Chapter 3

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"WHAT!" Tsunade roared in disbelief.

"Wait! Even if we banish the boy, we're handing him to the Akatsuki. If it can be called that, this plan will not eliminate the threat that the Akatsuki poses. All this will do is give them more power and further aid their goals, making them an even bigger threat than they are now. I'm afraid I also have to disagree fundamentally and professionally with your blasé treatment of Naruto. To throw a young ninja of our village to the wolves in this manner, despite all that he has accomplished, is an insult against everything Konoha stands for." declared Chouza in righteous anger.

Tsunade and Naruto smiled, glad they had support and happy that someone else could see reason.

"THAT IS NO BOY! HE IS A DEMON, PLAIN AND SIMPLE!" shouted out Ashikaga Shin, head of the merchant guild in Konoha.

He had lost his only daughter, a young kunoichi, his pride and joy, on the night of the Kyuubi attack and held a great deal of hatred for Naruto. Shin's bias against Naruto prompted him to have Naruto banned from the majority of shops and restaurants that served the village, or instead of outright banning him, the merchants only gave him the worst things they had and even overcharged him for them. Ichiraku Ramen and Mikumo Ninja Gears and Weapons store were the only businesses that weren't like this.

The council chambers were filled with tension and disbelief as the discussion continued. Mikumo Tenshin, the owner of the Mikumo Ninja Gear and Weapons store, was known throughout the village for his exceptional craftsmanship. His reputation made him untouchable, even though he was a member of the Merchant's Guild. The most Ashikaga Shin could do to Ichiraku Teuchi, the owner of the beloved ramen shop, was to prevent him from expanding his business within the village. However, this did little to deter Teuchi. Furthermore, Shin was secretly intimidated by the old ramen chef, especially after an incident where he had insulted Naruto in Teuchi's presence and ended up with a broken jaw.

Inoichi, Ino's father, disagreed with the council's plan. "You lot are all fools. If we listen to you, we'll be giving the most powerful and destructive force that we know to a bunch of criminals," he argued, referring to the Akatsuki. He expressed his doubts about the benefits of handing over the Bijū to the Akatsuki, not just for Konoha but for all the villages and countries in the Elemental continent.

However, Koharu seemed unfazed by Inoichi's concerns. She assured him that they had considered the possibility of the Akatsuki capturing Naruto. "Do not worry about handing over the power of the Kyuubi to the Akatsuki, Yamanaka-san. Both Danzo and I have considered that they would likely capture the container," she said. She revealed that they had a plan that would be activated once Naruto was banished, which would eliminate the threat of the Akatsuki at the same time.

Tsunade, however, needed convincing. "And what exactly is this great plan of yours that will eliminate nine S-class criminals in one go?" she snarled, her skepticism clear. The council chambers were filled with a heavy silence as everyone awaited Koharu's response. The fate of Naruto and the safety of Konoha hung in the balance as the council deliberated on this drastic proposal.

The council chambers were tense as Danzo responded to Tsunade's outrage with a barely visible smirk. "I'm sorry, Tsunade, but considering how sensitive this plan is and how vital it is to the village's security, we cannot tell you now. And due to your relationship with the container, we'll inform you and the rest of the Council once we feel the time is right," he said, his words hanging heavy in the air.

Tsunade could only glare at the old war hawk, her eyes burning with suppressed rage and an overwhelming urge to rob Danzo of his remaining eyes and limbs. Her anger was palpable, but she was helpless in the face of the council's decision.

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