C h a p t e r 7:

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Morgana's P.O.V.

"I'll take Natasha and Clint-" I cut Rogers off.

"Don't forget me Oldie!" I yelled from the kitchen, walking towards him.

"And Morgana." He added, as I smirked to myself.

"Alright, strictly recon. I'll hit the NExus and join you as soon as I can." said Tony.

"So if Ultron is really building a body-" Steve started.

"He'll probably be more powerful than any of us." Stark finished. "Maybe all of us."

"That would be no surprise." I muttered as I munched on some cookies.

"You know, I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me." Steve said.

"I'll drop Banner off at the tower. Do you mind if I borrow Ms. Hill?" asked Fury as he was putting his coat on.

"She's all yours." answered Steve.

"What are you going to do?" Tony asked.

"I dunno, something dramatic I hope." said Fury, as he exited the house.

I followed Capitan Rojo, Blanco, y Azul out the door, to the Quinjet. (Captain Red, White, and Blue). Shortly after, mom and Barton followed us.

"Wake me up when me get there." I said, as I closed my eyes for a little nap.

"Didn't you get enough sleep last night?" I opened my eyes as I was asked a question.

"Yah, but I guess I'm kinda tired." I admitted.

"Tired of what, doing nothing?" said Barton as he smirked at me.

"I don't like your attitude Mr." I answered, a bit hurt.


"Cap, we're about three minutes out. We'll drop you off on Cho's building, got it?" said Nat from the Pilot's seat. I then followed Rogers towards the back.

"And where do YOU think you're going?" asked Widow.

"I ain't staying here." I responded.

"Uh yes you are, so don't even think about leaving young lady."

"Watch me." And with that, I jumped out of the jet, quickly followed by Captain America.

"If that was my child, she wouldn't be talking to me like that. But like she's not, that's your problem." I heard Clint comment through the ear piece, as Momma Widow just sighed.

We landed on the building, and ran towards the doors. I then retracted my claws and headed inside the laboratories, after Rogers. After finding the door with the name Dr. Cho on it, we entered, only to find bodies scattered along with blood.

"Dr.Cho!" exclaimed Cap, as both he and I ran over to her.

"H-He's uploading himself into the body." she tried to talk.

"What?" I asked her.

"You can't blow it up- it's stone will destroy the country. You need to cancel the uploading process." she warned us.

"Dr. Cho we will take care of it, but first we need to know where he is."

"Taking it to a jet. Leaving. In a truck." she explained, trying to catch her breath.

"We need to go kid." said Rogers as he looked at me. I nodded and ran out of the room. We then both went outside and started climbing the stairs up to the roof of the building.

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