Chapter 2

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Hokage Office

Council Chambers

Naruto had been summoned to the council chambers, where important decisions regarding the village and its shinobi were made. His entrance was met with surprise as a dead, miserable tone replaced his usually vibrant demeanor. "You wished to speak to me?" he asked, his voice devoid of energy.

This change in Naruto's behavior was noticed, especially by Tsunade, the Godaime Hokage. She found herself wondering about the cause of this drastic change. "What's wrong with Naruto? He's not himself; something must have happened. I'll have to ask when we're done here," she thought, concern evident in her thoughts.

Elder Council member Mitokado Homura addressed Naruto, confirming they had summoned him. "Yes, we summoned you here," he said. "The Council has finished reading the reports given to us by you and your teammates, the Suna team, as well as Rock Lee and your sensei, Hatake Kakashi's report."

He continued, expressing the council's concerns about the mission. "Although we're pleased that a mission of this level was completed by a freshly ordained Chunin and a team of four Genin, we have some concerns regarding the reports on the battle between you and your teammate Uchiha Sasuke."

Naruto felt a cold feeling worm its way into his gut as he asked, "What concerns?"

Elder Council member Utatane Koharu replied, "What has us concerned is that you used a large amount of the Kyuubi's chakra in your battle and caused a great deal of destruction to the Valley of the End."

Naruto defended himself, explaining that he had no choice but to use the Kyuubi's chakra due to Sasuke's use of the curse seal's power. He also pointed out that he was only trying to capture Sasuke, who was intent on killing him. To prove his point, Naruto lifted his shirt and showed the Council the scars from the two Chidori (One Thousand Birds) that Sasuke had rammed through his chest, one of which was dangerously close to his heart. The sight of the scars served as a stark reminder of the intense battle that had taken place between the two former teammates.

Several of the assembled Clan Heads, namely Akimichi Choza, Nara Shikaku, and Inuzuka Tsume, could not help but feel for the boy since all their sons had been on that team. One of them had been critically wounded, like Naruto, and many others were severely hurt.

"While that is acceptable, Uzumaki, we still have our concerns, namely the words of your report, specifically when you were calling on the Kyuubi's chakra, you stated that you were feeling great anger and rage. You also mentioned that the Kyuubi's chakra intensified your anger, which, according to the reports, led to Uchiha Sasuke's current condition," said the old one-eyed Elder Danzo Shimura.

"We're aware that this isn't the first time you were on the verge of losing control of yourself when using the Kyuubi's chakra. The reports from Team Seven's mission to Nami no Kuni (Wave Country) mentioned your struggles against a Hyōton (Ice Release) user, partner of A rank missing ninja Momochi Zabuza, in which, as stated by your sensei Hatake Kakashi, you released a large amount of the Kyuubi's chakra and nearly lost control. However, you managed to regain control in the end before you could harm your teammates and sensei. This time, however, you could not stop yourself before severely injuring Uchiha Sasuke, which is why this meeting." Danzo finished, studying the young blonde intently with his eye.

The council chambers were tense as Tsunade, the Godaime Hokage, vehemently defended Naruto. "Now, hold on just a minute!" she exclaimed, her fists slamming onto the table, causing a resonating echo. "You're not going to try to pin any of the trouble caused by the Uchiha on Naruto!" Her voice was filled with indignation, her protective instincts for her village and its shinobi flaring up.

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