him as he waited for Sakura. He had expected gratitude, maybe even a smile, for bringing Sasuke back. But what he received was far from it.

As Sakura came into view, Naruto smiled and walked towards her, ready to greet her. But he barely got to say "Hey Sakura..." before she lashed out at him with a left hook. The punch landed squarely on the side of his face, causing his head to reel back in shock. A hand instinctively rose to cradle his stinging cheek, his features contorted in surprise.

Sakura's words were as harsh as her punch. "How could you do that to Sasuke-kun?" she screeched, her voice filled with anger and accusation. "I asked you to bring him back, and what do you do? You almost kill him!" Her words were like daggers, each one stabbing into Naruto's heart. "It's a miracle that he can still recover for active duty after what you did! I thought you were his friend."

For ten minutes, Sakura let out her rage at Naruto, punching and kicking him relentlessly. But Naruto, being the person he was, just sat there and took it. He didn't raise his fists to defend himself or strike back. He just sat there, enduring the physical and verbal onslaught.

Finally, Sakura looked down at him, her eyes filled with contempt. "I hate you, Uzumaki Naruto. You're nothing but a monster. I don't ever want to see you again," she spat out, her words filled with venom. With that, she turned and stomped away, leaving Naruto alone with his thoughts.

If she had stayed longer, she would have heard the sound of his heartbreak and seen the tears falling from his eyes. But she didn't. Naruto was left alone, his heart heavy with the weight of Sakura's words and the reality of the situation. Despite everything he had done, he still seemed to need to be understood and accepted by the people he cared about most.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out Peace,


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