Chapter 6

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Hyuga compound

Hinata, the young heiress of the Hyuga clan, was in a state of deep distress. The news of Naruto's banishment by the Council had hit her hard, especially since Naruto was someone she deeply admired. The fact that her father had been the deciding vote in Naruto's banishment added to her anguish.

Her father's explanation that Naruto was a threat to the village's safety and that she would soon understand the truth did little to alleviate her pain. He advised her to forget about Naruto and focus on mastering Jūken and preparing to become the head of the clan, warning her of the possibility of becoming a Branch member otherwise.

However, Hinata's concerns lay elsewhere. She didn't care about becoming the clan head or the threat of becoming a Branch member. All she wanted was for Naruto to be allowed to stay in the village. The pain of not being able to bid him goodbye, a decision enforced by her father, was a bitter pill to swallow. Earlier, she had asked her sensei, Kurenai, to deliver a bento she had made to Naruto.

As her sobs subsided, Hinata found herself gazing into the night sky, a sense of resolution washing over her. She knew what she had to do next. Despite the circumstances, she was determined to navigate this tricky situation—her feelings for Naruto and her desire to do what was right guided her resolve. The path ahead was uncertain, but Hinata was ready to face whatever came her way.

"No more crying. I have to be strong! If this village is going to force Naruto-kun out, I won't let him go until I tell him how I feel about him. This is maybe the last chance I have," thought Hinata.

Silently, Hinata sneaked out of the compound and headed towards Naruto's apartment.

Naruto Apartment

Hinata, the young heiress of the Hyuga clan, arrived at Naruto's apartment with a heavy heart. She knocked on the door and waited, but there was no response. Her worry mounted, and she hit several more times, but still, silence greeted her.

Desperate, she activated her Byakugan, a unique visual jutsu of the Hyuga clan, to see if Naruto was inside. She saw a figure resembling Naruto sleeping in his bed and was about to knock again. However, she noticed something amiss - the figure had no chakra pathways, indicating that it wasn't Naruto.

Fear gripped her heart as she broke down the door and rushed inside, only to find a life-sized doll made of paper mache in Naruto's bed. The realization that Naruto was not there hit her hard. She frantically searched the apartment for any sign of him and found a note that he had left behind.

As she read the note, the reality of Naruto's departure sank in. Overwhelmed by a wave of sorrow, she collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her face. The apartment, once filled with Naruto's presence, now stood empty, a stark reminder of the friend she had lost.

Sake All Night Bar

Tsunade, the legendary Sannin and a figure of immense strength and resilience was in despair. She was seated alone in the corner of a sake bar, surrounded by at least fifteen empty sake bottles. She had been there for about five hours, attempting to drown her sorrows over the banishment of Naruto, who was like a surrogate little brother to her.

As she slurred a request for another bottle of sake to the bartender, a familiar voice interjected. "No. She's had enough, so don't bother." The voice belonged to Shizune, Tsunade's loyal apprentice and confidante. Tsunade turned to face her, a frown etched on her face. "What do you want now, Shizune? Can't you let me drown out my sorrows?" she cried out.

Shizune, however, stood her ground. "No. We've been through this with Uncle Dan and your brother for far too long. I won't let you start again with Naruto," she responded firmly. She then moved towards Tsunade, lifting her out of the chair and leading her out into the night.

As they walked down the street, Shizune tried to reason with her mentor. "Come on, a bit of walking in the night air will clear your head so you can see how selfish you're being," she said. Tsunade, however, was not in the mood to listen. "What the fuck do you mean by that?" she retorted, irritation evident in her voice.

In response to Tsunade's outburst, Shizune did something unimaginable. She mustered all her strength and slapped Tsunade across the face. The sound of the slap echoed through the empty street.

When Tsunade turned her head back to face Shizune, she put her hand on her reddened cheek. A look of complete shock covered her face. She never expected Shizune to do something like this. Before Tsunade could come to her senses, Shizune started to speak.

"Look at you, leader of the strongest military power in the elemental nations, and you're here? Drinking your pain and feeling sorry for yourself. You did everything you could to put a stop to Naruto's banishment, and yet you have not even once gone see him. You know, in the morning, he will be leaving the village for good. Have you ever thought about how Naruto might feel right now, after everything he has gone through? He stayed, growing up in this village with all the abuse and hardship, just so that he could one day become a ninja and then accomplish his dream of becoming Hokage. All of which has now been stolen from him. He's being kicked out of the only home he's ever known, and once he leaves, he will be hunted by the Akatsuki, who will not stop until they extract the Kyuubi from him and kill him. So stop being so selfish and start thinking about someone else for a change! Naruto right now is alone and hurting, and he needs all the people he cares about around him to help him through this. Now, are you going to go to him, or are you going back to that bar again and try and drink your problems away again?" Shizune ranted.

Tsunade just stood there, still holding her red cheek. She could not move after letting Shizune rant. After a minute or two, she collapsed on the ground and started to cry. Shizune's words had finally sunken in and had hurt more than a punch in the gut or a kunai stab ever could.

"I-I-I.....It's just that I'm s-s-so tired of t-t-the village t-t-t-taking so m-m-many of the people I care about from me! First my Grandfather, t-t-t...then my Uncle, my b-b-brother, Dan-kun, Sarutobi-s-s-sensei, and now Naruto! Why does this village keep taking away the people I care most about?" sobbed Tsunade.

"I know it's hard, Tsunade-sama, but drinking your problems away like this won't solve anything, nor will feeling sorry for yourself."

Shizune helped her sensei up and said, "Now let's go to Naruto. I'm sure he could do with someone coming to talk to him and be with him right now".

Tsunade just nodded her head in agreement, and once she was on her feet, the two of them headed for Naruto's apartment.

As they walked, Tsunade suddenly said, "Thanks, Shizune. I needed someone to smack some sense into me".

"Anytime Tsunade-sama... I did enjoy smacking you, though," said Shizune with a smirk.

"I bet you did after all the trouble I caused you over the years. I'm glad you are still with me," replied Tsunade with a small smile.

"Always Tsunade-same, always," said Shizune with her smile.


Naruto Updated Harem:- 

Ei Uzumaki Namikaze, Kusanali, Kamisato Ayaka, Orihime, Uzumaki Fuu, Koyuki Kazahana, Shion, Shizuka, Robin, Siseta Senju, Kiyomi Uchiha, Rin Uchiha, Furina, Yugito Nii and many more.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out Peace,


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