Chapter 5

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After an hour of diligent searching in the Hokage's office, Naruto finally discovered a hidden compartment within the Hokage's desk. The compartment was secured with a combination lock, which took Naruto another half an hour to crack. The code turned out to be the date Konoha was founded, a detail that spoke volumes about the contents' importance.

The compartment contained several scrolls and documents, presumably holding significant and confidential information. Among these, Naruto found a document concerning his parents. The revelations within this document were so shocking and infuriating that Naruto had to physically restrain himself from screaming in rage. The truth about his parents, which he had sought for so long, had finally come to light, but it was far from the closure he had hoped for. It was a moment of bitter realization, a harsh truth that he had to confront. The surging emotions within him were a testament to the gravity of the revelations he had just uncovered.

"They lied to me...! Ero-sennin, Baa-chan, and the older man... they all lied right to my face. I'm the son of the fucking Yondaime Hokage, and they lied to me and stopped me from getting what was rightfully mine!" Naruto furiously thought.

Naruto's discovery of his family's wealth was a revelation that shook him to his core. The documents revealed that his family was among the three wealthiest in Konoha, even richer than the Asai and Amako families combined. This wealth did not even account for the inheritance from his mother, the heiress of the Uzumaki clan of Uzushiogakure, which had collapsed after the Second Great Shinobi War. The combined fortunes of his parents placed Naruto on par with Gato, making him one of the wealthiest individuals in the entire Elemental continent.

The realization that he had been living a life of scarcity while a vast fortune rightfully belonging to him lay untouched was infuriating. The village had withheld his inheritance, denied him the knowledge of his family and their name, and relegated him to a subpar apartment when he was the rightful owner of a large estate.

Adding to his anger were two bitter truths: his father had been responsible for sealing the Kyuubi inside him, leading to a life of hardship, and Jiraiya, his godfather, had failed to care for him.

Amid his anger and frustration, Naruto opened a scroll containing a hastily written letter from his father, the Yondaime. The messy handwriting indicated it was written hastily, presumably before the Kyuubi was sealed into him. The contents of this letter remained to be seen, but it promised to shed more light on the circumstances of Naruto's past.

My dear Naruto,

If you are reading this letter, it means that Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, has deemed you ready to uncover the truth about your origins. You are my son, the son of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

As I pen down these words, a fierce battle against the Kyuubi is underway. I am aware that I may not survive this encounter. Your mother, my beloved wife, was Uzumaki-Namikaze Kushina. Tragically, she passed away due to complications during your birth.

Please know that your mother and I loved you unconditionally when you entered this world. Our only regret is that we won't be there to witness your growth, to share in your joys and sorrows. We leave behind everything we own in this world for you.

You must be aware that I sealed the Kyuubi inside you. I chose you, my flesh and blood, because I couldn't bear to ask another family to make such a monumental sacrifice. How could I request another parent to offer their child as a vessel for the Kyuubi when I had a son of my own?

Another reason for my decision was my hope that you would harness the power of the Kyuubi to protect our village. I hoped that you would grow to love Konoha as much as I did and defend it against threats like Uchiha Madara, one of the founders of our village. Madara, who once battled the First Hokage, possesses the power to summon and control the Kyuubi. It was he who brought the Kyuubi to Konoha.

As I conclude this letter, I want you to know that if you harbor resentment towards me for the life I've chosen for you, I don't blame you. But remember, my love for you is unwavering and eternal. I wish you a life filled with happiness and longevity.

With all my love, Your father, Namikaze Minato

Naruto's voice was tinged with anger as he addressed his father's letter. "Well, Father, it seems that the village let you down. They treated me worse than any outcast. They treated me like the plague, and I had to pay the price for my idealism and inability to face reality. And yet, I can't hate you for it."

He carefully placed his father's letter aside and unrolled another scroll. This one contained a letter from his mother. As he read through the heartfelt words, small tears began to fall from his eyes.

With a determined look on his face, Naruto made a solemn vow. "I swear, Mother and Father, I will not let both of you down. I will make both of you proud and restore our family's legacy."

After finishing the letters, Naruto quickly resealed them in the scrolls and returned everything to the hidden compartment. These were just copies, according to his mother's letter. The originals and several other essential scrolls his mother mentioned were safely stored at his family estate. His resolve was more vital than ever. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Namikaze Estate

After a 30-minute journey, Naruto found himself standing in front of an estate that was now his. The sight was overwhelming. The mansion was colossal, towering four stories high, surrounded by expansive gardens. It was so large that it could easily accommodate up to two hundred people.

"I own all this, and yet Konoha places me in a one-roomed run down, cockroach-infested shithole." Naruto thought bitterly.

With a swift cut of his finger, Naruto smeared his blood on the seal of the gate, causing it to open. He stepped into the courtyard and made his way into the mansion. Inside, he was greeted by a vast hallway. He quickly began his search for the library and the desk his mother had mentioned in her letter.

After some searching, he found a locked door with another seal. Using more of his blood, he unlocked it, revealing a massive room filled with scrolls of various kinds. However, he didn't linger there. He went straight to the desk, opened a drawer, and spread more of his blood on another seal. A secret compartment revealed itself.

Inside the compartment, he found the eight scrolls mentioned in his mother's letter. After retrieving these, Naruto decided to take a few more scrolls that he thought might be useful later. He chose several on taijutsu, a few on kenjutsu, and some on sealing. Given his inability to use chakra, he figured he should find alternative ways to defend himself.

Once he had collected the scrolls, Naruto resealed the library door and the main gate, ensuring no one could access the estate until he returned. As he left, he solemnly vowed to reclaim what was rightfully his, no matter what.

Naruto's return to his apartment was swift and unobserved, a testament to his skills in stealth. He had decided to leave immediately, refusing to give the satisfaction of his expulsion to the Council members who had wronged him. His resolve was firm, fueled by a mix of resentment and determination.

He quickly gathered his belongings, stuffing essentials into his backpack. His movements were efficient and purposeful, reflecting his readiness to embark on this new journey. Among the items he packed were mementos of his past, reminders of the life he was leaving behind, and tools for the uncertain future that awaited him.

He paused before disappearing through the hatch door, a secret escape route he had devised for situations like this. In a final act of defiance, he scribbled a quick message on paper. The message on his kitchen table was meant for anyone who would venture into his apartment after his departure. It was a silent testament to his presence, a final word left behind where he once called home.

As Naruto slipped into the night, he was unaware of how close he had come to crossing paths with a late-night visitor. Their paths might have crossed if he lingered for just two minutes longer. But fate had other plans, and Naruto was already on his way, stepping into the unknown with a vow to reclaim what was rightfully his. His departure marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in his life, filled with promises, challenges, and the relentless pursuit of justice. His journey had just begun.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace,


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