C h a p t e r 13:

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*Two days later*

Morgana's P.O.V.

I woke up, cranky, as the fire alarm had been set off and the noise was unbearable. What the hell, I thought, this isn't cool at all.

Looking at the clock besides my bed, it read 3:30 a.m. in big letters.

Pushing my covers aside, I hurridly put on my slippers and ran out the door. The others had also heard the noise and were looking for the source of it.

"I'm going to kill whoever is making all of this damn noise." muttered Natasha, as I ran side-by-side with her.

"Not unless the others kill the person first." I replied, finally making it to the living room.

Already there was: Steve, The Twins, and Vision. Clint was at home with Laura, Rhodes was somewhere else, and Thor was in Asgard.

"Who made all the commotion?" asked Wanda, between yawns.

"I have no idea." answered Steve. I felt someone staring at me, only to find Rogers being the person.

"What?" I asked him. He looked away blushing.

"You wouldn't have something to cover you a bit more, would you?" I was confused at first, then looked down at my clothes.

He was referring to my muscle tee, black sports bra and plaid print pajama pants.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Steve, I ran out of the room in a hurry. I couldn't grab anything but my slippers. So chill."

"Here have my jacket." Pietro offered. I smiled at him and took it, putting the Pietro-scented jacket on.

"So who the hell woke us up?" Natasha asked, as someone entered the room.

"Sorry about that guys. I don't know what had happened with one of my expirements I was trying to do." We all turned around to see Stark looking at us sheepishly.

"You bastard, some of us were getting our beauty sleep until you woke us up." I glared at him.

"What were you doing anyways?" asked Steve.

"I was working on an expirement, but it obviously failed. I'll try later again though." answered Tony.

"Yes, you do that when everyone's asleep." Warned Natasha.

"Yes ma'am."

"Well I'm going back to sleep, good night." I yawned and started walking towards my room again.

"Can I join you?" Turning around, I saw Pietro cheekily grinning.

"Nooo, you cannot! Go to your own room."

"But Wanda kicked me out. Come on, I let you borrow my amazing jacket!" He tried to reason, to which I rolled my eyes.

"And you can have it back." I replied, taking the jacket off.


"Pietro no. I'm tired and really want to get back the minutes wasted. Good Night." Before I made and illusion and took it's in my room, I heard Pietro sigh.


The next time I woke up, it was 9:30 a.m.. Much better, I thought.

Getting up, I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After doing that I changed into black running shorts and a black t-shirt.

Then, I grabbed my shoes and put them on. When I was done, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail.

Looking satisfied in the mirror, I went out of the room and towards the kitchen. (Without going somewhere else or having someone take me there).

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