Chapter 7

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Naruto's Apartment

Upon reaching Naruto's apartment, Tsunade and Shizune were met with a scene of disarray. The door had been broken down, and the sound of crying echoed through the silent night. They rushed in, turning on the lights to reveal Hinata, the young Hyuga heiress, sobbing uncontrollably on the floor next to the small kitchen table. A life-like paper-mache figure of Naruto lay on the floor next to his bed, a stark reminder of the friend they had lost.

Tsunade quickly moved to comfort Hinata, kneeling beside the distraught girl. "Hinata, what's wrong? Where's Naruto?" she asked, her voice filled with worry. But Hinata could only clutch at Tsunade's robe, burying her face in Tsunade's chest as her sobs grew louder.

As Tsunade tried to soothe Hinata, she noticed a crumpled piece of paper on the floor. Picking it up, she realized it was a note from Naruto. As she read it, her own eyes welled up with tears. The pain in Naruto's words was palpable, and Tsunade couldn't help but join Hinata in her grief, holding the young girl close for comfort.

Shizune, witnessing the heart-wrenching scene, picked up the piece of paper that Tsunade had dropped. Reading Naruto's note, she felt a wave of sadness wash over her. Naruto, whom she viewed as a younger brother, was now alone and in pain. She felt the urge to join Tsunade and Hinata in their tears, but she knew that now was not the time for tears.

Instead, she steeled herself, knowing they needed to be vital for Naruto.

The sudden appearance of the ANBU squad, assigned to watch over Naruto, added a new layer of complexity to the situation. They had been observing from the shadows, aware of the young girl's feelings for Naruto. Her frequent spying on Naruto and her tendency to faint whenever she tried to talk to him had become a running joke among the ANBU squads. Some even had a betting pool on when she would finally gather the courage to confess her feelings or when Naruto would notice her affection.

The ANBU division had been informed of Naruto's banishment due to its role in village security, but they were sworn to secrecy until Naruto left the village. Like most of the ANBU division, the squad disagreed with the Council's decision. They knew Naruto was not the Kyuubi and understood the intricacy and skill involved in the Yondaime's seal. They had watched over Naruto long enough to see him as a young boy carrying a heavy burden.

When they saw the girl break into Naruto's apartment and heard her crying, they grew concerned. They were about to intervene, but the arrival of the Hokage and Shizune made them hold back. When they heard more crying, specifically the Hokage crying with Hinata, they decided it was time to step in and investigate. The situation was escalating, and they knew they had to act.

"Shizune-san, what has happened? Why are the Hokage and Hinata-san crying, and where is Uzumaki-san?" asked the leader of the ANBU squad, who wore a bear ANBU mask.

Shizune answered, "Naruto is gone."

The ANBU captain could not mask the surprise in his voice, "But how? My squad and I have been watching his apartment the entire time. We never saw him leave; we even checked on him an hour ago when we looked through his window and saw him asleep in his bed".

"You most likely saw that in his bed," answered Shizune, pointing at the life-size paper-mache Naruto on the floor.

"Plus, Naruto probably has a secret escape hatch or something in here, just in case, since I'm sure you all know how resourceful he can be," said Shizune.

All four ANBU nodded in agreement.

"Do you wish for us to look for him and try and find him?" asked the ANBU captain.

"Why bother? Naruto is probably long gone by now. He is going to be banished tomorrow anyway. Why not let him get a head start? Even if you bring him back, the Council is just going to make a spectacle of him tomorrow in front of the village, and I, for one, do not want to see that," said Shizune.

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